The emphasis of acupuncture is prevention, not so much a cure but to keep the body in balance. It gives you the ability to live long and have a healthy life, who does not want that? The earliest known account of acupuncture is in the document Nei Jing or The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine. It is said it is from around 200 BC and is known to be the oldest medical book in the world. Pien Chueh used acupuncture to bring a prince out of a coma by using stone acupuncture needles, herbs and moxibustion (a burning of cone shaped cylinder of downy or wooly material.) he is still held in high esteem and the Chinese celebrate his birthday every April 28th.
It is used to regulate the flow of chi to restore the health. Acupuncture helps with the blood pressure, circulation and the production of red and white blood cells. It releases hormones that will help the body accept injuries and stress, relieving it all. Pain signals are passed through a number of ‘gates’ from the injury and goes through the spinal cord up to the brain. This is where the needles come in as pain needs to find a ‘hole’ in which to escape from the body before reaching the brain. The Yin and Yang is further refined into the system with five elements so that one can gain an understanding of how acupuncture really works. Many will take acupuncture treatments and will state that it works for them.