Mar 25, 2011 Posted Under: Asthma

Should You Use a Spacer With Your Inhaler?

If you use an inhaler, you may want to consider using a spacer with it. A spacer consists of a plastic tube with a mouth piece on one end and a hole on the other to insert the mouthpiece of the inhaler into it. You use the inhaler the same way you normally would, except you place your mouth on the mouthpiece of the spacer when inhaling the medication.

Why should you invest in a spacer, or even take the trouble to use one?

There are three main reasons.

1) Using a spacer maximizes the availability of the medication from the inhaler that gets into your lungs. When you use an inhaler by itself, there are many things you can do wrong to prevent all of the medication from getting into your airways. Many people do not hold their breath after using the inhaler, or do not inhale slowly enough for all of the medication to reach the lungs. Even if you use it correctly, there are large particles which get caught in the back of your mouth and throat that when swallowed cause side effects.

This leads the the next reason,

2) Using a spacer decreases the amount of side effects you may have from using your inhaler by itself. The spacer blocks the large particles from leaving and only allows the small particles to enter your airways directly. Finally,

3) Using a spacer can reduce the risk of getting thrush-an oral fungal infection-from using a corticosteroid inhaler such as fluticasone (Flovent).

In addition to using a spacer to prevent thrush, make sure to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth right after using this type of medication.

Manufacturers recommend to change spacers every 6-12 months, but if taken care of (proper washing and hygiene), they can be used for years. Would I recommend a spacer to patients who use an inhaler? YES-they CAN be affordable and they really take away the uncertainty of proper use of the inhaler. There are a few different brands available, and if you try to buy them at a regular pharmacy you will usually find that they are very expensive (around $35-$50 dollars). In addition, many insurance plans do not cover spacers. However, you can get the same one you would buy at the pharmacy on the internet for much cheaper. For example, I have seen a few on Amazon for around $12.

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Mar 25, 2011 Posted Under: Diabetes

The Ultimate Diabetes Superfood

Move over green tea and blueberries, there’s a new diabetes superfood in town: almonds. A new study out of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey found that almonds reduce the Type 2 diabetes risk and make diabetics more sensitive to insulin.

Here’s why a handful (or two) of almonds a day can keep the endocrinologist away:

Insulin Sensitivity: Scientists aren’t sure why, but a yet to be discovered compound in almonds boosts your cell’s ability to use insulin and clear glucose (sugar) from the body. The importance of this can’t be overstated as poor insulin sensitivity and high sugar levels are the underlying cause of heart disease and kidney failure in Type 2 diabetics.

While losing weight and exercising are a must for reducing blood sugar levels, almonds seem to work after a few “doses”… much faster than most other approaches for keeping tabs on blood sugar.

“Good” Fats: Fat phobia should have gone out of style in the 1990s along with the Spice Girls. Sadly, many health care professionals continue to cling to the notion that fat is bad for you. For diabetics in particular, nothing could be further from the truth. Unlike carbs and even certain sources of protein, fats barely make a dent in blood sugar levels.

But this doesn’t mean that spooning lard into your mouth is a wise idea. You want to get the majority of your fats in the form of healthy monounsaturated fats, which happen to be found in abundance in raw almonds.

Weight Loss: Type 2 diabetics that lose weight and keep it off have significantly lower blood sugar levels when compared to heavier diabetics. In fact, losing weight is one of the most crucial parts of diabetes management.

Purdue University researchers found that, while almonds are high in calories, they don’t contribute to weight gain or obesity. Purdue’s Richard Mattes thinks that the calories in almonds and other nuts aren’t as well absorbed as in other fatty foods.

Fiber: Fiber fills you up, clears out bad cholesterol levels and doles out carbohydrates more slowly into your blood stream. In addition to downing generous amounts of fruits and vegetables, adding almonds to your healthy diet is a fantastic way to give your body the extra fiber is needs.

Just a quarter-cup serving of almonds contains a little over four grams of dietary fiber.

Carb Blocker: Have you ever seen those supplements touted as carb blockers pushed on late night infomercials? It sounds too good to be true, and for the most part, it is. However, research published in Experimental Biology found that eating almonds with a carb rich meal blocked the digestion of carbs, resulting in better controlled blood sugar levels.

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Mar 22, 2011 Posted Under: Obesity

Help For Adolescent Obesity

If your child is struggling with adolescent obesity, it may be very heartbreaking for you to see them like that. Children are often cruel, and don’t develop proper empathy towards others until they are well into their teens and some don’t get there until they are adults. Teens with weight issues have a harder time with body image and they also feel the sting of people’s opinions about their weight more keenly than adults with the same problem. If your child is struggling with weight issues, you have to do something to help them, even if it means you have to turn your life around too.

There are some medical issues that can contribute to adolescent obesity, but most of the problems come from family genetics and poor diet and exercise programs. Children learn to eat from their parents, so if you have problems with your weight and you feed your children the same foods you are eating, they are going to have problems with adolescent obesity as well.

  • If you don’t make them play anything other than video games, they could have problems.
  • If your diets are very carbohydrate heavy, you end up in a vicious over-eating cycle that is hard to break, but for the sake of your child, you have to do it.

Instead of putting your child on a diet, which can harm their self esteem, you have to treat adolescent obesity with love and compassion. Never call your child fat or lazy. Remember, the habits they have they learned from you. Instead, concentrate on making more healthy choices for everyone in your home. That means changing what you eat, cooking at home more, and getting out as a family for activities like biking, hiking, and just walking. Don’t single the child out. Just change how things are done to give them a solid base from which to start fighting adolescent obesity.

Along with these lifestyle changes that can benefit the whole family, see your family doctor so that your child can have a full checkup. There could be some medical issues that need to be addressed. Some people develop something called insulin resistance (which is also known as pre-diabetes) that will lead to even more health problems. Adolescent obesity can be a sign of this. You want to continue making healthy changes, but your teen may also need some medical help to get the weight off and to learn how to make sure they keep it off in the long run.

Adolescent obesity is a huge problem in the world today, with the US having one of the biggest epidemics of unhealthy children. This should tell us all that our lifestyle in general is not what it should be.

We have to move away from processed and go for the fresh foods to live longer and healthier lives. If your teen battling with adolescent obesity does not learn now how to change things around, they could be facing a shorter life span than their parents and grandparents. That is not what any of us want for our nations children.

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Mar 20, 2011 Posted Under: Cancer

Your Basic Knowledge on Cancer

What is Cancer

Cancer is any malignant growth caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division. It is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are many different types of cancer; each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected. Cancer is harmful to the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps of tissue called tumors, which can grow and with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems, and they can release hormones alter body function. When a tumor spreads to other parts of the body and grows and destroying other healthy tissues, it is said to have metastasized, which results a serious condition

Classification of Cancer

Cancer is classified as below categories.

  • Carcinomas are cancers by cells that cover internal and external parts of the body include lung, breast, and colon cancer.
  • Sarcomas are characterized by cells that are located in bones, cartilage, fat, connective tissue, muscles, and other supportive tissues.
  • Lymphomas are cancers which begin in the lymph nodes and immune system tissues.
  • Leukemia’s are cancers which start in the bone marrow and often accumulate in the bloodstream
  • Adenomas are cancers arise in the thyroid, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and other glandular tissues.

Cancers are often referred by terms contain a prefix related to the cell type, cancer originated and a suffix such as sarcoma, carcinoma.

General symptoms of Cancer

Cancer is a disease that can give many symptoms or signs of an entirely different type of illness. Cancer cells will develop in organs where they will not manifest themselves so that; a tumor often doesn’t produce symptoms. Some cancer types create symptoms as below.

Excess in Fatigue changes occur in bowel movements, Pain with cancer, which are usually cancers of the bones, colon, and ovary. Unexpected loss of weight, chronic indigestion is a symptom of tumors in the stomach. Any symptom should not be ignored and for further check up, it is recommended that to see a physician.

How Cancer Diagnosed

Early detection of cancer can improve the odds of successful treatment. To diagnose cancer, physicians use information from symptoms and several other procedures.

Doctors conduct an endoscope, which is a procedure that uses a small tube with a camera and light at one end, to look for abnormalities inside the body imaging techniques means, X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, and ultrasound scans are used regularly to detect where the tumor is located and what organs will be affected by it. Absolute way to diagnose cancer is extracting cancer cells and looking at them under a microscope is the only, which is called a biopsy. To diagnose cancer, molecular diagnostics, biopsies, and imaging techniques are all used together.

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Mar 17, 2011 Posted Under: Mental Health

Attention Training Software for the Inattentive Subtype of ADHD

Software tools are often used to test and diagnose the attention problems seen in all types of ADHD but that are especially seen in people with The Inattentive subtype of ADHD. These test tools screen for our ability to divide our attention and our ability to screen out distractions. WM (WM) diagnostic tools not only test our attention capacity they may be used as a training tools to increase our attention span.

The main problem for people with The Inattentive subtype of ADHD (ADHD-PI) is what neurologist call working memory deficits. This term does not refer to our ability to remember it refers to what some neurologist call “divided attention capacity”. A working memory strengthening tool may help increase attention span by improving our divided attention capacity.

Multitasking is the ability to attend to more than one thing. It has gotten a bad reputation these days especially given that many people try to do more than one thing at once while they are driving, caring for young children, or performing other dangerous activities. The most reported danger of multitasking involves cell phone use and driving.

This is not the type of multitasking that I am referring to. I am referring to the ability to divide your attention between information that is coming from two or more different sources. For example being able to watch what is being written on the blackboard while also listening to what the teacher is saying.

For those of us with The Inattentive subtype of ADHD symptoms it is important that we increase attention span for both incoming verbal and visual information. Working memory strengthening tools help increase attention span by strengthening the parts of our brain, the pre-frontal cortex, that control our ability to divide attention.

Brain training is a multi-million dollar industry because people with the Inattentive subtype of ADHD are not the only people needing tools to help to increase attention span. There are several software tools that have been shown to improve our ability to divide our attention and to increase our attention span.

These tools have been found useful for improving the divided attention capacity of aging and teenage drivers. The most well known and respected auto club in the nation has even endorsed the use of these software tools because they have been found to decrease motor vehicle accidents.

Two companies have software tools that help increase attention span and that improve divided attention. The programs are called Drive Sharp and MindFit. Both these software programs are made by very reputable companies and they have both been tested and found to be effective in increasing attention span.

There are several online sites that have WM strengthening tools that are free and that have also been found to increase attention span. While programs you pay for have more bells and whistles, I have found the free online WM strengthening tools to be quite addictive and almost fun. My favorite is the Icy Lime WM strengthening tool but I have found all of the free tools useful for increasing attention span.

Many neurologists believe that the main problem in people with the Inattentive subtype of ADHD is a deficit of working memory which impairs their ability to divide attention when there are competing bits of visual and auditory stimulation. Fee online WM tools such as the tools called ‘DualTask’, ‘TaskSwitching’ and ‘IcyLime’ can help.

Performing the tasks on the WM tools that I have discussed can reinforce our working memory and increase attention span. Those of us with the Inattentive subtype of ADHD and with children who have ADHD-PI should make these tools a part of our ADHD treatment plan.

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Mar 16, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Hip Dislocations – Anterior and Posterior Types

Have you ever dislocated your hip?

Or, do you know someone that has dislocated their hip?

1.  Introduction

Hip dislocations can be generally classified into one of two types, either congenital or traumatic in nature (anterior and posterior dislocation to be discussed later on).

  • Congenital: The incidence of congenital hip dislocations is approximately 2-4 cases per every 1000 births. 80-85% of congenital cases will affect females. Hip dislocations that are congenital in nature are commonly the result of a femoral head or acetabular dysplasia.
  • Traumatic Hip Dislocations: Traumatic, high energy dislocations that are caused by blunt force also happen in the adult community. In addition to natural hip joints, prosthetic hip joints may dislocate with far less force. When a dislocation of the hip joint occurs, it is considered to be an orthopedic emergency. Timely treatment may reduce the negative side effects of a hip dislocation of this kind.

2. The Hip Joint

The hip is a joint is considered to be a ball-socket joint. The femoral head (top of the thigh bone) is normally situated deep within the acetabular socket. This is enhanced by the cartilaginous labrum that is present as well.

3. Causes of Hip Dislocations

  • MVC (Motor vehicle crashes) account for approximately two thirds of traumatic hip dislocations.
  • Falls and sports injuries are also common reasons why people suffer from a hip dislocation.

4. Anterior Dislocation

When an anterior disclocation occurs, the femoral head is located anterior (in front of) the acetabulum. The femoral head in these cases dislocates because of a hyperextension force (like bending your body back behind your legs) and an abducted leg (abduction is when the leg is away from midline).

5. Posterior Dislocation

Posterior dislocations of the hip account for approximately 80-90% of hip dislocations that are associated with motor vehicle crashes. During a MVC, a force can strike a flexed knee that hits the dashboard. This will then send a force up the femur to the hip. If however, the leg is straight and the knee is locked, the force can travel up the leg to the hip joint, as the force comes through the floorboard of the vehicle.

6. Hip Abduction Braces

Orthoses (braces) for the hip can help to secure an injured or unstable hip. These braces are best provided by a local, licensed orthotist and help to control excessive movements in the wrong direction during the healing process. The braces can help provide security to the hip when it is unstable after an injury has occurred.

*Note: This is health information. Medical advice on bracing should be provided to you by your local, licensed orthotist.

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Mar 15, 2011 Posted Under: Other

How Massage Therapy Works To Help People

Used for centuries, massage therapy provides both physical and emotional relief. It helps to heal by increasing blood flow and releasing built up emotions. Other benefits include relieving sore muscles and reducing stress. Practitioners that are licensed must take numerous courses prior to licensure and then even more after to fulfill continuing education requirements.

Natural remedies, such as touch, appeal to many people. They believe that an individual should not be overly reliant on prescription medications or technological medical procedures for most of their ailments. The elderly, athletes and people with a lot of stress usually find this type of procedure very beneficial.

The tendency to store emotions within the body is completely human. Once they build up, they cause aches in places that a person would not think would normally hurt. A regular occurrence of this for many is at the bottom of the neck, just between the shoulder blades. However, this is not the sole place that it occurs. Massage forces these emotions to be released from their storage areas and from the body itself.

During sessions, many people tend to get emotionally overwhelmed and without knowing why. They may begin crying or become angry with very little reason that they can see. However, the reason is the release of pent up emotions, which following the initial outset, will help the person to feel much more relaxed. Having regular sessions reduced the overwhelming nature of the releases.

Those who are athletic in nature, perhaps competing in races or working out frequently, tend to put added pressure on their joints, tendons, muscles and bones. Massage reduces inflammation, which causes pain and injury. As it is very beneficial for two key ailments of most athletes, shin splints and joint pain, it should be sought regularly.

The aging effects of a reduction in blood flow are apparent in the look of the skin. The epidermis is tremendously benefited from applied pressure. The elderly cannot only benefit in their exterior looks by increasing their blood flow, but also in the pain felt in their joints or from arthritis. These symptoms are often reduced by massage.

This type of therapeutic treatment has been very useful in helping women that experience water retention and cramping during their premenstrual cycle. It helps to provide a release for the fluids and get the blood moving better. For those carrying a child, it helps to relieve some of the pain associated with child birth. The power of touch has also been known to help lessen breathing and respiratory problems associated with asthma. This all has to do with the advantages of increasing the circulation of the blood.

For many purposes, massage therapy is not meant to replace modern medicine as a treatment. It is a holistic approach to staying healthy and reducing negative stress or symptoms that could be problematic in the future, causing a need for modern medicine. Everyone receives a session in a different way and has a different need for it. However, anyone that makes it a regular occurrence can benefit from its provisions.

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Mar 12, 2011 Posted Under: Mental Health

Services for Autistic Adults

Adults who continue to suffer with Autism have new and advantageous avenues they can choose from as opposed to years before. The health insurance providers together with the medical health care community offer a variety of services to help enhance the pleasures of life. Granted that many of the services offered are contingent to the state the individual resides, but the majority of services for adults who continue to suffer with Autism are nationwide.

  1. Medicaid funded health care treatments
  2. Non-vocational community services
  3. Sheltered work-shop programs
  4. A program to enhance independence
  5. Structured paid employment

The Medicaid-funded united health care treatments are especially designed for the individual who has the desire to learn and improve to the best of his or her ability. There are a variety of health programs offered that include registered nurses, physical therapists, psychologists, and speech therapists. This Medicaid-funded health treatment program works with each individual to ascertain the individual’s level of learning and comprehension.

Structured daily activities that will help with the individual’s coordination efforts in the hopes that one day he or she will have the capabilities required to hold down specified employment. This is a way for the medical health care community to help with teaching the individual ways to gain employment in a local grocery store, one of the local parks or any other community area.

The individual will continue with the learning process to help with increasing independence to a level that is appropriate for the individual. The individual with the assistance of a universal health care provider will learn to fine tune personal grooming habits, simple food preparation, and the necessary skills to understand the value of money and maintain a personal checking account.

The medical health community through the many providers also work closely with those autistic adults who want to learn the art of being a creative and productive citizen now that he or she has reached adulthood. A few of the skilled training will include a variety of responsibilities in a variety of different aspects of the employment world. Having the adult exposed to as many facets of daily living is what the health insurance provider is there to guide.

At the same time are adults with Autism enrolled and participate in any of the workshop programs is completely protected in all activities they want to learn and try their hand. The medical health provider will need to possess a great deal of understanding and patience to see the student through from start to finish.

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Mar 11, 2011 Posted Under: Diabetes

Guidelines for Living With Diabetes

Listed below are some diabetes guidelines that you can use to help you manage your diabetes and avoid the possible serious complications that are associated with this disease. Indian pharmacy – buy cheap viagra online.

Strategies for Diabetes Management

  • When you have diabetes it is essential that you exercise at least three to four times a week for between 20 to 40 minutes each time. Routine exercise has been proven to improve your blood sugars, decrease the risk of heart disease, and help you lose weight. Before starting any exercise program you will want to talk with your physician especially if you are experiencing any neuropathy or vision problems.
  • Eating a proper diet is essential. If you are having difficulty regulating your blood sugar levels you may want to visit with a dietitian on a regular basis to ensure that the foods you are eating are beneficial to your body and your glucose levels. You can find dietitians through your physician or hospital and they, along with your diabetes health care team, can assist you in finding a diet that is right for you.
  • It is vital that you get plenty of rest. Adhering to a routine schedule and getting enough sleep will help avoid stress and help you keep your blood sugar levels under control.
  • It is extremely important that you maintain your feet properly. You need to check your feet daily for any calluses, cracks, or sores. If you notice sores that do not heal in a timely manner, swelling that does not go down after you elevate your feet, redness, ulcers, or pus it is important to visit your physician immediately. Over half of all lower limb amputations are done on people who have diabetes but have neglected proper foot care.

The Importance of Diabetes Medications

  • It is important to your health that you take any prescribed medications on time and on the schedule that was prescribed by your physician.
  • You also need to understand your medications and recognize the side effects and how they work in conjunction with each other as well as how they work with any dietary supplements you may be taking. Prior to beginning any dietary supplement you need to check with your physician to see how it will interact with any medications you are currently taking as well as how it may affect your glucose levels.

Strategies for Controlling Your Blood Sugar Levels

  • As you should be aware, maintaining normal blood sugar levels is essential. You always want to try to keep your blood sugar levels in the range recommended by your health care provider at all times. Use your glucose meter as recommended by your doctor yet when you are ill you will want to use it more often. If your numbers stay elevated over an extended period of time or fall below recommended levels you should call your doctor immediately.
  • It is important to keep a log of your blood sugar levels, what you eat during the day, as well as any stress that you may be experiencing which may elevate your glucose levels. When you visit your physician you should take this log with you to determine any trends and take appropriate action.

Diabetes does not have to be a death sentence. If you use your own common sense and follow the strategies listed above you can control this disease and live a long and happy life. In some cases people have even managed to turn their condition around simply through diet and exercise.

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Mar 10, 2011 Posted Under: Weight Loss

Weight loss tips

Ok so you searched for you weight loss tips. Then made up your mind. This time things were going to change. Then you even started that diet and exercise regiment. You were on a roll. Who knew you could do it. The confidence is building. Your feeling pretty good and then it happens, it always does. You fill in the blank. I can give you a few scenarios.

  • Say you have a wife and kids and they were begging for those cookies and mommy not one to disappoint well guess what now that cookie aroma waves through the house and you walk in. Cheating here we come.
  • Another one. You go out with friends and go to a nice restaurant. Man those sliders and fries smell good. What do you do ?
  • One more for you. It is those special occasions. Christmas, the Super Bowl. Your birthday. All these represent the same thing. They are all opportunities to cheat. Times when you look yourself in the eye and say all those times I worked so hard but man it would be worth it to give in just this once. Then you even tell yourself hey it is one time so I pig out the one time and then I will be good .

There is one problem once you have binged it is a lot harder to get back on course.

This scenario certainly happened to me. I had decided this was it. I was going to get this done.

  1. I started on the treadmill thirty minutes a night.
  2. I also did pushups and situps.
  3. I watched my carbs.
  4. I switched to whole grains instead of white flour.

Now I know they say there are so many diets out there. There are that is true. However the premise is the same. You make a change in your life and then somewhere along the line it happens. My biggest hiccup was the family vacation. The hotel did not have a gym but it had a pool. So I swam. But I also went out to eat a lot , came home late many times and was too exhausted to exercise. The regiment was broken and with that the continued commitment to my dream was too. Now am I saying that therefore give up on everything , absolutely not.

I am here to tell you do not give in. But do give in. Am I confusing you? I hope so. The idea is to balance yourself. If you really want to change and have those weight loss tips pay off then you have to understand that it is not about the extremes. You will crash and burn quickly. Think about it. If you deprive yourself of everything then the very first think you try, you are going to want more and more and more of that until you are well off course and are crying on a couch somewhere as to what happened here. So my advice. Have a slider. You’ll enjoy and then pull back. So you stay five extra minutes on the treadmill. Pounds you Better then five extra never expected.

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