May 04, 2011 Posted Under: Dental Care

Orthodontic Emergencies: Problems With Your Braces

If you’ve got braces in your mouth, you’re eventually going to have an emergency. An orthodontic emergency occurs when something doesn’t go exactly as expected. The most common orthodontic emergencies are those related to problems with the braces themselves.

The most common orthodontic emergency occurs when something on the braces themselves rubs against the lips, cheeks, or tongue. This could be a wire, a steel ligature tie, the edge of a band or bracket, or some other gadget that your orthodontist has placed into your mouth. Even if everything is OK with your braces, you can expect some discomfort as your lips, cheeks, and tongue become acclimated during your first month. Similar to when you fall and scrape your knee, your mouth will toughen up (callous) during the first month and the braces will be more comfortable the rest of your treatment. Your orthodontist will give you soft wax that you can place over the part of the braces that is irritating you. Use it only after you develop a sore to allow healing. Using it preventively will not allow the mouth to toughen up and you’ll be uncomfortable your entire treatment.

Wire-poke emergencies occur when a part of your braces sticks out or is too long and irritates your mouth. Even if you can place wax over these irritations, if they are sticking out or too far, they need to be fixed. Sometimes you can tuck the end of a flimsy wires or steel ligature tie up against your teeth with the eraser of a pencil. If you can’t eliminate the poke yourself, or it the wire sticking out the back of your braces is too long, you’ll need to get into see your orthodontist on the next business day. Place wax over the poke until you can get in to the office.

The second most common problem is a loose bracket or band. If you have a problem within the first 24 to 48 hours of getting your braces on, it is probably due to an issue with the bond between the bracket and the tooth or it may be that a tooth in one arch is hitting a bracket in the other arch and dislodging it. In either case you need to call your orthodontist and get the loose bracket fixed within a day or two. If your braces have been on for a while and a bracket comes loose, you probably ate something hard or sticky that caused the problem. Your orthodontic team gave you instructions at the beginning of your treatment on the kinds of foods and habits to avoid while wearing braces. The more compliant you are with those guidelines, the faster your treatment will go. You should inspect your braces every night after you brush to make sure they are in good repair. Signs that something is loose include a bracket which moves on the wire or the obvious movement of a tooth that was once straight (i.e. one tooth gets longer than those next to it or it moves in front of or behind the adjacent teeth).

Losing an O-ring or having a chain break are both emergencies that need to be dealt with within a couple days of being discovered. Do not wait for your next appointment! Not only do they move the teeth, they also attach the teeth to the wires. O-rings and chains are easily replaced. The changes that will occur if they are not replaced can add months to your treatment. Inspect each tooth to make sure there is something attaching it to the wire when you are checking for loose brackets each night. Although some orthodontic emergencies cause discomfort, missing O-rings and broken chains do not. Don’t wait until your teeth get crooked again before coming in to get your braces repaired.

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Apr 29, 2011 Posted Under: Weight Loss

Open Your Mind To The Endless Possibilities Using Visualization

It comes as a real eye opener to many that lots of ailments in life can be curbed by visualization. Weight loss is one of them. It is a simple technique; you hold a vision in your head of how you want your physique to be. The theory is that you subconsciously begin acting in ways that lead to weight loss. By using positive visualization one becomes more accepting of any diet or fitness regime. The result is that reach your goals.

Stimulating change through visualizing attractive outcomes has gained favor in today’s society. Professionals are unsure as to the exact physiological mechanics of this technique. But it has become apparent that mind and body are not as separate as often assumed. Visualization aids effective weight loss by producing a clear and happy picture of our healthier bodies. This defends us from psychological traps that may rear their ugly head during the weight loss journey.

A common problem for many overweight people is that believe they cannot lose weight. I am sure you have heard people saying it out loud,but for many this train of thought stays in the subconscious, and in both scenarios affects our eating patterns. If you believe that you can never lose weight, you become entrenched in a negativity battle during any diet regime. This negativity can result in you fooling yourself into ditching the diet and just eating everything and anything. Visualization is the strongest technique that can equip you to overcome negative thoughts and tendencies.

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If you are affected by negativity either from yourself or from friends and family to your diet ambitions, take the plunge and visualize yourself at your desired weight regularly. It runs parallel to all those negative thoughts and can slaughter their influences easily.

To reap the full benefit it is vital to practice every day – 3-4 times day if you possible. Find a secluded corner and form an image in your mind of your body as you desire it to be. Some folks can do this easily, whilst others need some help. You can solve this by using a photo of yourself at your dream weight from previous times in your life, or use a snap from one of the glossies, just cut off the person’s face. You need to visualize your own body.

You must also visualize internally. Close your eyes and let your mind focus on a part of your body – for example, your belly. Imagine it slowly becoming thinner. Then move to the other areas of your body that bother you the most. Or you can start at the feet and move up towards the head.

As you go about your daily life, take time out to think of yourself as already at your ideal weight. Create your own affirmations and repeat them often, and make sure they are in the present tense (“I am glad to be maintaining a successful weight loss program, to being fit, to being slim”, not “I will…”). Bask in the feeling of having a positive self-image. Over time, this will aid your weight loss plan.

Your weight loss will happen. But the fantastic thing about visualization is that you get a new body image instantly. So come on…use visualization and weight loss to make you happier right now, today! Don’t stop there apply it to an exercise plan too!

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Apr 27, 2011 Posted Under: Weight Loss

Is Losing 25 Pounds A Month Possible?

Are you interested in losing 25 pounds a month? Do you want to achieve this very popular goal without having to starve yourself, go on fad diets, or spend hours a day during long boring cardio? Well, in today’s article I’m going to share with you 3 powerful steps I followed that helped me achieve losing over 20 lbs. in less than 30 days with ease:

1. Focus more on developing muscle than just doing cardio.

Cardio, cardio, and more cardio! When most people think of exercising, the first thing that pops in mind is doing some type of aerobic workout. That being said, I had to learn the hard way that when you put more attention on building lean muscle tissue, you develop better results, quicker results, and more consistent fat loss.

Building lean muscle tissue is much more important to focus on than cardio. This is not to say to avoid doing cardio. I’m just saying that it’s much more effective for you to be able to lose several pounds of body fat if you were to put the bulk of your exercising efforts towards building lean muscle.

Now, why is it better?

  • Well, for one, resistance training burns off a ton of calories.
  • Second, building muscle will increase your metabolism.
  • And third, building muscle enhances your resting metabolic rate… which means you’ll burn off fat calories while you rest!
  • On the other hand, if you are focusing too much on doing just cardio, you run the risk of losing muscle tissue.

And the icing on the cake (oh the irony!) is that with focusing more on building lean muscle, you’ll end up feeling a lot better, looking incredibly hot, you’ll have tons of energy, strength, endurance, and so much more.

2. I stopped starving myself.

I was always under the impression that if you just simply ate a lot less calories, you would lose a ton of weight lightning fast. Sounds logical, doesn’t it? Well, evidently, this is a VERY BAD approach to dieting and will typically end up causing a myriad of problems.

Reducing calories too much or flat-out starving yourself will cause your body to go into “protection mode”. When your body goes into this mode, what it ends up doing is storing the bulk of the calories you eat as extra body fat to “protect” you. The reason your body does this is because it needs nutrients on a consistent basis, and if you are not providing it with nutrients consistently, it will do whatever it takes to get those nutrients… and this is something you want to avoid happening by all means possible.

Once I started eating 4-6 light meals every 2-3 hours, my metabolism shot through the roof and the body fat decreased!

3. I increased water consumption.

The recommendation to drink more water everyday is so prevalent everywhere you turn… but yet many people still don’t take heed of this extremely valuable advice. Once I started drinking A LOT more water everyday, my energy levels skyrocketed and I lost a ton of water weight. You may be visiting the bathroom a little more than usual, but trust me, it is definitely worth it to start drinking more water everyday!

Bottom line, building lean muscle tissue, eating properly, and drinking more water will certainly help you reach your goal of losing up to 25 pounds in 30 days. If you’re also on a REAL diet centered around using food to burn fat instead of restricting food or doing some other type of fad diet nonsense, then it’s pretty much a guarantee you’ll achieve this goal.

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Apr 26, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Stop Smoking for LIFE

If it were easy to quit smoking, the quit smoking industry would not be the multi-billion dollar industry that it is and the tobacco industry would be much smaller. Nearly every smoker wants an easy path to success in quitting smoking.

John is such a smoker. When he came to me, he had been smoking since he was 14 and he was now in his late 60s. He smoked 2 packs of cigarettes per day, at that time about $10 per day in cigarettes. At 67 he was not so worried about building a fortune as he was about holding on to some of his money during his retirement years. He also wanted to feel better. He wanted to feel better physically and he wanted to feel better about himself, because cigarettes were defeating him.

Yvonne had tried the patches and gum on numerous occasions. In coming for hypnosis she figured “what do I have to lose?” She wanted to stop because cigarette prices were climbing around her home in Maryland and at 54 she hated what they were doing to her health. She didn’t mention it but I think she was unhappy at what cigarettes were doing to her appearance as well. It was a big step for her to come for hypnosis as she had never tried anything like that before.

Jody is an amazing story. She heard about hypnosis at a business networking meeting. To say she had her doubts would be to put it mildly. Still, hearing about it from week to week, she became curious. She is a young mom with 2 kids who were old enough to nag her about smoking on the one hand, and impressionable enough to absorb her example on the other. She works in finance, so it also bugged her to keep on wasting money on cigarettes, as raising 2 kids was expensive. Living in New York, cigarette prices are as much as double what they are in other places, so she could not defend her waste of money even to herself. The money was bad enough, but then she noticed that her energy was declining and she was far too young to waste her energy on cigarettes.

Jody was honestly shocked when she walked out of the office. She felt no real need for a cigarette. She wondered what would happen since I had warned her that occasional but manageable cravings could develop. She felt added security for she knew that she could come back for additional sessions as needed. Still, she was a source of amazement to her kids, her boyfriend and her co-workers. She chose the option of waiting for them to notice rather than pointing it out as so many do. She came to hate the smell of smoke, yet after about 16 months smoke free, she found herself under pressure and responded from her distant after a few drinks at a funeral, and she found herself smoking again. Only an occasional cigarette, but wisely, she called for an appointment and after her session she is pleased to be more than 3 months smoke free.

Yvonne wrote to me recently to report that she has an occasional urge for a cigarette but is so thrilled that she has more than enough resistance to cigarettes and honestly finds the smell a bit repulsive. Still, she wants everyone to know that hypnosis works and she has been 13 months smoke free, saving thousands of dollars and seeing her health improve.

John has been smoke free for more than 5 years and he keeps on sending friends and family for hypnosis. One of his friends said, hey, if hypnosis works so well for smoking, what will it do for my weight? That was 70 pounds ago.

Hypnosis works so well because it operates at the level of the subconscious mind where decisions are really made. Jody, Yvonne and John each got individualized hypnosis sessions based on their unique life experiences and reasons for wishing to be finished with smoking forever. That is why it is my experience that the one-on-one hypnosis with a professional like me works way better than large group hypnosis like you get at the hotels from time-to-time. It is like the difference between putting on a one-size-fits-all garment and an outfit custom tailored to you. It is easy to know which is going to work better. Some people get great results from hotel hypnosis, but your best results will come from one-on-one hypnosis customized to you.

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Apr 23, 2011 Posted Under: Headaches

Treat Migraine With Homoeopathy

A migraine is a throbbing or pulsating headache that is often one sided (unilateral), but can be both sided (bilateral), and associated with nausea; vomiting; increased sensitivity to light, sound, and smells and sleep disruption. Many times a migraine is preceded by an aura. An aura is a group of symptoms, including visual disturbances that occur before the actual headache. But an aura occurs in only a small percentage of the people.


  • Migraines may occur at any age, but usually begin between the ages of 10 and 40 and diminish after age 50. Some people experience several migraines a month, while others have only a few migraines throughout their lifetime.
  • Migraines are more common in women than in men,
  • Migraines may run in families.

The cause of Migraine is unknown. The headache occurs because of abnormal brain activity, which is triggered by changes in the body or environment. On stimulation the trigeminal nerve releases substances that cause inflammation of the blood vessels of the brain and the surrounding tissues covering the brain.

This inflammatory reaction accounts for the throbbing headache, nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances.

Migraine attacks may be triggered by:

  • Bright lights
  • Perfumes
  • Lack of sleep
  • Exercise
  • Loud noises
  • Hunger
  • Alcohol
  • Physical or emotional stress
  • Smoking or exposure to smoke
  • Menstrual cycle in women
  • Certain foods like chocolates, pickles, nuts etc


In about 25% of people, migraines are preceded by an aura or warning sign which includes temporary disturbances like blurred vision, tingling sensations, loss of balance, talking difficulties, etc. It may occur just a few minutes to 24 hours before.

Migraine pains are throbbing, pulsating type that can be dull to severe. The pain may be on one side or both sides of the head. disrupt the persons family and work life. The pain may last for several hours to a few days. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, weakness are some of the other symptoms that accompany the pain.

General Treatment:

  • Drink water to maintain hydration, especially if you have vomited
  • Place a cool cloth on the head
  • Rest in a dark quiet room

Homoeopathic Treatment:

Homoeopathy is a branch of alternative medicine that is holistic and aims to treat the person rather than the disease. It tries to cure the root cause of the disease and not just the superficial signs and symptoms. Many people with migraine have found a cure with Homoeopathy.

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Apr 21, 2011 Posted Under: Dental Care

What To Do When You Have Bad Breath

Most people think that chewing gum will get rid of bad breath. It’s not altogether true.

Bad breath could be the result of bacteria residing in your teeth and your gums and your tongue. But sometimes it goes deeper than that… deep into your system via the foods that you eat.

If you suffer form gastritis, constipation, poor digestion, these conditions are all a result of food from within your system fermenting in a semi state of digestion and the aromas are so strong that instead of being absorbed by our digestive system (which is normal) the smells come from inside out.

If you are fond of meats and garlic and onions… you now you have a problem. Garlic and onions – because of their potency and the pungent smells. Meat – takes a very very long time to digest. It takes as long as 5.5 hours to digest meat compared to just half an hour for fruits and about 2 hours or less to digest veggies.

Imagine foods staying in your digestive system for that long… And if your digestion is not as perfect as it should be, you may have aromas of food about that you would not like to have!

So if you have bad breath the first things you have to check is: What is your food intake like? You may have to change it a little if you are really bothered by bad breath. Eat more salads, veggies, fruits.

If you think it is minor then check food bits that may be caught between your teeth. If you don’t like the idea of flossing after meals (which can be bothersome!) then get some interdental brushes and keep it near you. That should solve bad breath problems.

When brushing your teeth at night don’t brush just with the toothpaste, try adding some sea salt and clove powder and baking soda (put equal amounts of salt and clove powder and less of baking soda in a little bottle and leave it on the bathroom shelf). And while you are at brushing, brush your gums as well as your tongue.

Another method to get rid of bad breath, especially if it is not superficial (i.e. it is not just mouth, gums, teeth) and it comes from deep within the system, get some aloe vera juice and drink a half a glass of it. Some have reported that it works like magic.

Other home remedies that have had good reports are gargling in warm water with lemon juice. Chewing on a clove or a cardamom or fennel seeds works wonders. Drink lots of green tea.

While this article if full of tips and lighthearted in its vein, I know that bad breath can be debilitating in your life. Relationships can be destroyed. Confidence can be lost, the fear being in a social circle is large and you can become a recluse. It can prove torturous to many people suffering (yes, “suffering” is the right word here) this ailment.

So go to it. There are many things in your kitchen that helps. Do it. Have some determination (especially when it comes to changing your diet a little) and get it done.

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Apr 20, 2011 Posted Under: Back Pain

How to Relieve Sciatica and Leg Pain

Sciatica is a broad term often used to describe symptoms that run down the leg; pain, tingling and numbness. However true sciatica involves the pinching or irritation of the sciatic nerve in the lower spine and the pain signals are then sent down the length of the nerve. This can occur when there is damage to the spine and spinal discs.

There are however other very common situations where there is radiating pain down the leg and the cause is a muscular one. These are the situations we will be talking about today.

Piriformis and It’s Syndrome

Piriformis is a short small muscle that lies deep in the buttock region. It acts to rotate the hip and stabilise the leg when walking. When this muscle is shortened and tense, the trigger points that develop can refer pain around the sacroilliac joint, the hip, around the buttock and down the back of the leg.

Piriformis also lies next to the sciatic nerve and major blood vessels, when the muscle spasms or is overused it can reproduce sciatic symptoms. This is known as piriformis syndrome, in 15 -30% of the population the sciatic nerve actually runs through this muscle and they are thought to be much more likely to suffer from piriformis syndrome.

Gluteus Minimus

Gluteus minimus is the smallest of the three main gluteal muscles and it functions mainly to support the pelvis when we are on one leg as well as take the leg away from the body. When trigger points develop in this muscle, pain can follow one of two patterns depending on which trigger points are active. Pain can either travel down the side of the thigh to the lower leg and ankle or down the back of the leg to the calf. It can also be felt directly in the hip join,t making it very painful get to sleep on the affected side.

This muscle is also prone to developing trigger points when there are trigger points present in the muscles of the lower back (quadratus lumborum) as well as when there are long periods of inactivity and from compression such as sitting on a wallet when driving.

So if you have been suffering from back and leg pain and no cause has been established, clear MRI’s, x-rays etc, it is quite likely that trigger points in this area are the culprits! In the case where there is an impingement of the sciatic nerve, releasing muscle contraction in this area can help offer the sufferer some relief from symptoms. Massage and Muscle therapy for Pain Relief. Relieve pain by relieving trigger points and contracted muscles. Very effective treatment for back and neck pain, sciatica, hip and leg pain, headaches, repetitive strain injuries and much more.

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Apr 16, 2011 Posted Under: Dental Care

Tips on Buying Dentures

Buying dentures for some people might seem to be intimidating or even embarrassing at some point. This does not have to be the case, and buying dentures can be a very simple and easy process. The most important thing you need to know when buying your dentures is to know the choices that are available, you choose something that will work for you and satisfy your needs.

Typically, the process that is involved in choosing dentures will change according to the type of dentures you need. The types of dentures that are available are partial, immediate, implant retained, and standard. With these choices it is very important that you choose the style of dentures that will best suit your condition.

If you are not sure which style to choose, you can start with something that is tolerable for you as an individual. Dentures make it possible for you to enjoy the natural process of chewing your food as well as allowing you to have a more natural smile. By having the correct type of dentures, this will allow the feel and look to be more of pleasing to you, also allowing your mouth to adjust to having a foreign object in place for long periods of time.

Below we will explain each type of denture to allow you to have a better idea of which dentures will work for you.

Partial – Partial dentures are designed to fit in your mouth like standard dentures, and work in conjunction with your regular teeth. This provides support at the roof of your mouth as well as holes being created to allow you to keep your good teeth.

Immediate – Immediate dentures are provided for temporary relief, these will only substitute for more permanent dentures in the future. These dentures are made to train your gums after a surgery has been performed and can possibly be worn up to a year.

Implant retained – implant dentures are probably the most sought after dentures if finances permit. These types of dentures will not work for everyone, and the reason for this is the bone structure in your mouth has to be suitable. For this procedure typically screws are mounted in the bone structure and your new dentures are made to attach to those screws. The reason these types of dentures are so ideal is because, they never have to be removed.

Standard – standard dentures are the most typical type of dentures available. Standard dentures are commonly used with a denture paste to hold them to the roof of your mouth. These types of dentures are the most common, most affordable, and can be made to fit every individual.

With the information provided above you can make a decision about what types of dentures will work best for you. Once you have decided the type of dentures you would like, don’t forget that except for implants, you will need denture paste as well as cleaner. These items can all be purchased through you denture provider or through other sources.

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Apr 15, 2011 Posted Under: Mental Health

Dyslexia and Depression

I can certainly see the possible link between dyslexia and depression.

Samuel T. Orton, M.D. was one of the first researchers who talked about emotional problems connected to dyslexia, including depression disorder, especially among children and teenagers.

What usually happens is that before school and before learning to read these children have relatively happy life. As soon as the learning starts and they realize that they can’t read as well as other children and the distance between them and their friends is getting bigger, the stress, depression and anxieties build up and their self-esteem plummets.

Interestingly enough, girls tend to succumb to depression more, while boys practice aggression and denial.

It’s very important to recognize very early that your child or pupil is dyslexic and to treat them differently. A lot of parents and teachers would think that the child is very bright but call him or her lazy and inattentive not even realizing how hard the child is trying.

I’ve got a friend who is suffering from bipolar disorder, and who’s been getting depression therapy for quite a long time. His therapist came to a conclusion looking back at his childhood that a lot of his mental problems started in dyslexia.

People don’t exactly realize how many problems and insecurities you can develop at an early age if you are dyslexic. Let’s see:

– Problems with social interactions as other children think you are not smart enough;

– Fear of making a mistake. You are likely to become a perfectionist and feel unhappy unless everything is up to your very high standards;

– Problems with oral language which doesn’t help your self-esteem especially in your teenage years;

– Difficulties with remembering right sequence of events or words in a sentence, consequently when such children remember what happened and talk about it, they may tell the story differently every time and are called pathological liars.

– Dyslexic performance varies from good days to bad days, some tasks they will do perfectly well and some they can not accomplish.

These are just some of the “perks” of this condition.

It is with a certainty you can say that depression, anxiety and anger are constant features in life of a dyslexic.

That’s why it is very important from an early age:

1. To detect the dyslexia.

2. To help your child to understand the condition and what they are good or not good at.

3. To help them to achieve real goals not perfection that they are striving for.

4. If they are good at something, encourage them to teach it to other youngsters. It does marvels for their self-esteem.

5. And keep listening and encouraging them to express their feelings.

As usual I’m very interested to learn of your experiences, so please, share and take care, guys!

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Apr 14, 2011 Posted Under: Mental Health

Panic Attacks, Breaking the Thought Cycle

Panic attacks are an unusual phenomenon. People who experience them often feel that they are helpless victims of them, like they do not have control over how or when a panic attack will strike them. What’s interesting is that they, themselves are actually triggering them.

If you have experienced an attack, you probably recall (quite clearly) your first encounter with panic. Undoubtedly, as you began to experience unusual feelings in your body, you became fearful of what was happening. This, in turn, caused you to try to resist those feelings with all your might. The more scared you got, the more scared you got, until you were in a full blown panic attack.

This thought process may not have been very obvious at the time because it was the first time you had gone through such an episode, but in future attacks, the process was probably a bit more apparent (though you were not likely to be analysing it at the time.) Having gone through the first panic attack, upon the slightest trigger, you dreaded the idea of going through another.

It goes something like this:

  • Perhaps you feel a strange twinge of an unusual sensation.
  • Maybe you are going into a situation that you fear may cause you anxiety or stress.

Whatever the initial trigger, something makes you feel just a bit like you did during that horrible first panic attack. You then begin to try to fight off those anxious feelings.

You worry more and more that if you can’t stop what’s going on in your body, you will have to go through another episode of panic. All that anxiety over trying to avoid the whole thing then causes your heart to beat faster. This is concerning because it means a panic attack is beginning. That is, of course, frightening so your heart beats faster and harder as you feel the adrenaline surge throughout your system.

The more scared you become, the more your body reacts with frightening sensations. Your chest tightens. Your extremities begin to tingle or go numb. You feel faint. God forbid, your heart skips a beat (in your mind, a sure sign of impending doom.)

You see, through this whole process your mind creates the next level of anxiety based on your body’s reaction to each previous level of anxiety. Because you know how frightening the experience of a panic attack can be, you want desperately to avoid the situation. You try as hard as you can to think your way out of it.

The trick in that situation is not to fight against your thoughts and feelings, but to actually accept that what you’re feeling will not hurt you. An anxiety attack is just your body’s reaction to the fear of fear. Nothing else.

By fighting your body’s reactions you, in a way, reinforce your own idea that you do not feel in control of your body’s reactions and thoughts. In order to truly be in control you must learn to understand that what you are feeling is natural and safe. Though you might feel like you’re going to die or at least pass out, you’re just experiencing the effects of adrenaline.

Though it seems quite contradictory, the key to stopping panic attacks is learning not to fight them, but rather to accept them. In doing so, you break the thought cycle that causes them in the first place. You take the power away from the panic attacks and put it back where it belonged all the time, with yourself!

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