Aug 10, 2010 Posted Under: Mental Health

ADHD Causes

In today’s highly industrialized environment, our bodies are constantly under attack by pollutants and harmful substances. Even the air we breathe and the food we eat contains all sorts of toxins, pathogens, and disease-carrying microbes. Without a well-functioning immune system, we wouldn’t live very long.

The immune system is the human body’s main defense system against pathogens and other harmful organisms. It provides two stages of protection: specific defenses and non-specific defenses. Our skin and mucous membranes make up the non-specific defenses, the immune system’s first line of defense that protects our muscles and organs from the outside world. If the non-specific defenses are invaded by an outside threat (e.g., a virus), the specific defenses kick in and detect the microorganisms, which are destroyed before they wreak havoc on our cells.

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are often found to have one of two kinds of problems with their immune system: either it is weakened or it is over-active. There are many things that can weaken their immune defense, and many of them have to do with poor nutrition. Children with ADHD tend to have unhealthy eating habits – too much processed food, sugar, and refined carbohydrates, and not enough fruits, green leafy vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids. When the immune system is weakened, brain functions don’t work up to par, and other bodily systems are inflamed. The presence of too many processed foods and saturated fats also weakens the production of a hormone called leptin. Leptin is integral for producing white blood cells, an important component of immune system functions. Finally, a weak immune system can also be caused by constant exposure to toxins like mercury and lead, as well as the continued presence of chronic viral infections.

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Aug 07, 2010 Posted Under: Health


Are you concerned about what might improve your blood pressure? There are quite a small number of things that can aspect in to improving your blood pressure. Luckily you can fix most of these with a couple of lifestyle changes.

If you do not watch your blood pressure frequently, you may not even be conscious of you have it. It can creep up on you or just increase in recent times. It all depends on many unusual factors.

While you can control the majority of the reasons that raise the pressure of your blood there are some you cannot. For example your race; African Americans are more liable to hypertension, people over fifty-five are at a higher risk, and your history in the family can play a role in the pressure of your blood as well. While you cannot control these aspects you can easily try to help lower your risk. Watch your food intake, exercise, lifestyle habits, etc. In time this could be very good for you.

High blood pressure can cause strokes and even heart and kidney disorders. Leading a healthier life style can help you live longer and enjoy your time in a nourishing state. Talk with your doctor about any queries or concerns you might have concerning your blood pressure. It is never too late to take control.

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Aug 05, 2010 Posted Under: Health

Cholesterol and Heart Disease

Depending on who you believe, heart disease and cholesterol could easily go hand-in-hand and be inseparable. You should be careful who you listen to, though, as we now know that atherosclerosis, a major cause of heart disease, can be triggered by ruptured scar tissue on the artery linings, and not plaque buildup on the walls of those arteries. While some believe that cholesterol, moving around in our bloodstream, sticks to the walls of the arteries and causes a heart attack, very strong evidence can be used to counter this idea. Originally, it was said that cholesterol circulating in the bloodstream, together with saturated fats, combine to cling to artery linings, causing that narrowing.

The American Food Pyramid, has educated us on how to construct our diets. We are advised not to eat saturated fats and consume polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats, which are found manly in vegetable oils. Vegetable oils have a high concentration of Omega 6 fatty acids which few of us are aware to balance with Omega 3 fatty acids, most commonly found in fish and red meat. Again we are reinforced to consume a low trans fats diet and focus on a high carbohydrate diet. Once again elevating blood sugars, which mentioned above, is a leading cause to arteriosclerosis.

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Aug 04, 2010 Posted Under: Health

Asthma Causes & Remedies

More than 20 million Americans have some form of the disease known as asthma. Get the basics on this common condition.

Eliminating the cause of asthma is one of the great solutions to relieve the symptoms. The main cause of asthma is the environment of the asthmatic. This environment can cause severe attacks. Everything from dander to the moldy air conditioners can be the cause of asthma. A hygienic environment will do wonders for the asthma.

For the first step, you have to strip all linens and also wash in the anti-allergy detergent. These are where you usually lay your head to rest; therefore you need to rid these of all types of the allergens. You need also to wash your pillows and comforters on the regular basis. Asthma tends to get worse at the night so you have to be sure that you will have a good rest at night by preventing some attacks.

For the next step, you can get the air purifier. It is good for you to have this purifier in your bedroom and also in another area of your home. This greatly reduces all the allergens by cleansing the air trough the filter. Remember to change the filters frequently.

For the last step you have to remove the animal dander. For you who have asthmatics, you should not have the pets inside your home. But if you need to have your pet inside your house, you have to keep at least a room dander-free.

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Aug 03, 2010 Posted Under: Health

About Diabetes

According to new research from the Archives of Internal Medicine, doctor and patient alike will want to watch the growth of diabetes. By the year 2025, there could be as many as 380 million people affected by complications of type 2 diabetes. Because this epidemic is becoming so widespread, it is in everyone’s best interest to understand as much as possible about the disease, including how it is contracted and what you can do to control it.

Type 2 diabetes, as any internal medicine doctor can tell you, is one of the few diseases that can be almost entirely eliminated by changes in a person’s diet and lifestyle. Even losing a small amount of weight can have a drastic impact on the condition and the symptoms. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that the participants who made lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise and cleaning up their diets were able to reduce their risk of contracting diabetes by 58 percent.

If you or someone you know is pre-diabetic or is suffering from symptoms related to diabetes, it is important to see an internal medicine doctor as soon as possible. Get some blood work done and find out your status. The physician will be able to give you all the information you need when it comes to controlling the condition.

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