Oct 22, 2010 Posted Under: Other

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

It is most likely that the recovery of a tooth extraction will only take a couple of days, but there are some instructions that will lower the risk for post-operative issues (like the so-called Dry Socket) and may help on the road to recovery.

Always follow the instructions of your dentist to avoid slight or even serious problems, so: Be a good patient and pay attention to your dentist.

Here are some DO’s and DON’Ts for your after-care process:

  • Bite down hard on the moist cotton gauze the dentist placed over the extraction wound for 30-45 minutes to support a solid blood clot to form. At home a wet tea bag can serve as a replacement. If it keeps bleeding contact the dentist.
  • While the mouth is still numb because of the local anaesthesia, be very careful not to bite or burn the lip, the inside of your cheeks or your tongue.
  • Do not touch the wound with the fingers to not infect the wound with bacteria that might be on your hands.
  • Don’t rub the wound with the tongue or suck on the tooth socket, this may release the clot of blood.
  • Try to relax after the extraction. Lie down, but put a pillow under the head, lying flat may extend the bleeding.
  • Use an ice pack on the outside of your cheek in the area of the extraction for the first 24 hours to keep the swelling at a minimum. Some patients find it pleasant to melt an ice cube in the mouth to cool the inside as well.
  • Most important: do not smoke or drink alcohol for at least 24 hours after the procedure. Nicotine can break down the blood clot and cause a wound healing disorder like the painful “Dry Socket”, while consuming alcohol will dilute your blood and hence might increase the chance of bleeding. Even if you follow all advices, problems might still occur. Never hesitate to contact your dentist if you encounter too much bleeding or pain.

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    Oct 21, 2010 Posted Under: Diabetes

    Diabetes 2

    You are the first line of defense when it comes to managing your Type 2 Diabetes. Regular consistent monitoring will help you keep an eye on things to prevent complications in the long run. Measuring glucose levels is the primary monitoring done at home for Diabetes. All diabetics need to have a glucose meter at home and know how to take reading properly. This information is vital to determining if a glucose spike or plummet happens. It also gives vital information on what foods and exercises affect those same levels. If you take insulin, these readings help determine the dosage required if you need an injection. You should record all of this information in a journal for you and your doctor’s future reference.

    In addition to monitoring your blood sugar levels, you need to monitor your weight carefully if you have type 2 diabetes. Carrying excess weight can lead to higher levels of insulin resistance. By reducing weight to close to the recommended range, individuals with Type Diabetes 2 can significantly improve their ability to manage their 2 Diabetes. As a result, by routinely taking a weekly weight measurement will give you a good idea of your progress, one way, or the other. Maintaining your current weight is far better than gaining more. However, if you are excessively overweight, you need to drop the weight in order to stave off long-term problems.

    It is also important to monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol levels if you have type 2 diabetes. The disease brings a higher risk of heart disease. Your doctor will regularly monitor these numbers. However, if you are dealing with elevated numbers, having tests done more often is not a bad idea. You need to get these numbers under control before you develop severe cardiovascular problems. It may involve dietary changes as well as revving up physical activity. If these changes do not make an impact, your doctor may put you on medication to get them into line.

    It is important to maintain a full journal with all applicable information related to your type 2 diabetes. This invaluable information is critical in monitoring a individual’s Diabetes Type 2. It will show long-term trends in glucose levels as well as give vital information on what foods and activities do to the readings. When you visit your doctor or another diabetes specialist, take your journal with you. Professionals often see trends that you might not. Monitoring at home is very important. Nevertheless, it does not replace the relationship you need to develop with your doctor for long-term success.

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    Oct 19, 2010 Posted Under: Mental Health

    Fighting Phobias

    If you search for the varieties of phobias that exist among the people around the globe, you will certainly be astonished. With time, people have built up numerous kinds of phobias, most of which really don’t exist. Any sort of phobia, no matter whatever it is related to, creates an immense level of fear in the person who is facing it and it is an extremely unimaginably tough situation to be in. Many instances might be responsible for the existence of a particular type of phobia in any person. It may either be in the person from childhood itself, or it might have occurred due to any particular incident which, obviously, does not hold good memories in his/her mind. The worst thing in phobia from anything is that whenever any person experiences the situation of which he is very fearful, or even in the case if he just imagines that particular situation, a very unpleasant sort of anxiety occurs, which is certainly not a good thing to experience. The people are to blame for the conditioning of others to be fearful towards most of the things, which is a very common situation.
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    The primary step that you should take, in case you have decided to identify and combat your phobia, is to search for a well-experienced and trustworthy hypnotherapist, who can really help you out with your

    particular phobia. The best way to eradicate the problem of phobia of any person is to go deep inside the thinking of the client on various aspects of life and his past, while he/ she is in deep state of hypnotic sleep. This is where the amazing science of hypnotherapy works. Two of the most effective hypnotherapy models to remove phobias are mentioned as under:-

    Hypnosis Method:- This major type of method used to remove phobias is to identify the Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE). ISE is an event or instance which happened to you for the first time and has now become your worst fear or phobia. This does not mean the first time you experienced the fear. It focuses upon tracing the event’s first happening to you and it is quite possible that you might have ignored that event at that time but it came out to be a really fearful situation for you later on in your life. After identifying this ISE, the hypnotist feeds hypnotic suggestions in you to remove the negative or fearful feeling towards that particular thing acting as a trigger for your fear. Up to a great extent, you will find your fear diminished to a considerable level due to the hypnotic suggestion fed in you.

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming:- This NLP method is another effective method of eliminating the fear of the concerned client. This method uses the ISE aspect as well. But, the differentiating factor between this method and the normal hypnosis method is that in NLP, when the hypnotist identifies the ISE related to the client, he/she uses certain techniques and suggestions which allow the client to be free from re-living the situation of which, he/ she is afraid. Both the methods are very effective and satisfying for any person suffering from serious phobias. But, the precautions have to be present to be sure of the positive outcomes.

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    Oct 16, 2010 Posted Under: Health

    Back Pain Prevention

    Job or workplace injuries.

    All work places with a number of employees, should employ a Safety Officer or an OH&S person, or have a safety program in place that management can supervise. Any concerns by an employee regarding a health and safety issue should immediately be brought to the notice of this safety person. It is imperative that management is also on board with all the safety measures in place. It is also the responsibility of the individual to be aware of any emerging hazards and make them known as soon as possible. In a factory or workplace where repetitive actions are performed, a time and motion study should be performed to modify any over-reaching, side action movements, height limitations, lighting and where required ear-protection and or eye protection. In an office environment every care should be taken in the choice of chair(adjustable height, good back support etc) and computer desk(height and depth)

    At-Home Injuries

    The first and main person of concern is the lady of the house. One of the first measures to alleviate injury is to store all the heavy cooking utensils on the middle shelf and not the bottom one. (which is usually where most of us store the large pots and pans.) When renovating, or building a kitchen in a new home ensure the largest shelf is the middle one, at about thigh height. Also the most used condiments and additives for cooking to be no higher than shoulder height.

    If the man of the house is a do-it-your-selfer, his tools must be in good condition and cleaned properly after each use. If the tools are hanging on a wall in the garage ensure they are easy to access to stop the need for over-reaching. When working outdoors, either in the garden or lawn mowing etc, ensure the correct footwear is used. DO NOT GARDEN IN FLIP-FLOPS(we call them thongs in AUS and Jandels in NZ.) Ear and eye protection should be worn when applicable.

    As almost 90% of households have a computer or PC, the desk and chair heights must be carefully considered for each member of the family who use them. Especially the family member who spends extended time on the computer. (that’s not always the teenager in the family)

    Age Related Injury

    It is not only the older members of society that can incur injury to the neck or back. With regard to the younger members of society, injuries can be suffered through the “no fear” consciousness and it is these injuries that sometimes aren’t felt at the time but tend to show themselves at a later date.

    The older(I don’t mean OLD) person who has been very active in their early years may feel that they can just do it! Because they have been doing it, or playing it, for a long time. The biggest danger is the lack of stretching or warming up of the muscles before the activity.

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    Oct 15, 2010 Posted Under: Mental Health

    Anxiety – Causes and Medication

    If you have ever wanted to know all about anxiety, this article will deal with anxiety, signs of anxiety and how to deal with anxiety. Many of us have felt stressed when we were asked to do something and we were not able to do it. This feeling gives rise to anxiety. It is a feeling of apprehension, worry, stress tension, uncertainty etc. It can also be defined in physical terms such as palpitations, sweating and feelings of stress. When a person goes though a major life changing event like accident, illness, divorce it ends up in increased anxiety.

    The effects and symptoms of anxiety change from person to person. It is important to understand what is the triggering factor that causes it and then do what is appropriate. One of the best ways to deal with anxiety is to exercise regularly and also meditation. There are also many drugs available to treat anxiety. These drugs act by slowing down the central nervous system. The fact that these medicines help people relax and calm down has made them very popular. Such medications can also help with insomnia and muscle relaxants. Just like with any other medicines, these medications also have side effects.

    The most common and effective drug in dealing with anxiety is Benzodiazepines. There are many kinds that are available and these drugs must be carefully selected, based on the patients profile. These medications act fast thereby bringing relief in less than one hour. Their speed makes them the right choice to take at the time of an anxiety attack. They immediately help calm down the central nervous system and provide relief to the patient. When you take Benzo diazepines, the brain activity reduces. This surely helps reduce anxiety, but it can have a negative effect on the constitution as a whole. Therefore choosing the right professional to help you is extremely critical in order to ensure the right treatment plan.

    There are many side effects of these medications. depending upon individual tolerance level The common ones are drowsiness, slurred speech, feeling disoriented, depression, stomach problems, blurred vision, dizziness, impaired thinking, memory loss and reduced speed in reflexes. Some people are extremely sensitive to these medications and side effects even with low doses of anti anxiety medication. They may feel sleepy, foggy and find it hard to focus on work, school, driving etc. There may be some people who can feel the effects of the medicine even on the next day.

    As with all options in life, it is very important to take the option that is least pervasive and most beneficial. There are many natural and healthy ways of dealing with anxiety. Keeping a positive outlook on life, avoiding stressful situations and having a stress free life are some great ways to help keep it away. A regular exercise routine, laughing more, spending time with friends and family etc will go a long way to keep anxiety away. Doing work for the needy and helping out with serving them is a great way to cope with anxiety. Having a good social life and an active program of exercise supplemented with good diet will go a long way in keeping anxiety away.

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    Oct 14, 2010 Posted Under: Asthma

    Asthma Treatment

    Asthma treatment with bronchial mist is one of the ways to treat asthma with an over the counter medication for the person that does not have severe asthma. This is a medication that is known as Epinephrine and can be purchased without a prescription to treat asthma and other breathing conditions.

    This is a medication that can fill in when needed along with prescription medications as long as the physician is aware of its use so there are no drug interactions. This is a mist that is able to open the breathing passages and help relieve heaviness and wheezing.

    Even though this is an over the counter medication that does not need a prescription it still has side effects associated with it that can be severe in some cases. Some of the known side effects with bronchial mist are a dry mouth, dizziness, nervousness, sweating, upset stomach and nausea. More severe symptoms of the side effects of this medication can be shaking or tremors, vomiting and problems sleeping. If any of these side effects should occur the bronchial mist should be stopped unless otherwise advised by the physician.

    Asthma Treatment with Dexamethasone Oral

    Asthma treatment with Dexamethasone Oral is one of the types of oral medications that can help lessen the symptoms of asthma. This is a medication that is made to reduce the swelling in the bronchial tubes making it easier to breathe. This is one of the popular types of asthma medication to be prescribed as it can also help with other medical conditions like allergic reactions and other breathing conditions such as COPD.

    This is has an active ingredient glucocorticoid, which is a corticosteroid hormone known for reducing swelling in the lungs and air passages. This is one of the asthma medications that can be taken long term to control asthma symptoms.

    Dexamethasone Oral has some side effects associated with it that in most cases are mild, but in rare cases can be severe in nature. These side effects can include increased appetite, weight gain, dry mouth, sleeplessness, menstrual changes and headache. If any of the side effects are experienced it should be discussed with the prescribing physician and if they are sever the doctor should be alerted immediately.

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    Oct 12, 2010 Posted Under: Allergies

    Gluten Sensitivity

    Gluten sensitivity and other food-based allergies have become increasingly common with the introduction of genetically modified foods. Today, over 3million Americans suffer with celiac disease – an intestinal disease caused by sensitivity to gluten in their diet. This equates to one in every 133 people suffering from the condition showing the desperate need for foods which cater for those who cannot enjoy normal, everyday food items. In addition to this condition, there are millions more who suffer from allergies to peanuts, specific types of oils, seeds and dairy products; showing just how genetically modified foods are affecting our everyday health.

    Those who suffer with gluten sensitivity in particular are limited in terms of the foods they can eat without experiencing any complaints. This is due to many store-bought foods containing wheat based products that cannot be tolerated by a digestive system which is sensitive to gluten. However, this is not to say that the individual in question cannot enjoy bread and other baked goods, it simply means that they must have access to gluten-free products in order to enjoy tasty foods without the discomfort they experience from gluten and wheat products.

    In order to get the best possible quality from your own milled grain, it is worth spending more than you may have initially intended. You may be hesitant about this at first, but once you begin to reap the benefits from lower grocery bills and a trouble free diet, you too will recognize the difference in your general well being once you enjoy a healthy diet, free from allergens.

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    Oct 09, 2010 Posted Under: Other

    Costs of Lasik Eye Surgery

    Lasik is actually a surgical procedure whereby the surgeon uses laser beams to correct the unevenness of your cornea. It is the unevenness of your cornea that results to the vision problem. With the Lasik technology people say that now they have the second chance to have perfect vision again.
    Obesity in American: 190 Million Americans are Obese or Overweight.
    Lasik started out as a costly procedure. At the beginning of its introduction the procedure look much intimidating to normal people like us and it was costly for an average wage earner. As times goes the technology of Lasik improves with better and simpler techniques which in a way reduce the overall costs of Lasik eye surgery procedure. Many people who have gone through the procedure now can walk out from the surgeon room with good vision barely in an hour. This is how Lasik is now, very simple and straightforward, and with improvement patient do not even have to go under the knife.

    Actually the costs of Lasik eye surgery procedures are contributed by a few factor, firstly it’s the costs of the surgeon’s professional fees. This cost is not fixed and different surgeon will charge differently thus it is important that if you wishes to perform the procedure, you need to consult a few surgeon before concluding which to go. By doing this, you can actually knows the average price of surgeon fees. Usually you will see that surgeon who holds good track records are more expensive, but the surgeon also take into consideration of factors like the patient’s degree of vision problem before fixing a fee.

    Certain people say that the costs of Lasik eye surgery procedures is expensive compared to wearing glasses and contact lens. If you do such comparison it is true that the procedure is expensive, but for those people who have vision problem and has go through the procedure, they will say that it is worth every penny spent. So if you think that the procedure is expensive you might need to rethink.

    The costs of Lasik eye surgery procedure is not really that unaffordable if you scout around. Certain hospitals and clinic do actually are reasonable in their pricing, and for those people, who wish to perform the procedure but face some financial difficulties, I would advise you to talk to your surgeon and they will usually advise you on the financing options available for this procedure. So do ask them and they will be very happy to advise you on this.

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    Oct 08, 2010 Posted Under: Alternative Medicine


    Healing from any condition requires knowledge of cause (nidana) and pathology (samprapti). The cause of most ulcers lies in a mixture of vata and pitta provoking factors.

    Vata type ulcers occur secondary to the stress of overwhelm and anxiety. This usually occurs in the presence of a vata vitiating lifestyle consisting of stressful life changes, a lack of routines and a diet of cold, dry and light foods such as salads and corn breads.

    Vata type ulcers occurs secondary to dryness of the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine. Ayurvedai describes this as vata entering the rasa dhatu of the annavaha srota. A dry membrane is unable to protect the underlying tissue from the normal or even low levels of acid present in the digestive system. The result is that the acids burn the tissue resulting first in hyperacidity (a poor term as there is no excess acid) and later in ulceration.
    Alternative medicine review
    This condition is healed by rebuilding the mucous membrane lining the stomach and intestinal wall. Following a moist or oily diet is beneficial. Cooked foods and herbs with a demulcent quality help hydrate the rasa dhatu. Herbs such as licorice and slippery elm not only provide symptomatic relief but long term healing as well. Treatment of the whole person is always required and hence, the mind must be treated and a proper lifestyle restored.

    Pitta type ulcers occur secondary to the stress of intensity. This usually occurs in the presence of a pitta vitiating lifestyle consisting of a highly focused intensity on goal achieving and a diet of hot, spicy foods.

    Pitta type ulcers result from excess acid secretions. These secretions overwhelm the protective mucous secretions of the intestinal lining. The result begins as the burning of hyperacidity and later results in ulceration. This is a condition of pitta entering the rasa dhatu of the Annavaha srota.

    This condition is healed by reducing the acid secretions as well as rebuilding the mucous lining. A cooling diet is one that reduces acid secretions. By avoiding hot spices and taking in foods with a sweet and bitter taste, acid secretions are minimized. In addition, the mucous membrane should be rebuilt utilizing moist, oily foods with a sweet taste. Hence, combinations of bitter and sweet herbs are most beneficial. The combination of dandelion and licorice roots is a personal favorite of mine. Bleeding if present can be managed with haemostatic herbs such as praval pishti or red raspberry. Praval pishti has the added benefit of being an antacid. As mung dal also has antacid properties and is relatively easy to digest, a diet of mung dal or kitcheree rapidly improves the situation.

    The person with pitta vitiation should also be encouraged to relax more and adopt less competitive activities. Hence benefit is gained through treating them mind and adopting a healthy pitta pacifying lifestyle.

    Many cases of ulcers are caused by a combination of vata and pitta factors. Hence, a combined approach is often most beneficial. This approach emphasizes the use of the cool and moist qualities such as those found in the sweet taste. Herbs such as licorice root and slippery elm pacify both doshas.

    Ulcers and a related hyperacidity are relatively easy conditions for the Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist to manage. Through proper lifestyle and diet along with the right herbs, suffering is reduced and healing takes place.

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    Oct 04, 2010 Posted Under: Mental Health


    Finding out that your child is suffering from ADHD is probably one of the worst and most devastating news that you could ever hear and perhaps the most difficult thing for you to accept. When this happens you tend to feel depressed and down knowing that your child will be going through a lot and will be facing a lot of challenges as he moves on with his life. But your child does not have to feel pain, depression, or even embarrassment knowing that he has ADHD if you know how you can help your child. Your child needs all the help he can get to be able to live well and become successful in the future. You as the parent must keep a positive outlook as this will definitely help your child be able to cope with what he must have to go through.

    If you do want to help your child have an easier way of life, then you must have to understand what ADHD and how greatly it affects your child in different aspects. One important thing you have to bear in mind is that ADHD affects your child’s performance especially at school. This is the most common factor that children with ADHD exhibit. There are some studies made that shows that a certain number of children with ADHD also have other learning disabilities like problems with handwriting or dyslexia. You must understand though that ADHD is not a learning disability itself but it does interfere with your child’s concentration and performance and this makes it really hard for your child to be able to perform well and do better in school.

    ADHD affects your child’s performance significantly. This is because your child inability to be attentive and his inability to focus on certain tasks prevent your child in excelling in class. This then make teachers place children with ADHD who are having a hard time coping up with what the whole class is learning placed in separate classes for special needs. Here, children with ADHD are able to get the proper tutoring according to their own pace. Since ADHD affects your child’s performance it would definitely be beneficial to you if you are able to keep a close relationship with your child’s teacher as you will be able to monitor your child closely and you can ensure that your child’s needs are continuously met when you work hand in hand and discuss your child’s progress with your child’s teacher.

    Though ADHD affects your child’s performance there are still ways of helping your child be able to cope in school. This includes understanding his condition and making sure that you provide your child with all the help he needs and provide all the support you can give.

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