Dec 17, 2010 Posted Under: Back Pain

How Do Inversion Tables Help Low Back Pain?

There are big benefits to using inversion therapy tables. No matter whether you want to enhance posture, or preserve correct blood flow and circulation and even decrease continual low back discomfort affiliated with a pinched sciatic nerve and vertebral column compression, all these are possible with inversion therapy. Inversion therapy is a therapeutic treatment that was quite well-liked back in the mid-sixties for treating extreme lower back discomfort associated with herniated discs and spinal compression. The idea of inversion therapy goes all the way back to historic times, when Hippocrates, a renowned Greek doctor was one of the first persons to comprehend the effective nature of gravitational power used in treating lower back pain and similar conditions.

Due to gravitation force of the earth, the human body is subjected to continuous downward force on the bones, joints, muscle tissue and connective tissue. This downward force is frequent and it gets intensified via a variety of routines and movements. There may be various causes of lower back discomfort, although gravitation pressure on the spinal column and various vulnerable components of the human body is one of the leading reasons. The gravitational pressure can be double or even triple when doing every day activities such as sitting down or ascending stairs or lifting heavy objects.

It has been proven that people lose almost an inch of their height every single day as an end result of spinal compression from gravity. Throughout their life-time, human adults can lose about 2 inches from their total height by the time they have reached old age. For a lot of individuals, very small variations in height may not be a major cause for concern, though this alteration may cause a lot more harm than simply a difference in perceived height. In fact, the physical demonstration of gravitational pressure is placed on the entire body while executing every day activities. This is where inversion table exercises can play an important role in supplying anti-gravitational inversion therapy for lower back pain.

Inversion therapy is one of the most efficient ways to utilize gravity in the reverse direction. A gravity inversion table is employed to basically turn the body upside down by the ankles or feet, therefore making it possible for the joints, muscular tissues and connective tissues to stretch and elongate. Inversion therapy may be a lengthy process and may need a life time to undo the wear and tear that eventually leads to chronic lower back discomfort, joint conditions, cervical conditions, and pain all over the body. To have prolonged lasting effects, inversion treatment should be given a thorough trial, but it can present a near complete cure for low back pain with the help of low back pain workout routines.

Sciatica pain may be induced as a result of the pressure exerted on the sciatic nerve due to piriformis syndrome, bulging or prolapsed vertebral discs, spinal stenosis, arthritis, or spondylolisthesis. The sciatic nerve exercises can seriously help to minimize and control sciatic pain and minimize the dysfunctions that are responsible for pinched sciatic nerves. Conventional treatment options for sciatic nerve discomfort reduction include oral medications, weight loss routines and surgery. If the causes of lumbar discomfort have been identified as non-distinct, it may be helpful to take into account alternative options such as altering diet plan, lowering stress, and instituting lower back stretching exercises.

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Dec 16, 2010 Posted Under: Other

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Overview

There was a time not that long ago when snoring was considered a mild annoyance and not much more. While this is still the case in many instances, snoring can also be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that can do a world of damage to an individual’s health. The insidious thing about the condition is that so many people have it and don’t even realize it. With a condition that has the potential to raise the blood sugar level of a person and even increase their risk of developing diabetes, more should be done to identify this problem earlier.

Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, basically means that you’re not getting the airflow you need when you go to sleep. A person has a certain conscious level of control over their breathing while they are awake. When asleep, the process goes into fully automatic mode. However, this mode is also open to some problems, as is the case with people who have the condition. It is not rare, either. Some studies have indicated that as many as 25% of men suffer from the condition and as many as 10% of females.

Unlike many conditions people face on a regular basis, obstructive sleep apnea has a direct cause and that cause is very often obesity. When there is excess fatty tissue surrounding the chest area, it creates an enormous amount of extra work for the human respiratory system. What’s worse is that the presence of that fat increases the need for more oxygen. So you have a situation where the lungs need more oxygen, yet find it more difficult than ever to get it. You can see why such a situation can lead to problems and why diabetes onset is not the only thing these sufferers need to worry about. OSA has also been linked strongly with other conditions such as heart attack and high blood pressure.

If there is any good news about obstructive sleep apnea, it is that it can be treated relatively easily. Doctors, after diagnosis, can fit the patient with a CPAP device, which can ensure the open and continuous flow of air into the subject’s lungs during sleep. There have been several studies as well that seem to indicate that losing weight may help in ridding one’s self of the condition. If you believe you may be suffering from OSA, you should set up an appointment with your doctor right away and have a sleep study performed. You could be doing immeasurable damage to your health while your sleep.

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Dec 11, 2010 Posted Under: Headaches

Headaches – Check For Your Symptoms, Find A Solution

We all get overworked, and we our quick tension headache treatment – a pill which ceases our pain. It is still alright to take one in case headaches and you have a distant relation; but in case you and your headaches are regular friends, then its high time you analyzed your friend. Having headaches frequently, even as less frequent as 2-3 in a month is a matter not worth ignoring.

To start with here are a few observations one needs to make and the parallel questions one needs to ask, remember to observe the pattern before and after the headaches – firstly, do you get headaches due to allergy reactions, alcohol, smoke, passive smoking, missed meals, exercise, loud noises, physical or emotional stress, bright lights, certain odors, changes in your sleeping habits, change in hormonal levels (more in women and advancement in their age)? Second, observe if you see an aura, feel a vertigo or dizziness around you. Also, note how long does your headache last. Is your headache accompanied by shivers, sweat; stiffness of the neck or similar symptoms? Do you suffer from mood swings before and after your headaches – that is extreme euphoria or extreme depression? Is the headache pulsating? Does it affect half of your brain, full of it, forehead, near the eyebrows etc?

In case you reach to the conclusion that you have maximum of these symptoms, then you are most likely to have migraine headaches – the kinds of headaches which have no particular causes, but they are inevitable and could occur many times in a week, month or a few times in a year. It lasts for several hours till some days. The experience is painful and pulsating leaving a person weak and leading o mood changes.

The most important thing to do then is observe one’s diet carefully, list out the factors which you think increase or trigger the intensity of your headaches. Many people get typical symptoms before the start of the headache. Migraine headache relief is not easy to achieve, but there are definitely some preventive medicines and techniques which one must take under the guidance of a specialist. One could also change their diet plans accordingly, exercise more (particular exercises) and change a certain lifestyle for better results.

Other reasons for headaches can also simply be weak eyes, high stress levels, no sleep or food etc. in either case, prevention is better than cure.

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Dec 10, 2010 Posted Under: Alternative Medicine

What Is Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a process which is treated with the help of needles. The needles are inserted in to various parts of the body to relieve pain of for other therapeutic purposes. The origins of acupuncture are still not confirmed that in which century it has started, but we know that it has been originated from China.

In the modern times acupuncture treatments received a lot of criticism from the modern Chinese civil war and Chinese communist party leaders labeling acupuncture with different names such as superstitious and backward and creating a hurdle in scientific progress.

Acupuncture gained popularity when American president Richard Nixon visited China in 1972 and was shown a patient under going a surgery through acupuncture and the patient was fully awake and during the same time he was accompanied by a reporter of New York Times and he received a treatment through acupuncture and was stunned after receiving the treatment. He was so impressed with the treatment that he wrote an article relating to acupuncture which then gained its popularity.

In recent times if you have noticed a chart outside a doctors clinic doors showing body parts divided in to different zones. These zones are divided for the purposes of acupuncture as according to this treatment the needles are inserted in those positions and points which will then have an impact on the affected part.

Not only acupuncture helps proper flow of energy through your body but it also helps in regulating body functions and spiritual well being. This treatment has also been used to cure head aches, digestive disorders and asthma and apart from these problems it has been successfully used to cure and help against depression, phobias, addiction and eating disorders.

You should know that the human body is divided in to fourteen meridians or channels, one meridian for each of the twelve organs. Acupuncture pressure points are located along these meridians and some points have more than one function which means that acupuncturist might use them to cure other illness as well.

There are acupuncture points located on the back of the hands, thumb and first finger, acupuncturist use these points to cure constipation and other internal disorders. Another acupuncture point map is located at the base of the skull and along the gallbladder meridian. These points are used to cure flu and cough and also fever and headaches. There are so many pressure points in our body that can cure so many illnesses which we don’t even know.

The acupuncturist knows all the pressure points in human body and knows the exact points that are connected with different parts of our body. The needles are inserted in to specific parts of body so that proper flow of energy is established and relieve them of their illness.

When you have been treated by the acupuncturist you will then feel the flow of energy throughout your body in a new feel of physical and emotional harmony.

Remember to get treated from a proper licensed acupuncturist.

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Dec 09, 2010 Posted Under: Other

Healthy Eating Is The Key

When it comes to losing weight, there are so many options out there that it is easy to become distracted. There are diets that allow you to eat a whole lot of one thing as long as you steer well clear of something else, and there are exercise regimes that don’t involve much actual exercise. There seems to be an industry designed to think up ever more improbable ways of stopping weight gain, but when you come to really consider it, the only sure way to control your weight is to eat healthily.

Every human being has a certain calorific need, and if you exceed that without exercising to burn off the excess calories you will find that you gain weight. There are other considerations too, such as how many calories in a food come from fat, but in the main, it’s about getting the right balance of calories. You have to eat healthily to lose weight healthily and keep it off, and there is no getting around that fact.

Deciding on a diet to follow depends on showing common sense. It would be fantastic if we were able to eat what we wanted, do what we wanted and never gain weight. However, sacrifices are necessary if you want to live a healthy lifestyle and after a while they will become second nature. Eating healthily does not mean eating boring food – but we are conditioned to think that if it is good for you it cannot be fun. Breaking that particular mindset is the first key in a weight loss plan.

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Dec 07, 2010 Posted Under: Heart Disease

Heart Attack Treatment Tips

Heart attack treatment has remained a common talk of the world as there is overall belief that no healthcare delivery facility is ideal for proper management of heart attacks. The good news is that heart attack treatment and prevention are available to people who are ready to adhere to certain precautionary measures.

All said and done, the few most important things one needs to do when ever heart attack symptoms are identified is to give the right first aid to the patient, before any medical assistance arrives. There are some important once we shall discuss. Fist and foremost, the patient needs to relax and come out of stress.

Cayenne strengthens every blood vessel in the body including tiny capillaries that bring nutrients and oxygen to every cell and remove the toxic waste products from the cells. Hot peppers even keep the blood from sticking together preventing dangerous clots. All of these actions help cayenne prevent heart attacks and strokes. Herbalists agree that hot peppers are the number one herb for the heart.

Your diet can be a big factor in your risk for a heart attack. A diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol can narrow your hearts arteries. Instead eat heart healthy meals with lots of fruits and vegetables and omega 3-fatty acids. Along with diet and exercise, managing stress, and doing things like not smoking and limiting your alcohol intake can assist in the prevention and treatment for a heart attack.

Chest discomfort – this occurs in the center of the chest and may last a few minutes. It feels like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain. This discomfort may also be mild or severe and it may come and go. Discomfort can also extend to other parts of the body such as both arms, the back, neck, jaw and even the stomach.

Diets control is another noteworthy factor in the cure and treatment of a heart attack. Prescribed diets are those that limit calories. Also the restrictions in sodium and cholesterol intake are very important. The physical educator can work with the dietician in teaching the patient suffering from heart disease the rationale of the diet as well as helping him plan appetising menus that conform to the diet prescription.

In medical terms, a heart attack is called myocardial infarction, since there is no blood supply to the cells of the heart muscle – myocardium. It is also called coronary thrombosis or coronary occlusion. The forming of plaque is called atherosclerosis. This process of plaque building up occurs even from the childhood stage, often in an asymptomatic manner.

Eat healthy in combination with exercise. It is important to eat foods that are low in cholesterol and saturated fat. The in take of omega-3 fatty acids reduces the chances of sudden death. It is also important to eat on time and in small portions. Skipping meals leads to heartburn, which causes unnecessary complications. A low amount of spice, salt and fatty substances ensures a healthier heart.

Before the patient is discharged from the hospital, a treadmill test and angiography is performed to verify if the patient is experiencing pain. A rehabilitation course is prescribed that helps in healing the heart faster. These include lifestyle changes, medication, and tips to lead stress-free lives.

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Dec 04, 2010 Posted Under: Exercises

Cardiovascular Routines

One of the highly recommended ways to losing weight is to adopt a handful of cardiovascular routines. There is a whole list of such exercises, which will hone your body; all the while you are having fun doing the exercise.

Swimming is considered to be amongst the best cardiovascular exercises for everyone, since water has the tendency to lower the tension on your body.

This is why it is preferred for older people, especially those having joint pains, etc. While swimming, you will be able to burn a lot more calories than in any other way.

One more option that you have is walking. Those who have problems in moving around briskly, they can start off with walking. Even though, walking doesn’t let a lot of calories to be burnt, you will surely stay healthy, if you take out at least one hour a day for walking.

People who are more fit and healthy, they can go for jogging, since jogging is one of the most effective cardiovascular exercises, which helps you reduce your body fat by increasing the rate of your heart. But, it should be kept in mind that jogging may give your body extra tension.

A very good exercise, which serves dual purposes, is biking. You can use it for going from one place to another, and you will be getting your necessary cardiovascular exercise, without any additional stress.

Other than that, if you want to add some social activities to your exercise list, it is recommended that you go for tennis or basketball. The latter is highly effective for toning your legs.

And tennis on the other hand requires speed and continuous motion, giving your heart rate a boost and making you fit. Plus you will get a chance to meet other people while playing.

In order to stay healthy, pick any one or more than one above given exercises.

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Dec 01, 2010 Posted Under: Health

Dealing With Gout

While gout is considered a form of arthritis, it is actually more along the lines of a kidney difficulty. That’s because gout is caused by uric acid crystals dropped off into your joints, usually starting with your right big toe.

The function of your kidneys is to remove impurities such as uric acid from your blood stream and expel it in urine. If there is an overabundance of this waste product, or if your kidneys don’t function properly, it simply gets recirculated. As it increases, it forms the crystals. When they become too heavy to be moved easily, they get left behind.

There are two steps to relieving gout and preventing a relapse. One is to get rid of the acid and the other is to reduce inflammation. Both steps can be done, and often with home remedies. To help you find the answers you need, let me pose some of the questions I get asked on the topic:

1) What causes uric acid to be formed? It’s a waste product of a component of protein, called purine. Purine can be found in all protein sources, including vegetables like beans.

2) How can I prevent buildup? Watch the purine content of what you eat. While most people say that you should avoid all red meat, I suggest you eliminate foods by the level of purine in them, no matter what the product. There are some cuts of both beef and pork that have less than boneless/skinless chicken breast.

3) I’m having a flare up right now, what should I do? Cut back on protein, drink cherry juice and eat a lot of red fruits and vegetables. While tart cherries and the juice are the best, strawberries and even apples can help. Watch the sugar content, as adding high fructose corn syrup can make other conditions, such as diabetes, worse.

4) Besides protein, what else do I need to watch? Some medications and herbs could cause flare ups. A good example is aspirin. While low dose aspirin therapy may not be as harmful, doses higher than 80 mgs are a prime suspect in exacerbating the problem. For the same reason, don’t use products containing willow bark, as it is the exact same chemical. Don’t stop taking any medication without the approval of your physician, particularly if you have a serious health concern such as heart disease.

It’s a good idea to stay in touch with your doctor after you’ve been diagnosed with gout. The high volume of uric acid can cause damage to your kidneys. If left unattended, it could lead to renal failure and death.

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Nov 30, 2010 Posted Under: Health

Eating Disorder

Affluent addiction victims typically seek treatment from elegant luxury rehabs. Unfortunately, that search is often impeded by a dearth of reliable information about the luxury rehabilitation industry.

That’s about to change. is pleased to announce a new referral service linking affluent addiction victims to the best eating disorder treatment on earth. The goal of is to help those victims find the facility that’s exactly right for them. To do that, the service provides clients with expert personal advice and a thorough understanding of the treatment options available to them.

For recovery patients and their families, that sort of enlightenment can often make all the difference in the world.

Private luxury eating disorder rehabs are only as successful as the caregivers the employ. Addiction is a personal problem, after all, and recovery must be a people-driven process. The best rehab facilities are invariably those staffed by the most competent and compassionate professionals. In the end, any inferior standard of service is simply unacceptable.

But those principles aren’t always put into practice.

It’s one thing for an eating disorder treatment center to pay lip service to the importance of caregiver expertise. It’s quite another for that facility to live up to its own rhetoric. The unfortunate truth is that many of the most “exclusive” eating disorder rehabs in Los Angeles employ inexperienced or unqualified counselors and therapists. As should go without saying, these institutions routinely fall short of the promises they make to their clients.

Given the stakes in the fight against addiction, those sorts of failures can lead to disaster.

No eating disorder victim needs to be told about the perils of the disease. The good news here is that those perils don’t have to be fatal, provided that victims get the right kind of support on the road to recovery. has proven itself capable of helping clients take the first step towards a healthier future. As those clients have learned firsthand, no service could ever be more valuable than that one.

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Nov 27, 2010 Posted Under: Health

Brain Aneurysm

Brain aneurysm is basically a bulge in one of the arteries in the brain. This ballooning can leak or rupture, resulting in bleeding taking place into the brain. This usually takes place between the brain and tissues surrounding it. This type of hemorrhagic stroke is known as subarachnoid hemorrhage.

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This condition can lead to a life-threatening situation, requiring immediate treatment. The person who is suffering from it may end up with brain damage, resulting to death. It is estimated that in every fifteen people in America, one is likely to develop brain aneurysm during the course of their lifetime.

Immediate treatment becomes essential in this case, as any delay would lead to irreversible damage. The goals of treatment regarding brain aneurysm include putting the bleeding to a stop and preventing permanent damage from occurring to the brain. In addition, the risk or reoccurrences are also reduced.

The risk factors that are responsible for the start of this disease include smoking, use of alcohol or oral contraceptives and hypertension. This may also take place if the individual has experienced a traumatic head injury. In case the disease is present in family history, the likelihood would increase greatly.

The most common symptom associated with this disease is severe headache. There are several other symptoms although not every individual would go through them. These include vomiting and nausea, stiff neck or pain in the neck, pain above or in the eye, blurred vision, light sensitivity, loss of sensation, seizures, loss of consciousness, and dilated pupils.

Before the occurrence of an aneurysm rupture, patients may go through no symptoms. However, around forty percent of people who would be experiencing unruptured aneurysms experience the following:

There might be sudden, evident changes in behavior patterns, complications of speech, thinking, processing and perceptual problems, loss of balance and coordination, difficulty in concentrating, and short-term memory loss. The person may also feel fatigue. Diagnostic neuroradiology is frequently used to diagnose these symptoms as being that of brain aneurysm, as these can also be easily related to other medical conditions.

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