Archive for the 'Other' Category

Jun 22, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Head Lice Treatment

It’s not that you recognize them as soon as you get them. It can in a literal sense take several weeks or a few months just before you identify this harsh truth.

The interesting part is, at times people mix up dandruff with nits and lice. They witness very small white chunks of dirt in a person’s hair and successfully pass a consensus that the guy or girl has lice.

They don’t know the main dissimilarity between nits and dandruff.

Always remember, if you have particularly long hair, then it’s not really easy to see lice, because they survive close to your scalp. The finest way to learn about is to get your hair looked at by someone in your members of the family. Ask them to examine and see if there are any lice or nits in your hair.

The Likelihood Are That You Have Head Lice If…

  • Your scalp is itching.
  • You can feel something running in your hair.
  • You have red-looking lymph nodes in the front or back of your neck.

It will not be an effective idea to start head lice treatment only because you guess you have lice. You must be 100% positive before starting up any head lice treatment.

Anyway, you don’t want to spend your time, energy and money on just one thing that’s not really there.

Now…When you ask a particular person to proceed through your hair and look for lice and nits, they may perhaps possibly get baffled too and think of dandruff as nits.

There is Clear Differentiation Between Dandruff and Nits

Dandruff will fall off your hair promptly and easily, nits won’t.
Nits are securely hooked up to the hair. It’s like as though the female louse uses an intense and effective glue to secure the eggs to the hair.

So, to analyze and uncover if you have dandruff or nits, you really should use a nit comb.

Wet your hair and start combing. If it’s dandruff, then it will start to fall off. If it’s nits, then it will not come off so easily.

If you have dandruff in your hair, then you don’t need head lice treatment. Having said that, if you have head lice, then you must definitely go for head lice treatment.

So, don’t rush. Look for the signals and symptoms or go through the infested person’s hair. Even after looking, if you still can’t figure out whether it is dandruff or nits, then use a nit comb to end the confusion.

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Jun 01, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Joint Pains In Children

Millions of people around the globe suffered from joint pains. Joint pains affect about 1 in 5 adults. However, it is a different story when it comes to children suffers from joint pains. Statistics showed that about 300,000 children under the age of 18 years are affected by joint pains, of which 50,000 children are victims of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, or JRA. While joint pain is a common problem with the children, most of the time this is usually not of serious causes. In severe cases, it can be anything from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease or rheumatoid fever.

There are many causes and it is vital that you get an accurate diagnosis of the real source of your symptoms in order to receive appropriate treatment.

Through the children’s growing up years, they will experience pains in the joints from time to time as they undergo physical bodily changes. They grow taller, putting on more weights as well as engage in strenuous physical activities. The physical skeletal changes in the children normally result in pains around the joints, some may not experience the pain at all. Some children may develop fever as a result of the natural joint growth in their body. This pain in the joint usually subsides over the week or two.

Children are relatively more active and physically involved in their daily activities. They are more prone to injury but at the same time also a higher pain threshold to endure these injuries without immediate medication. It may be just a knock or fall, but these are usual joint pains occurring time and again. The children will be able to overcome this joint pain once the injury is healed.

However, if the pain is persistent, lasted longer than usual and occurs now and then accompanied with swelling, rashes, stiffness in joints causing immobility, it is vital that the root cause of these symptoms be identified. And that proper treatment can be applied.

The 2 common joint problems in children are listed below;


Being young and physically active, this is a common joint problem observed in children. The broken bones would have entirely limits the mobility with severe pain in the injured part imminent. Fractures require immediate treatment. The treatment usually employed plaster and splints, internal and external fixation.

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA)

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis is one of the most commonly seen type of joint pain in children. It is said to affect 1 out of every 1,000 children under the age group of 16. Symptoms of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis are rather similar to that of the adult’s arthritis; joint pain and stiffness, swelling and restriction on mobility. Common Nonsteroidal-anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are good to address JRA.

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May 13, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Causes for Lower Back Ache

The most common cause for lower back pain is strain. Muscles and ligaments in the back support the vertebra and keep it in position. When these muscles and ligaments are unduly stressed it causes pain the lower back region.

  • Back pain can occur if you suddenly lift something heavy or if lifting heavy weights, is a normal practice with you.
  • Sedentary jobs are also a reason for the onset of back ache.
  • Overweight people are prone to suffer from back ache, as the body weight stresses the muscles in the back.
  • Another reason for pain in this region is inflammation of the joints and connective tissue.

Back Pain Relief
If the back ache is very severe or recurrent, then you must see a doctor, for advice and treatment. Don’t neglect continuous nagging pain in the region. However, if the pain is due to an injury, then you can try some of the following remedies for relief.

1. The best way of getting relief from pain is to give the lower back area hot fermentation. For this you can either use a heating pad or a hot water bag or bottle. If a hot water bottle is not readily available, do not panic. Fill an old sock with rice and tie a knot to it. Microwave the sock with the rice in it on high, for two minutes and use this on your back instead of the bottle for pain relief.

2. Rest, is also very important when you injure your back. When back ache is severe make sure you sleep on a firm flat surface. A soft mattress will only aggravate the pain further. Lying on the side also relives pain, but it must be done on an absolutely flat bed.

3. If you are not seeing a doctor, then take a mild off-the-counter, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. This will give you instant relief from pain in the region. Do not rub balms without consulting a doctor as rubbing the inflamed area, may further aggravate the situation.

4. If you feel the need of a massage, get professional help. A physical therapist or trained masseur must be engaged for a massage.

5. Immobilize the lower back region by wearing a belt specially designed to support the back. Immobilizing the back gives it time to heal, and sometimes this is all that is required to ease the pain.

Precaution is the best way of keeping your back, pain free. Do not stress the back unnecessarily, by carrying heavy items. Take care of your posture. Don’t slouch, and always stand erect and sit straight, this will help the back muscles to stay well toned and healthy.

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May 07, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Kids With Cancer – One Type Being Thyroid Cancer

The thyroid gland is located at the base of the throat just below the Adam’s apple. The butterfly shaped gland has two lobes joined by a strip of tissue called the isthmus. The function of the thyroid gland is to produce the thyroid hormones, thyroxine, triiodothyronine and calcitonin.

When evaluating children with a thyroid nodule, they are usually divided into either prepubertal or post-pubertal allowing to make some distinctions. Children will usually present perfectly healthy but will have a lump or nodule in the thyroid and/or hard persistent swollen lymph glands in the neck. If the nodule is large the child may have trouble breathing or swallowing and have a hoarse voice.

The 3 types of thyroid cancer in children:

  1. Papillary cancer is the form of cancer that occurs in the cells that produce thyroid hormones containing iodine. It is the most common of thyroid cancers in children. Although it grows very slowly it can spread to the lymph nodes via lymphatics in the neck and occasionally may spread to other areas.
  2. Follicular cancer also develops in the cells that produce thyroid hormones containing iodine. This type of thyroid cancer is more common in the slightly older age group and less so in children. It may spread to the neck via blood vessels, causing it to spread to other areas of the body, making it more difficult to control.
  3. Medullary cancer is a rare form of cancer that develops in the cells that produce the hormone calcitonin. In children, usually the older age group, this cancer is usually associated with specific inherited genetic conditions. It is the fastest growing type of thyroid cancer and the abnormal cells grow and spread quickly to the neck area.

As a parent, if symptoms present themselves,take the child to the doctor. The doctor will then examine the head and neck area, looking for unusual lumps or nodules.

To determine the production of the thyroid hormones blood testing will be done.

Ultrasound imagining may be ordered to create an image of the neck area to have a better look at the thyroid gland and the lymph nodes. The ultra sound is normally followed by a needle biopsy if necessary to determine the cause of the lump.

A radioactive iodine scan providing information about the thyroid function and areas of the gland that do not absorb iodine normally is sometimes warranted.

Treatment for this condition in children will usually be surgery and possibly followed by radioactive iodine treatment to destroy any remaining cancerous thyroid tissue.

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Apr 26, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Stop Smoking for LIFE

If it were easy to quit smoking, the quit smoking industry would not be the multi-billion dollar industry that it is and the tobacco industry would be much smaller. Nearly every smoker wants an easy path to success in quitting smoking.

John is such a smoker. When he came to me, he had been smoking since he was 14 and he was now in his late 60s. He smoked 2 packs of cigarettes per day, at that time about $10 per day in cigarettes. At 67 he was not so worried about building a fortune as he was about holding on to some of his money during his retirement years. He also wanted to feel better. He wanted to feel better physically and he wanted to feel better about himself, because cigarettes were defeating him.

Yvonne had tried the patches and gum on numerous occasions. In coming for hypnosis she figured “what do I have to lose?” She wanted to stop because cigarette prices were climbing around her home in Maryland and at 54 she hated what they were doing to her health. She didn’t mention it but I think she was unhappy at what cigarettes were doing to her appearance as well. It was a big step for her to come for hypnosis as she had never tried anything like that before.

Jody is an amazing story. She heard about hypnosis at a business networking meeting. To say she had her doubts would be to put it mildly. Still, hearing about it from week to week, she became curious. She is a young mom with 2 kids who were old enough to nag her about smoking on the one hand, and impressionable enough to absorb her example on the other. She works in finance, so it also bugged her to keep on wasting money on cigarettes, as raising 2 kids was expensive. Living in New York, cigarette prices are as much as double what they are in other places, so she could not defend her waste of money even to herself. The money was bad enough, but then she noticed that her energy was declining and she was far too young to waste her energy on cigarettes.

Jody was honestly shocked when she walked out of the office. She felt no real need for a cigarette. She wondered what would happen since I had warned her that occasional but manageable cravings could develop. She felt added security for she knew that she could come back for additional sessions as needed. Still, she was a source of amazement to her kids, her boyfriend and her co-workers. She chose the option of waiting for them to notice rather than pointing it out as so many do. She came to hate the smell of smoke, yet after about 16 months smoke free, she found herself under pressure and responded from her distant after a few drinks at a funeral, and she found herself smoking again. Only an occasional cigarette, but wisely, she called for an appointment and after her session she is pleased to be more than 3 months smoke free.

Yvonne wrote to me recently to report that she has an occasional urge for a cigarette but is so thrilled that she has more than enough resistance to cigarettes and honestly finds the smell a bit repulsive. Still, she wants everyone to know that hypnosis works and she has been 13 months smoke free, saving thousands of dollars and seeing her health improve.

John has been smoke free for more than 5 years and he keeps on sending friends and family for hypnosis. One of his friends said, hey, if hypnosis works so well for smoking, what will it do for my weight? That was 70 pounds ago.

Hypnosis works so well because it operates at the level of the subconscious mind where decisions are really made. Jody, Yvonne and John each got individualized hypnosis sessions based on their unique life experiences and reasons for wishing to be finished with smoking forever. That is why it is my experience that the one-on-one hypnosis with a professional like me works way better than large group hypnosis like you get at the hotels from time-to-time. It is like the difference between putting on a one-size-fits-all garment and an outfit custom tailored to you. It is easy to know which is going to work better. Some people get great results from hotel hypnosis, but your best results will come from one-on-one hypnosis customized to you.

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Mar 16, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Hip Dislocations – Anterior and Posterior Types

Have you ever dislocated your hip?

Or, do you know someone that has dislocated their hip?

1.  Introduction

Hip dislocations can be generally classified into one of two types, either congenital or traumatic in nature (anterior and posterior dislocation to be discussed later on).

  • Congenital: The incidence of congenital hip dislocations is approximately 2-4 cases per every 1000 births. 80-85% of congenital cases will affect females. Hip dislocations that are congenital in nature are commonly the result of a femoral head or acetabular dysplasia.
  • Traumatic Hip Dislocations: Traumatic, high energy dislocations that are caused by blunt force also happen in the adult community. In addition to natural hip joints, prosthetic hip joints may dislocate with far less force. When a dislocation of the hip joint occurs, it is considered to be an orthopedic emergency. Timely treatment may reduce the negative side effects of a hip dislocation of this kind.

2. The Hip Joint

The hip is a joint is considered to be a ball-socket joint. The femoral head (top of the thigh bone) is normally situated deep within the acetabular socket. This is enhanced by the cartilaginous labrum that is present as well.

3. Causes of Hip Dislocations

  • MVC (Motor vehicle crashes) account for approximately two thirds of traumatic hip dislocations.
  • Falls and sports injuries are also common reasons why people suffer from a hip dislocation.

4. Anterior Dislocation

When an anterior disclocation occurs, the femoral head is located anterior (in front of) the acetabulum. The femoral head in these cases dislocates because of a hyperextension force (like bending your body back behind your legs) and an abducted leg (abduction is when the leg is away from midline).

5. Posterior Dislocation

Posterior dislocations of the hip account for approximately 80-90% of hip dislocations that are associated with motor vehicle crashes. During a MVC, a force can strike a flexed knee that hits the dashboard. This will then send a force up the femur to the hip. If however, the leg is straight and the knee is locked, the force can travel up the leg to the hip joint, as the force comes through the floorboard of the vehicle.

6. Hip Abduction Braces

Orthoses (braces) for the hip can help to secure an injured or unstable hip. These braces are best provided by a local, licensed orthotist and help to control excessive movements in the wrong direction during the healing process. The braces can help provide security to the hip when it is unstable after an injury has occurred.

*Note: This is health information. Medical advice on bracing should be provided to you by your local, licensed orthotist.

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Mar 15, 2011 Posted Under: Other

How Massage Therapy Works To Help People

Used for centuries, massage therapy provides both physical and emotional relief. It helps to heal by increasing blood flow and releasing built up emotions. Other benefits include relieving sore muscles and reducing stress. Practitioners that are licensed must take numerous courses prior to licensure and then even more after to fulfill continuing education requirements.

Natural remedies, such as touch, appeal to many people. They believe that an individual should not be overly reliant on prescription medications or technological medical procedures for most of their ailments. The elderly, athletes and people with a lot of stress usually find this type of procedure very beneficial.

The tendency to store emotions within the body is completely human. Once they build up, they cause aches in places that a person would not think would normally hurt. A regular occurrence of this for many is at the bottom of the neck, just between the shoulder blades. However, this is not the sole place that it occurs. Massage forces these emotions to be released from their storage areas and from the body itself.

During sessions, many people tend to get emotionally overwhelmed and without knowing why. They may begin crying or become angry with very little reason that they can see. However, the reason is the release of pent up emotions, which following the initial outset, will help the person to feel much more relaxed. Having regular sessions reduced the overwhelming nature of the releases.

Those who are athletic in nature, perhaps competing in races or working out frequently, tend to put added pressure on their joints, tendons, muscles and bones. Massage reduces inflammation, which causes pain and injury. As it is very beneficial for two key ailments of most athletes, shin splints and joint pain, it should be sought regularly.

The aging effects of a reduction in blood flow are apparent in the look of the skin. The epidermis is tremendously benefited from applied pressure. The elderly cannot only benefit in their exterior looks by increasing their blood flow, but also in the pain felt in their joints or from arthritis. These symptoms are often reduced by massage.

This type of therapeutic treatment has been very useful in helping women that experience water retention and cramping during their premenstrual cycle. It helps to provide a release for the fluids and get the blood moving better. For those carrying a child, it helps to relieve some of the pain associated with child birth. The power of touch has also been known to help lessen breathing and respiratory problems associated with asthma. This all has to do with the advantages of increasing the circulation of the blood.

For many purposes, massage therapy is not meant to replace modern medicine as a treatment. It is a holistic approach to staying healthy and reducing negative stress or symptoms that could be problematic in the future, causing a need for modern medicine. Everyone receives a session in a different way and has a different need for it. However, anyone that makes it a regular occurrence can benefit from its provisions.

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Feb 26, 2011 Posted Under: Other

What is Insomnia and It’s awailable Remedies

It is unavoidable and perfectly normal that we cannot sleep well from time to time, but chronic insomnia is another story. Not only will it affect our performance and productivity, chronic insomnia suppresses the immune system and leads to other disorders such as depression, chronic fatigue, headaches, and heart disease.

Deep Breathing is one of those natural health remedies for insomnia that people tend to scoff at. Why? Because they don’t think taking deep breaths will help to cure insomnia. Although that is partly true, and deep breathing won’t likely cure your insomnia completely, it can actually help you to get to sleep faster.

Insomnia varies from person to person and so is the treatment. Sleep disorder or insomnia can be caused by many different things. For some people, it is a physical condition caused by hormonal or chemical imbalances. For others, insomnia is caused by emotional or mental issues. A particular treatment or a remedy which has yielded positive result to someone may not be beneficial for other.

The sounds and pulses from the sleeptrack will make their way into your brain and start lulling you to sleep as soon as you begin to hear them. Many have described the experience as getting their brain “massaged”. Basically, just turn on the soundtrack and prepare to have your brain “massaged” until you are fast asleep. Seriously, have you ever seen a lazier insomnia remedy than this? I think not.

Are you having trouble getting a decent nights sleep and suffering from Insomnia? Most people can handle the odd night without a full nights rest. If your insomnia carries on for too many nights, then some good insomnia remedies will be just what you need. You need to get at least six or seven hour of sleep a night to get you through a day without drifting off. A lack of sleep can lead to host of health related problems.

Many people have problems with insomnia because they bring their work home with them and then can’t stop thinking about it and worrying. You can bring work home with you if needed to but don’t bring it into your bedroom. Your bedroom needs to be kept clutter free and clean. This will help you relax and not think about work.

If you find yourself wanting to take a nap during the day, DON’T! Naps, although a convenient way to get some quick rest, are not helpful when it comes to your natural sleeping rhythm. By taking a nap, you will be thrown off your normal sleeping pattern and it will be much more difficult to get to sleep when you really need to.

When sleeping difficulties hit you hard, you will have to find a way to relieve yourself. Many people would elect using conventional sleeping pills and other prescription drugs. Some, however, prefer the more natural way for a change. Some people see homeopathic sleep aids as the better alternative to a source of anxiety and irritation. These remedies bring advantages without the inauspicious side effects in your body and are seen as not merely quick fixes, but as long-term cures.

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Feb 12, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Women And Solutions for Hair Loss

It is hard to imagine that women can be associated with each other. Well after all, people would always associate women with thick and long locks so they are not supposed to suffer from hair problem. But then the truth is that women can lose their hair as well and the bad news is that hair loss can happen to even young women although most of the time the older women in their menopausal stage are the ones most prone to hair thinning women.

Maybe hair loss in women could appear unnoticed because most women do not have the same pattern of hair problem as it is in men. Most men end up bald or with the large hairless areas. Women on the other end who suffer from the most common form of hair loss do not get bald but they usually suffer from diffused hair thinning. The hair loss becomes apparent though if one would take a closer look at the scalp. Those women who have conditions have partially visible scalps.

There are several reasons that could be attributed to hair loss in women. It was thought in the past that the major reason for female is that some women are genetically predisposed to DHT, the hormone that shrinks the hair follicle. This could be true for men but the research shows that there are other reasons for women. Aside from the genes, hair loss women happen because of low estrogen levels, stress and illness.

Regardless of what the reason for the hair loss, the impacts on the emotions of affected women could be tremendous. To some, losing the hair can greatly damage the self esteem and the ability to relate with others socially. This could especially occur when it happens so suddenly. There are times when women with this problem could panic and they would try just about any hair solutions that they would stumble upon and they are expected to go through depression just before they are able to accept the condition. In worst cases, attempts to kill oneself may also happen which is why those who are suffering from this condition should be taken care of by a strong support group.

But then again there are many hairloss treatment product manufacturers who know how desperate women could become and that is why all of these hair loss products that offer help and solution to hair issues are coming out and made available in the market. There are some of these that are really working and kudos to these products. However, one should be careful about scam products for they will never do any good. Of course the suffering that comes with hair loss is bad enough already so getting lured by these fake products can make someone feel even worse.

Before planning on trying out a product solution to hair loss women, one should have to make some time off to research about it. It would be good to make a research of the ingredients and how reputable it is for helping patients and what hair experts have to say about them. Taking the time off to research about the product would definitely pay off as it will not expose you to unnecessary risks.

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Feb 11, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Dangerous Effects of Smoking on Human Body

Tobacco is considered as the greatest cause of preventable deaths in the United States and throughout the world. According to the American Heart Association and the National Health Interview Survey of 2008, 24.8 million men and 21.1 million women in the United States are smokers. Tobacco smoking causes many diseases affecting major organs of the body including heart, brain, and lungs.

Nicotine is the most active and important chemical component that causes dangerous effects in human body. It is a major risk factor for heart attacks; lung and mouth cancers and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Here, we will discuss about some of the dangerous effects of smoking on human body.

Oral cancer
It was revealed by the National Institutes of Health that a variety of cancers including cancers of oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, and lungs are caused by cigar smoking. It was observed that around 90% of the patients with oral cancer are smokers. Laryngeal cancer is caused about 20 to 30 times more in smokers than non-smokers. Smoking causes inflammation around the teeth which is termed as periodontitis. Adherent white plaques and patches occur on the membranes of oral cavity and is called as leukoplakia.

Effect on heart rate and blood pressure
Increase in rate of heartbeat and a sharp rise in blood pressure are the immediate effects of smoking on heart and blood circulation. The heart rate increases by about 30 times during the first 10 minutes of smoking. Nicotine causes the blood vessels to get narrowed resulting in rise of blood pressure. The oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is decreased by carbon monoxide which increases heart rate. Long term effects of smoking include increase in levels of fibrinogen and cholesterol in blood increasing risk of heart attacks. Coronary heart disease (CHD), Peripheral vascular disease (PVD), aneurysm, artherosclerosis, and others are caused by the heart and circulation attacks.

Effect on lungs
More than 80% lung cancer cases are accounted by tobacco. Inability of cilia to remove the tar content of cigarette smoke leads to lung and laryngeal cancer. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is caused by smoking and is characterized by shortness of breath; persistent cough with sputum; and damage to lungs including emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Effect on liver
Numerous toxins are present in the cigarettes that lead to chronic inflammation and scarring of liver. This may increase the risk of diseases such as liver cancer, liver fibrosis, and Hepatitis B and C. Chemicals such as N-Nitrosodiethylamine, N-Nitrosopyrrolidine, and arsenic present in cigarettes are responsible for cause of liver tumors. The ability of liver to detoxify dangerous substances gets diminished by smoking.

Effect on brain dysfunction
Nicotine reaches the brain within 10 seconds after inhalation. Carotid artery is the main artery that supplies blood to the brain. Fatty substances are built up in the carotid artery due to cigarette smoking. This decreases the supply of blood to the brain cells and results in stroke called as cerebral thrombosis. The risk of this stroke in smokers is about 1.5 times to that of non-smokers. Thickening and clotting of blood in brain may also be caused due to smoking.

Effect on digestive system
Harmful effects of smoking can be seen on all parts of the digestive system. The decrease in strength of lower esophageal valve allows the acids of stomach to reflux into esophagus. This situation is termed as heartburn. The movement of bile salts from intestine to stomach is also promoted by smoking. Smoking increases the rate of formation of peptic ulcers.

Effect of skin and hair
Collagen, a protein in skin, keeps the skin elastic. As nicotine affects collagen, elasticity of the skin is reduced. The tiny capillaries which nourish the skin are also constricted by nicotine, leading to formation of wrinkles. Healing process also gets affected by smoking and longer time is taken to heal a wound. The immune system is suppressed by the nicotine which leads to increase in susceptibility of viral infections of skin.

Premature thinning and graying of hair is seen in smokers. The chances of people becoming bald are twice in smokers than in non-smokers. Premature graying of hair is also 3 to 6 times common in smokers.

Effect on bone and muscle
Healing of fractures is delayed by smoking. Blood flow to all tissues is restricted by nicotine. Mostly it is restricted in newly forming tissues, which are involved in bone repair. The chemicals of tobacco are responsible for inhibition of development of new muscle and bone tissue cells. The risk of osteoporosis is increased by smoking. Significantly lower bone densities are seen among women smokers and are more likely to suffer fractures. The risk of osteoporosis among women is 50% more in smokers than non-smokers.

Effect on respiratory system
Entry of chemicals of tobacco into mouth and trachea causes irritation and chemical burns. It causes sore throat and pain. Cancer causing properties of certain chemicals may cause burns on trachea resulting in throat cancer. Many fatal diseases are caused by smoking including cancers of mouth, nasopharynx, larynx and lung. Increased risk of asthma, cough, bronchitis and pneumonia are seen in children who are exposed to passive smoking.

Psychological effects
The feeling of euphoria and calmness are considered as the root cause for addiction to cigarettes. Nicotine triggers the release of dopamine in brain giving pleasure reaction. The psychological effects of smoking are dependent on the physical effect of nicotine on brain. When a person quits smoking, the psychological desire for cigarettes can last for many years, whereas the physical desire can be overcome within 2 weeks.

Smoking causes many dangerous effects on human body. American Cancer Society estimated that 168,000 Americans died of cancer due to tobacco smoking in 2007. Yearly smoking causes 1 in 5 deaths in America. Hence, it is necessary to take serious steps for eradication of smoking habits. Many educational programs have to be conducted to make people aware of the harmful effects of smoking on human body.

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