Thousands of men and women all over the world have reduced their chance of getting stress-related diseases through wellness programs and general health and wellness. Corporations in the Western world have been recently implementing voluntary wellness programs in order to create healthier happier employees. This may mean providing facilities where employees can practice their fitness regimes as well as providing wellness tips through trained professionals and tailoring routines for all of the individual employees. The benefits of reducing the stress in our every day lives is endless.
Health and wellness is so important because it affects all aspects of our lives. Information is available through the Internet, media, and of course the references of our friends and family. Wellness programs suggest we use whole food supplements, Chinese herbs and the ayurvedic medicine of India. Wellness tips are a great way to start experimenting on what best works for you. This is a free guide to all alternative healing products and information so you can find exactly what you are searching for.
We provide a guide that allows you to find many qualified alternative healing providers as well as an abundance of wellness tips. You will be able to create wellness programs that are specially customized for you and your entire family. Remember, balance, health and wellness can drastically improve all areas of your life. Imagine living completely pain free and stress free, the possibility is there and available to you.
Pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis is a matter of serious concern. So, what are the effective forms of rheumatoid arthritis drug therapy? What are their side effects and special precautions? Find out the expert answers to these important questions in this article.
Rheumatoid arthritis causes a lot of pain and discomfort in the life of the person who is suffering from it. Pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis is really a serious issue as more than 2.5 million people suffer from this dreaded disease in the United States alone.
Although prescription based rheumatoid arthritis drug therapy is effective for pain relief in the short term, it also suffers from the risk of various side effects — which can be fatal at times.
As more and more research is being undertaken and the side effects of prescription based drug therapy are coming into light, people are now looking for safer, healthier and natural remedies to control inflammation and to achieve pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis.
These are some of the common treatments used:
1) Cox-2 inhibitors — they are a popular form of drug therapy that work by blocking an enzyme called Cox-2 in our body, which is responsible for inflammation. They are approved by the FDA, but have received a lot of bad press and media attention due to their adverse side effects.
For example, Vioxx is a brand of Cox-2 inhibitor manufactured by Merck. It was removed from the market due to many reported cases of stroke and heart attack in patients. In fact, thousands of lawsuits are still pending against it.
So, although they are effective in pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis, they also carry the risk of serious side effects on health.
2) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) — they are quite popular among people as short-term treatment in pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis. Aspirin and ibuprofen come in this category. They reduce inflammation and provide pain relief. But, they can cause serious side effects such as stomach problems, gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers and heart problems, if they are taken for long periods of time in high doses.
3) Corticosteroids — it is a form of drug therapy which helps to reduce inflammation. They suffer from side effects such as high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, thinning of the bones which leads to osteoporosis and much more. This is the reason why health experts recommend using them for short periods only.
4) Natural remedies — the use of omega-3 fatty acids is one of the most effective means of pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis. They have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and are also very beneficial for a good health including the health of heart, brain, digestive system, skin, joints and hair.
Research has shown that the use of omega-3 supplements helps to reduce tenderness in joints, reduce inflammation, decrease morning stiffness and reduces the need of using other drug therapy for pain relief.
Purified Fish oil supplements are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA. They can provide an effective and long term pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis naturally. Omega-3 supplementation becomes increasingly important in the Western world, as their diet is highly deficient in the essential Omega 3s.
You may have heard your dentist or dental hygienist talk about Gingivitis, but what is it? What causes Gingivitis and how can it be treated? Whether you’ve been diagnosed with Gingivitis or are just curious, this guide will inform you on all the basic, including symptoms, causes, and treatments and preventative measures. After reading this article you’ll be able to tell if you are at risk for developing Gingivitis, you’ll also learn how to prevent Gingivitis or how it should be treated if you’ve already got it. Generic viagra Mexico What is Gum disease?
Gingivitis, quite simply, is a non-serious form of gum disease. It is mild, or non-serious in its early stages but can lead to more serious periodontal disease. Gingivitis has been known to cause swelling of the gums, but in many cases it is so mild that Gingivitis can be totally unperceived by you. Unfortunately, even if you don’t know that you have it, Gingivitis can be causing more serious damage. The resulting inflammation and infection can destroy tissues in your mouth that support your teeth. Even very slight cases of Gingivitis have the potential to turn into damaging periodontal disease if not treated properly.
What Causes Oral Health?
There are many possible causes for Gingivitis. By and large, the most common way to contract this type of periodontal disease is to not care for your teeth and gums properly. When you don’t brush and floss your teeth regularly, you are allowing plaque to build up. Plaque is the sticky stuff made up of food deposits, bacteria, mucus and more that can build up on the exposed parts of your teeth. The long-term effect of this plaque buildup is Tartar, which is a hard deposit that becomes trapped at the base of the tooth. When built up tartar and plaque cause irritation and inflammation to the gums, Gingivitis can be suspected.
Other types of injury to the teeth and gums can also cause Gingivitis. Brushing your teeth too vigorously or roughly can cause Gingivitis. Also, using a toothbrush that is not soft enough can cause this problem. There are also some factors that can increase your chances of contracting Gingivitis. These include illness in general, poor dental hygiene (as aforementioned), the hormonal changes caused by pregnancy or menopause and uncontrolled diabetes.
What are the Symptoms?
Though it is common for Gingivitis to be relatively pain free, there are some symptoms that can signify this type of periodontal disease. Below is a partial list of the most common signs of early-stage Gingivitis:
– Red or swollen gums
– Pink toothbrush or gums bleeding during tooth brushing
– Persistent bad taste in the mouth
– Halitosis (bad breath)
Once Gingivitis has set in and advanced to later stages, the following symptoms may be present:
– Receding gums
– Nerve root exposure and sensitivity
– Teeth may become loose or fall out
Presence of advanced-stage Gingivitis as indicated by the above-listed symptoms may lead to or indicate periodontis. Possible Treatments
If you suspect or know that you have Gingivitis, it is important to get the proper dental care in order to stop it from progressing. The treatments that are available for Gingivitis are several different actions that will require effort on your part. Generally, your dentist will prescribe a treatment strategy involving the following:
– Prescription of antibacterial mouthwash
– Strict oral hygiene regimen
– Proper brushing of teeth
– Daily flossing
– Regular professional dental cleanings
Though it is not common, there are some cases where highly advanced Gingivitis requires oral surgery. But it is easy to avoid this by knowing what to look out for and how to avoid it.
Fibromyalgia, sometimes called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, can be an extremely painful malady that can also wreak havoc on your body’s immune system, making you much more susceptible to diseases that could prevent you from living a full and healthy lifestyle. Fibromyalgia usually responds positively to natural remedies such as antioxidants and supplements that boost your natural defense system.
If you’ve been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and want to explore natural remedies to control the pain, you should begin by finding out all you can about the disease. Online websites can help to educate you about Fibromyalgia natural remedies and point you in the direction of sites where you can purchase or read about the ones that are best for you.
You’ll find that adopting a nutritional diet plan as well as a plan of detoxifying your body are absolute musts in controlling Fibromyalgia pain. These remedies will boost your body’s defense system so that you can safely move ahead with exercises and other methods to control the pain and chronic fatigue that are classic symptoms of the disease.
You may have been suffering from Fibromyalgia for some time, causing your body to deteriorate along the way. People who suffer from Fibromyalgia usually begin a search for answers by complaining to their health care providers about various aches and pains, plus other side effects such as extreme fatigue. When test after test reveals nothing, doctors sometimes diagnose it as “psychosomatic.”
A physician may then prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to control pain, a sleeping pill, muscle relaxant and/or anti-depressants to provide some relief to the patient’s symptoms. All these drugs and narcotics can only do further harm to your body – plus, you may become addicted to some of them. Patients suffering from Fibromyalgia often go misdiagnosed for years until a doctor who’s educated about the disease can properly diagnose it and start the patient on a healthy lifestyle regimen.
Fibromyalgia natural remedies can make all the difference to a patient suffering with the disease. Detoxification, supplements, proper diet and exercise can help relieve total body pain, mental confusion, frequent fevers, swollen glands and infections that just don’t seem to improve.
One thing is certain about Fibromyalgia – there is no quick fix or a simple pill that you can take to rid your body of this painful problem. And, you must be proactive in the treatment if it’s going to succeed. In other words, you must make a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, including diet, exercise and nutritional supplements. It may take months for your body to respond to Fibromyalgia natural remedies, but it’s your best chance to control the pain and live life your way.
Fibromyalgia is a serious disease that can become debilitating. Research and explore what natural remedies can mean to you or someone you know who suffers from this disease.
If you or your loved ones are experiencing seizures or postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) pain, you may ask your doctor about Gabapentin. This anticonvulsant treats seizures by reducing the brain’s abnormal excitement and relieving PHN pain by changing the way your body senses pain.
Epileptics or people experiencing neuropathic pains can find relief with Gabapentin, marketed under the brand name Neurontin. In 1994, the U.S. Food and Drug Administrative approved Gabapentin to be used as an adjunctive drug to control partial seizures. This means that Gabapentin is effective when added or combined with other anti-seizure drugs. In 2002, the drug was also approved for relieving postherpectic neuralgia (PHN) and other nerve related pain.
How to Use Gabapentin:
You can take this drug as an oral solution, capsule or tablet three times a day. Prescription label directions include taking this medication at prescribed time, usually no more than 12 hours between doses, and with or without food. Usually, your doctor will start you on a low dose and gradually increase your dosage as needed. As with any other prescribed medications, do not stop taking Gabapentin without talking to your doctor first as you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as:
· Difficulty falling or staying asleep
· Anxiety
· Pain
· Nausea
· Sweating
Side Effects Worth Telling your Doctor:
Gabapentin may cause some mild or serious side effects, including:
· Tiredness or weakness
· Drowsiness
· Headache
· Uncontrollable shaking in some parts of your body
· Blurred or double vision
· Anxiety
· Unsteadiness
· Dizziness
· Red, swelling or itchy eyes
· Runny nose, cough, sore throat, sneezing or other flu-like symptoms
· Constipation
· Weight gain
· Diarrhea
· Dry mouth
· Vomiting
· Unusual or strange thoughts
· Unwanted eye movements
· Difficulty breathing or swallowing
Other Treatment Uses:
Gabapentin is also used to treat opiate withdrawal symptoms. It has also been prescribed to menopausal women under anti-androgenic compound treatment to lessen or control hot flashes. There is a possibility that Gabapentin may help induce a deep sleep, thus reducing arousals. The drug is also prescribed for restless legs syndrome (RLS) as well as treatment of akathisia, an anti-psychotic side effect.
Your doctor will advise you against abrupt discontinuation of Gabapentin after long term use. This is to prevent a withdrawal syndrome similar to benzodiazepine or alcohol withdrawal.
All work places with a number of employees, should employ a Safety Officer or an OH&S person, or have a safety program in place that management can supervise. Any concerns by an employee regarding a health and safety issue should immediately be brought to the notice of this safety person. It is imperative that management is also on board with all the safety measures in place. It is also the responsibility of the individual to be aware of any emerging hazards and make them known as soon as possible. In a factory or workplace where repetitive actions are performed, a time and motion study should be performed to modify any over-reaching, side action movements, height limitations, lighting and where required ear-protection and or eye protection. In an office environment every care should be taken in the choice of chair(adjustable height, good back support etc) and computer desk(height and depth)
At-Home Injuries
The first and main person of concern is the lady of the house. One of the first measures to alleviate injury is to store all the heavy cooking utensils on the middle shelf and not the bottom one. (which is usually where most of us store the large pots and pans.) When renovating, or building a kitchen in a new home ensure the largest shelf is the middle one, at about thigh height. Also the most used condiments and additives for cooking to be no higher than shoulder height.
If the man of the house is a do-it-your-selfer, his tools must be in good condition and cleaned properly after each use. If the tools are hanging on a wall in the garage ensure they are easy to access to stop the need for over-reaching. When working outdoors, either in the garden or lawn mowing etc, ensure the correct footwear is used. DO NOT GARDEN IN FLIP-FLOPS(we call them thongs in AUS and Jandels in NZ.) Ear and eye protection should be worn when applicable.
As almost 90% of households have a computer or PC, the desk and chair heights must be carefully considered for each member of the family who use them. Especially the family member who spends extended time on the computer. (that’s not always the teenager in the family)
Age Related Injury
It is not only the older members of society that can incur injury to the neck or back. With regard to the younger members of society, injuries can be suffered through the “no fear” consciousness and it is these injuries that sometimes aren’t felt at the time but tend to show themselves at a later date.
The older(I don’t mean OLD) person who has been very active in their early years may feel that they can just do it! Because they have been doing it, or playing it, for a long time. The biggest danger is the lack of stretching or warming up of the muscles before the activity.
Lower back pain is a common medical condition that affects almost everybody at some point or another. It can be acute or chronic. The acute form of lower back pain is usually caused by heavy lifting or over-exercising. Using an inadequate mattress for sleeping or constantly having a wrong posture can easily lead to lower back pain. Sometimes degenerative diseases like arthritis are causing disc degeneration and thus pain in the lower section of the back. A sprained muscle, a herniated disc or an injury can easily provoke chronic low back pain.
Treatment can vary from over the counter analgesics to surgery in the worst cases. It is essential to see a physician in order to determine the root cause of the pain and to make sure you are taking the appropriate treatment. There are specific exercises that can be done for relieving lower back pain. Depending on what is causing the problem in the first place, there are many treatment methods available.
Herbal remedies have proven their efficacy in what concerns alleviation of lower back pain. Here is a non-exhaustive list of useful herbs –
1. Bromelain – It is a substances extracted from pineapple with a great anti-inflammatory action. Start taking 2-3 grams daily and when the pain becomes milder, reduce the dose to 1-2 grams daily.
2. Chamomile – It is known for its pain killing properties. You can either take a few capsules a day, or 10-20 drops of extract, mixed in a cup of water or tea.
3. Red pepper – It contains capsaicin, a strong pain killing agent. It interferes with the perception of pain we are having and it stimulates the body to produce endorphins. You can either mix smashed red pepper in any skin cream you have or make your own tincture from red pepper and rubbing alcohol. There are also capsaicin creams available on the market.
4. Cramp bark and black haw – The combination between these plants is highly effective in reducing pain. The first one has antispasmodic compounds and the other one contains aspirin-like substances. The tincture is the most effective form in which they can be consumed.
5. Burdock – It alleviates the pain and it also purifies the blood. The recommended dose is between 1 and 3 capsules a day.
6. Horsetail – It has a calming effect and it is very helpful in rebuilding damaged tissue.
7. Willow bark – It is used from ancient times in relieving pain and it helped researchers to discover aspirin.
This is the most common type of massage therapy in the United States. It is also known as Swedish massage or simply massage therapy.
If you want to experience long smooth strokes, kneading, and circular movements on the upper layers of muscle using massage lotion or oil. You won’t be experiencing painful strokes that are associated with other techniques. It is because of this very nature that it is the best one to try first if you hadn’t experienced going to a massage salon regularly before. You will appreciate hard massage later if you are already accustomed to the soft and smooth movements of the Swedish technique.
Aromatherapy Massage
Aromatherapy massage is simply massage therapy that makes use one or more scented plant oils called essential oils to cater to very specific needs and effects desired. The different types of oils will produce different effects on the client. The experienced massage therapist can select oils that are relaxing, energizing, and generally alleviates psychological tension. It is up to the therapist to mix and choose the best blend of oils depending on the request and the needs of the client. You should try using lavender oil first because it is the most relaxing and none aggravating type of scent. The scent of these oils is best suited to stress problems with an emotional component. It eliminates the inner subconscious tension and allows the therapist to work on the muscles as well.
Hot Stone Massage
Heated, smooth stones are placed on certain points on the body. The principle behind this is to create energy and distribute it towards its proper places. Tight muscles are loosened up and warmed by the use of the stones. There is also the added advantage of not having to experience hard massage. The heat itself is already comforting to the client. The stones can be used as tools also to create the pressure necessary to relax the client. It helps create a sensation conducive to sleep. Clients having problems with their bodies can relax slowly even if the therapist hasn’t touched them yet by the use of these stones.
Deep Tissue Massage
If you want to target deeper layers of muscles, it is classified as a deep massage. It is a bit painful for those that are not used to it but very soothing actually to those who needs it most. The technique depends on slower strokes or friction techniques to get to the deeper layers of the tissue. This type of massage is best for those that are suffering from certain muscle strain and sports injuries. It is recommended that no one should engage in strenuous exercises for a few days after they had a deep tissue massage. This is the best massage actually for those with serious stress conditions.
If you want a delight to experience, you should try shiatsu. It involves localized finger pressure in a rhythmic sequence on certain body points that leaves the client feeling refreshed. There is no feeling of pain or soreness several days afterward. You will be surprised that the firm pressure exerted didn’t create any after effects. The heaviness that you feel will gradually lift up and then disappear altogether. In the duration of the massage however, you will enjoy that delicious feeling of whittling down your stress. Massage techniques
Exercise routine is important for your health. When you have a little time just before going to bed, do not hesitate to use it. Don’t be afraid of sweating if you really want to make yourself sleep better. If you do it, the next day you’ll wake up with a fitter body, plus be able to have lots of energy.
Before the muscles of the body work in practice, do the warm-up first. This serves to reduce the risk of injury, blood circulation from the heart, also gives comfort while you exercise. Afterward, do the movement of cooling the muscles down. Have fun. No need to train seriously. Do it with enthusiasm in order to maximize the effect. Live a healthy life with exercise routine.
There are several options available to you if you are looking for lower back pain treatment. The majority of the solutions usually fall into a couple of different categories. Either they are treatments you can perform in the comfort of your own home, or otherwise treatments outside the home that involve trained professionals. Both options have their benefits, but it usually comes down to personal choice. Viagra super force People develop back pain for various reasons. Most of the time back problems happen because of an injury. This could be from a work related accident, a car accident, sports injuries, or just twisting or bending wrong. Other times back issues come from aging, genetics, and even obesity.
You could also visit a trained professional like a chiropractor or a physical therapist. A chiropractor will perform a series of adjustments on your back giving you immediate and long term pain relief. Likewise a physical therapist will more than likely come up with an exercise/stretching program design to help ease pain and also strengthen your back. They might also prescribe a massage treatment or some time in a whirlpool bath.