Archive for the 'Headaches' Category

Jun 18, 2011 Posted Under: Headaches

Migraine Headache and a Walk in Clinic

Have you ever sat in a room with all the lights turned off in a silent sphinx-like position attempting to empty your mind of all distractions? Although this may sound like something a new-age Buddhist might do, it is also something that a migraine sufferer will do to attempt to alleviate the severe pain that they are experiencing. Migraines are quite simply hard to explain to non-sufferers, the pain is unlike a normal headache and is often times rated as a ten on a one-to-ten numbered pain scale. Visiting doctors, hospitals and a walk in clinic is par for the course for people who have migraines. Treatment is out there if you know where to look.

What is a Migraine?
It is a serious medical issue whose symptoms include excruciating head pain. This “headache” can last anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days. Nausea is also a symptom of migraines, as is temporary loss of vision and other eye oddities, such as spots or flashing lights.


When & Where do Migraines Present Themselves?
This varies with the individual sufferer. It can be on one side of the head or both. They can happen around the clock, yet typically are reported that they begin in the morning hours. It is important to have medical help if you are a sufferer of migraines, and any of your city’s many walk in clinics can help you in a variety of ways.

Who Gets Migraines?
It is reported that the average ages for migraine sufferers is between 20 and 45. This does not mean that other ages cannot have them, as that happens commonly. Women are more likely to have migraines, in fact, it is estimated that almost three out of four sufferers are women.

What Causes Migraines?
Although many professionals, including walk in clinics, have studied this issue it is not understood what causes migraines. It may be an imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain, which causes an inflammation which triggers the pain.

What Are The Triggers?
This is a problematic question in an across-the-board-way because triggers are different in all individuals. Some sufferers get an attack when they have too little sleep, some too much sleep. It does seem that stress, skipped meals and alcohol can trigger an episode. It is difficult to say what one person will find to be a trigger, as it varies so very much.

When Should a Doctor Come Into The Equation?
If you are unsure that you need a doctor this is a great sign because all people who suffer from genuine migraines KNOW in their heart-of-hearts that medical help is necessary. If you do need a doctor, think about visiting any of your friendly neighborhood walk in clinics as they possess the skill to diagnose and treat many illnesses, migraines included.

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Jun 16, 2011
Posted Under: Mental Health

Depression – What About Exercise?

Feeling the blues? Take a hike!

Studies show that people who engage in brisk walking for at least 30 minutes cope better from mild to moderate depression.

Experts agree that one of the most probable reasons is the widely accepted fact that exercise promotes release of “mood elevator” chemicals in the brain like endorphins. In addition, moderate exercise boosts the immune system, protecting the body from sickness which could sometimes trigger depression.

It also helps boost one’s self esteem, especially when one would start seeing improvements in his/her condition. Exercise also allows for one to sleep better while ensuring that one is at its peak energy during the day.

In addition, exercise can be a productive form of distraction for someone suffering from depression. It allows a person to take one’s mind off the issues that’s troubling him/her.

Meanwhile, exercise done in groups allow for one to improve his/her social skills and build a network of support.

The biggest challenge, however, when it comes to depressed individuals is how to keep those butts (pun not intended) out of bed and into the gym or field. That is why, it is very important for one to be determined in getting rid of those blues, after all, who would want to feel low all the time?

This is also where one’s support group would come in handy. Having someone to inspire and force you to move would prove to be helpful, because once you start, it would not be difficult to keep going as even brief periods of exercise could help elevate one’s mood for significant number of hours.

Before starting an exercise regimen, however, it would be wise to consult a doctor so that you would know what exercise to engage in and the limits that you should be putting on your body.

Setting a realistic goal, like being able to jog one kilometer on the first run, would also be recommended, rather than frustrating oneself on trying to achieve something that may seem impossible to accomplish for the first few weeks of exercise.

Another great idea that would help encourage one to exercise is the fact that exercise is not a chore, as such, it is but fitting for one to enjoy it. Look for a sport or some physical activity that best captures your interest. Exercise, after all, is not just about going to the gym or finishing laps in the track. Try swimming or basketball, or how about football or cricket? When you decide to engage in an exercise program, start by learning your favorite sport, in that way you not only develop a new hobby but also an enjoyable means of boosting your immune system and mood.

When you have decided the kind of program to engage in, always consider the basic rule of exercise and that is, start with a 10 to 15-minute warm-up session and end with a cool-down session.

Warm-ups and cool-downs prepare your muscles and cardio-pulmonary system before an activity that could stress them out. It conditions the body, preventing exercise related injuries like sprains and strains, as well as unnecessary stress to the heart.

So, the next time you get visited by sad thoughts, get those running shoes out and chase those blues away.

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Apr 23, 2011 Posted Under: Headaches

Treat Migraine With Homoeopathy

A migraine is a throbbing or pulsating headache that is often one sided (unilateral), but can be both sided (bilateral), and associated with nausea; vomiting; increased sensitivity to light, sound, and smells and sleep disruption. Many times a migraine is preceded by an aura. An aura is a group of symptoms, including visual disturbances that occur before the actual headache. But an aura occurs in only a small percentage of the people.


  • Migraines may occur at any age, but usually begin between the ages of 10 and 40 and diminish after age 50. Some people experience several migraines a month, while others have only a few migraines throughout their lifetime.
  • Migraines are more common in women than in men,
  • Migraines may run in families.

The cause of Migraine is unknown. The headache occurs because of abnormal brain activity, which is triggered by changes in the body or environment. On stimulation the trigeminal nerve releases substances that cause inflammation of the blood vessels of the brain and the surrounding tissues covering the brain.

This inflammatory reaction accounts for the throbbing headache, nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances.

Migraine attacks may be triggered by:

  • Bright lights
  • Perfumes
  • Lack of sleep
  • Exercise
  • Loud noises
  • Hunger
  • Alcohol
  • Physical or emotional stress
  • Smoking or exposure to smoke
  • Menstrual cycle in women
  • Certain foods like chocolates, pickles, nuts etc


In about 25% of people, migraines are preceded by an aura or warning sign which includes temporary disturbances like blurred vision, tingling sensations, loss of balance, talking difficulties, etc. It may occur just a few minutes to 24 hours before.

Migraine pains are throbbing, pulsating type that can be dull to severe. The pain may be on one side or both sides of the head. disrupt the persons family and work life. The pain may last for several hours to a few days. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, weakness are some of the other symptoms that accompany the pain.

General Treatment:

  • Drink water to maintain hydration, especially if you have vomited
  • Place a cool cloth on the head
  • Rest in a dark quiet room

Homoeopathic Treatment:

Homoeopathy is a branch of alternative medicine that is holistic and aims to treat the person rather than the disease. It tries to cure the root cause of the disease and not just the superficial signs and symptoms. Many people with migraine have found a cure with Homoeopathy.

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Apr 01, 2011 Posted Under: Headaches

How to Get Rid of Your Migraine in Half The Time

Would you like to get rid of your migraine in half the time? It’s possible, read on.

Many triggers, while not all of them we can control, influence migraines; we can take charge of a large number of the various triggers that do influence the severity of the migraine. For example, if we know that lack of sleep, stress, or hunger can trigger a migraine, prepare for those times when you know that triggers are going to be present and difficult to avoid.

Say you have an important presentation to give (stress), and you also have to travel to an out-of-town venue to present for your job (disruption in routine). You’re going to eat irregular meals and you’ll be lucky if you’re able to sleep in the hotel. And if you’re a female, you may also get your menstrual period. This is a migraine waiting to happen. While you can’t control having to give the presentation, you can alleviate stress by being well prepared. You can avoid the lack of sleep by going to your venue a day early and have a relaxing day prior to your presentation. This will also get your mind used to the unusual noises the first night. You can make a point of eating regularly, and packing healthy snacks to prevent your blood sugar from dropping. You can prepare for your menstrual cycle by doing the above, and by taking an anti-inflammatory every four hours a day for three days starting the day prior to your cycle. Not only will this help prevent the impending migraine, but also if one does occur your physician prescribed medication you take will be more effective.

I have given a scenario of an extraordinary circumstance, but what if you were to apply this to your everyday life? Start to be a sleuth in your own investigation of what you think may be triggering your migraines.

  • It could be anything from diet, allergies, to a lack of sufficient nutrition, to inconsistent blood sugar levels.
  • It could be stress, be from your job, your personal life, or some trauma you may have gone through.
  • It may be not getting enough quality sleep, or too much sleep. It could be a lack of fresh air and exercise.
  • It’s up to you to try to figure out what is causing your migraines and headaches.

And if you find out and you eliminate or control your triggers, your migraines will be greatly reduced both in severity and longevity. Medications for migraines that your doctor prescribes will work more effectively.

The secret to getting rid of your migraine in half the time, is to prevent the migraine as much as possible in the first place, and in the second place to get the appropriate medication to effectively eliminate the migraine and migraine symptoms when one does occur. By decreasing the frequency of your migraine, you require less medication, so when you need your medication, it will be more effective for you. To your best health. Please comment and share.

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Feb 25, 2011 Posted Under: Headaches

Hypnosis for Migraine Headaches

The idea of migraine hypnotherapy might seem like a contradiction in terms. How does your subconscious affect the physical nature of your body? How does the mind control pain? Often a common over the counter pill does the trick when it comes to headaches. Migraines, however, are much more than a mere headache.

Migraines are incapacitating, as anyone who has ever suffered from one will tell you. There are medications and other forms of treatment for migraines but in spite of these ways of dealing with migraines, some people are out of commission days due to this dreadful headache. To understand why hypnosis is one of the most successful treatments for migraines it is helpful to understand the nature of migraines.

Migraines are triggered by changes in your body that can be set off by stress, medications, certain foods, poor sleep patterns, and other factors that vary from individual to individual. The symptoms include debilitating pain. This can include nausea and vomiting which may be the body’s reaction to the pain that seems to throb throughout the entire body. Light can also negatively affect migraine sufferers and they often need to lie still in the dark to alleviate the discomfort. Canadian pharmacy generic drug

Since migraines can last for days and since they often seem impervious to pain medications, it is imperative that a faster and more effective treatment be utilized. Migraine hypnosis has been studied and shown to be highly effective – more than three times the people treated with hypnosis stopped having migraines than those who stopped having migraines after being given the prescription medication prochlorperazine.

Prochlorperazine is used for treating mental and emotional disorders, such as psychotic disorders including schizophrenia. It controls severe nausea and vomiting and moderate to severe pain. Basically it covers the painful side effects of a migraine. Speaking of side effects, the side effects of prochlorperazine include body and facial tics.

Hypnosis on the other hand does not have side effects. It is also a lot easier on your body than any heavy-duty medications. The relaxation techniques included in migraine hypnosis work on the stress factor and other such triggers. Hypnosis can help with techniques that circumvent your usual migraine inducing elements.

Besides being less expensive and less dangerous than medication, migraine hypnosis is more effective. It reaches into your subconscious and works on helping you develop ways of getting around the stress and habits that cause migraines. If you suffer from migraine headaches, you owe it to yourself to try migraine hypnotherapy.

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Feb 17, 2011 Posted Under: Headaches

Migraine Headaches

Do you feel like your head is about to burst? Is it throbbing like crazy? Do you feel these for several days? Most probably you have a migraine headache.

Migraine is one of the most common types of headaches in the world. In America, there are over 25 million people who are diagnosed with it. Sometimes it is extremely painful sufferers find themselves in emergency rooms. Others have to take regular medications to control the occurrence.

There is no distinct cause of migraines. It could be hereditary. It may also be caused by environmental factors such as pollution and stress. It is also common among people who are suffering from depression and anxiety. These individuals often lack serotonin, which improves mood. When serotonin is low, the common effect is migraine.

Signs of Migraines

Migraines do provide you with early warning signs. First, you will experience seeing auras, which are actually distortions of your visual perception. You will be more sensitive to light, and you will feel tingling in your arms and legs. If the migraine is too severe, you cannot look directly into any type of light. You will also vomit and feel nauseated. It is also possible you do not like to listen to sounds.

Migraines are debilitating. Once they occur, your world suddenly stops. You prefer staying in dark corners and lying down. You do not want to eat or move. Worse, migraines can occur for days or months without relief.

How to Control Migraine

There is no known cure for migraine headache yet, but you can co-exist peacefully with it.

The conventional treatments to migraine are medications. These include NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Some of them are available over the counter.

NSAIDs are effective for treating light to moderate migraines, not severe migraines. Moreover, they should not be taken over long periods of time, as they often lead to gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers.

You can also minimize migraines through natural methods:

Meditation. Meditation relaxes your muscles and promotes proper flow of blood, especially in the brain.

Meditation is also highly effective if you are suffering from stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. It makes you more grounded in the present and prevents worries about the future. Meditation encourages proper breathing too.

This technique can be used along with subliminal messages or affirmations.

While you are meditating, you can play affirmations in the background, with lines like the following:

  • I find myself in such a good state.
  • I can feel my body completely relaxed and at peace.
  • I remove all the worries, apprehensions, and fears from my mind.
  • I am blocking all the stresses that are causing me headaches.

To prevent migraines, make sure you can meditate and play subliminal messages regularly. The best times to do these are early in the morning and late in the evening, when you are about to rest.

Avoid foods and drinks that can cause migraine. Caffeine, alcohol, chocolates, and food with MSG should be avoided as much as possible.

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Dec 27, 2010 Posted Under: Headaches

Migraines Classical And Common

You can recognize a migraine headache by the following symptoms and characteristics:

* It recurs often and repeatedly.
* You experience nausea with or without vomiting.
* Your vision is disturbed and you feel a headache which affects only one side of your head.

There are 2 types of migraines: the classical and the common.

The classical migraines begin with an “aura” short before the headache begins. The aura lasts from 10 to 60 minutes and it has some or all of the following possible characteristics:

* blurry vision, flashing lights, seeing visual spots and other shapes
* difficulty speaking
* smelling of aromas
* partial or temporary paralysis
* confusion, dizziness etc.

The common migraines start without an aura or any other warning. You just feel a pain that starts small and expands until it becomes really painful. The degree of pain is similar to the one experienced by the people who suffer because of the classical migraines.

What causes the classical and the common migraine?

The main associated triggers with the migraine headaches are:

* hormonal changed in women. These changes can have various causes. What is known is that migraines appear during or before a significant drop in estrogen.
* the influence of xenoestrogen. Xenoestrogen is a chemical that displays activity similar with estrogen. Xenoestrogen can come from eating beef which has been fed with grains enhanced with hormone additives, from eating vegetables and fruits that still contain pesticides and from many other similar factors.
Xenoestrogen behaves like “fake” estrogen and it may trigger a drop of estrogen.
* higher levels of use of birth control pills in the last 50 years
* bad food habits. Bad food habits can be eating junk food, eating highly preprocessed foods or not eating regularly.
* not getting enough or getting too much sleep
* intense physical effort
* changes in the atmospheric pressure or changes in the weather. For example, if you travel to another city and the weather is much different you are likely to have a migraine headache soon after you arrive there.
* side effects of certain medical drugs

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Dec 11, 2010 Posted Under: Headaches

Headaches – Check For Your Symptoms, Find A Solution

We all get overworked, and we our quick tension headache treatment – a pill which ceases our pain. It is still alright to take one in case headaches and you have a distant relation; but in case you and your headaches are regular friends, then its high time you analyzed your friend. Having headaches frequently, even as less frequent as 2-3 in a month is a matter not worth ignoring.

To start with here are a few observations one needs to make and the parallel questions one needs to ask, remember to observe the pattern before and after the headaches – firstly, do you get headaches due to allergy reactions, alcohol, smoke, passive smoking, missed meals, exercise, loud noises, physical or emotional stress, bright lights, certain odors, changes in your sleeping habits, change in hormonal levels (more in women and advancement in their age)? Second, observe if you see an aura, feel a vertigo or dizziness around you. Also, note how long does your headache last. Is your headache accompanied by shivers, sweat; stiffness of the neck or similar symptoms? Do you suffer from mood swings before and after your headaches – that is extreme euphoria or extreme depression? Is the headache pulsating? Does it affect half of your brain, full of it, forehead, near the eyebrows etc?

In case you reach to the conclusion that you have maximum of these symptoms, then you are most likely to have migraine headaches – the kinds of headaches which have no particular causes, but they are inevitable and could occur many times in a week, month or a few times in a year. It lasts for several hours till some days. The experience is painful and pulsating leaving a person weak and leading o mood changes.

The most important thing to do then is observe one’s diet carefully, list out the factors which you think increase or trigger the intensity of your headaches. Many people get typical symptoms before the start of the headache. Migraine headache relief is not easy to achieve, but there are definitely some preventive medicines and techniques which one must take under the guidance of a specialist. One could also change their diet plans accordingly, exercise more (particular exercises) and change a certain lifestyle for better results.

Other reasons for headaches can also simply be weak eyes, high stress levels, no sleep or food etc. in either case, prevention is better than cure.

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