Archive for the 'Diabetes' Category

Aug 23, 2011 Posted Under: Diabetes

1 In 10 Will Have Diabetes – Save Your Kids!

The statistics of type 2 diabetes all point to one thing – an epidemic. This is an important reason to understand more about this disease. It is strongly recommended you learn something that not many people are aware of.

Scientists have started to conduct trials seeking the roots and ways of diabetes as early as the 1980’s. There was an idea back in those days that has been confirmed over time and research. Diabetes is rooted in our diet, and could be avoided completely. Many things have changed since the early stages of research, and there are some clear facts we can now share with the world about the causes of diabetes.

The most commonly known risk-factor for diabetes is weight. It is known world-wide that obesity will almost definitely lead you to diabetes. Staying lean is important for your health, and that is the first thing you must strive to if you wish to avoid this disease. It does help to be in good shape, even if you carry some extra weight. The “Fat and Fit” generation which consists mostly of 25-45 year old professionals are statistically healthier than those who are simply overweight. unfortunately, it is not enough, as even those who keep exercising but do not lose weight are in danger of getting diabetes.

Another well-known fact is that eating sugar and processed products raises the chances for diabetes. An entire industry was based on that fact, as many new products came out to the market declaring to be as sweet as sugar, but sugar-free. In a way, it is a nice solution for those of us who must avoid sugar or lower their sugar consumption. But as with anything in this life, there is a price to pay. Even though the dangers of sugar are well-known, the dangers of products that replace sugar are not. Using synthetic sweeteners in your food might lower your chances for diabetes but puts you in danger for many other diseases.

The most important fact of them all might be the most unknown one. While sugar is an obvious risk-factor in diabetes, meat is never discussed. In more than one research conducted over many years, a direct connection between diabetes and the consumption of meat has been proven. Processed fish is the most dangerous type of animal protein out there, and processed meats are almost just as dangerous. This fact is unknown to the public, yet a quick online search will lead you to papers that were done on this subject.

Another result one of these studies has proven that while processed fish is so dangerous for our health, fresh fish, preferably cooked, will lower our chances to get diabetes.

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May 14, 2011 Posted Under: Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes – Checking For Ketones

If you are a Type 2 diabetic, it’s possible that your doctor has mentioned to you about checking your ketones, but do you really know what that means or how to do it?

You can test for ketones using your urine. Ketones are a sign that your body is breaking down fat for energy. The body breaks down fat when it can’t use glucose. This can occur for a couple of reasons; for example:

  • when you haven’t taken enough insulin to help move sugar into your cells
  • when you haven’t eaten enough to provide glucose for energy

Ketones in the urine are actually more common in Type 1 diabetics.

So when should you check for ketones?

  • You should check if your blood glucose is more than 300 mg/dL (16.7 mmol/L), you feel nauseated, are vomiting, or have abdominal pain.
  • You should also check if you’re sick with a cold or flu, feel tired a lot, have a dry mouth, feel thirsty all the time or your skin is flushed.
  • You should additionally check if you’re having a hard time breathing, your breath smells fruity or you feel like you’re confused or in a fog.

All of these can be signs you have high ketone levels that may need your doctor’s intervention.

It’s very simple to test for ketones. You do need to follow the directions very carefully, however. Make sure your strips are not outdated and read the instructions that come with them. You might even want to speak with your doctor or nurse to learn the correct way of doing it. Most urine tests have you get a urine sample in a clean container and then place the strip into the sample. You could also pass the strip through a urine stream.

Then, you will shake the excess urine off the strip and wait for it to change color. The directions of the test will tell you how long you need to wait. You compare the strip color change to a color chart that comes with the kit. This will tell you the amount of ketones in your urine and then you will record your results.

If you find a small or trace amounts of ketones (normal is negative or less than 0.6 mmol/L), that can mean you’re getting a build up. You need to test again in a few hours. If you see moderate or large amounts, that is a danger sign. This can upset the delicate chemical balance in your blood and can be toxic to the body. You should never exercise when your urine shows these moderate or large amounts of ketones and your blood sugar is still high. That is a sign that your diabetes, Type 1 or Type 2, is out of control. You need to speak with your doctor at once.

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Mar 25, 2011 Posted Under: Diabetes

The Ultimate Diabetes Superfood

Move over green tea and blueberries, there’s a new diabetes superfood in town: almonds. A new study out of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey found that almonds reduce the Type 2 diabetes risk and make diabetics more sensitive to insulin.

Here’s why a handful (or two) of almonds a day can keep the endocrinologist away:

Insulin Sensitivity: Scientists aren’t sure why, but a yet to be discovered compound in almonds boosts your cell’s ability to use insulin and clear glucose (sugar) from the body. The importance of this can’t be overstated as poor insulin sensitivity and high sugar levels are the underlying cause of heart disease and kidney failure in Type 2 diabetics.

While losing weight and exercising are a must for reducing blood sugar levels, almonds seem to work after a few “doses”… much faster than most other approaches for keeping tabs on blood sugar.

“Good” Fats: Fat phobia should have gone out of style in the 1990s along with the Spice Girls. Sadly, many health care professionals continue to cling to the notion that fat is bad for you. For diabetics in particular, nothing could be further from the truth. Unlike carbs and even certain sources of protein, fats barely make a dent in blood sugar levels.

But this doesn’t mean that spooning lard into your mouth is a wise idea. You want to get the majority of your fats in the form of healthy monounsaturated fats, which happen to be found in abundance in raw almonds.

Weight Loss: Type 2 diabetics that lose weight and keep it off have significantly lower blood sugar levels when compared to heavier diabetics. In fact, losing weight is one of the most crucial parts of diabetes management.

Purdue University researchers found that, while almonds are high in calories, they don’t contribute to weight gain or obesity. Purdue’s Richard Mattes thinks that the calories in almonds and other nuts aren’t as well absorbed as in other fatty foods.

Fiber: Fiber fills you up, clears out bad cholesterol levels and doles out carbohydrates more slowly into your blood stream. In addition to downing generous amounts of fruits and vegetables, adding almonds to your healthy diet is a fantastic way to give your body the extra fiber is needs.

Just a quarter-cup serving of almonds contains a little over four grams of dietary fiber.

Carb Blocker: Have you ever seen those supplements touted as carb blockers pushed on late night infomercials? It sounds too good to be true, and for the most part, it is. However, research published in Experimental Biology found that eating almonds with a carb rich meal blocked the digestion of carbs, resulting in better controlled blood sugar levels.

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Mar 11, 2011 Posted Under: Diabetes

Guidelines for Living With Diabetes

Listed below are some diabetes guidelines that you can use to help you manage your diabetes and avoid the possible serious complications that are associated with this disease. Indian pharmacy – buy cheap viagra online.

Strategies for Diabetes Management

  • When you have diabetes it is essential that you exercise at least three to four times a week for between 20 to 40 minutes each time. Routine exercise has been proven to improve your blood sugars, decrease the risk of heart disease, and help you lose weight. Before starting any exercise program you will want to talk with your physician especially if you are experiencing any neuropathy or vision problems.
  • Eating a proper diet is essential. If you are having difficulty regulating your blood sugar levels you may want to visit with a dietitian on a regular basis to ensure that the foods you are eating are beneficial to your body and your glucose levels. You can find dietitians through your physician or hospital and they, along with your diabetes health care team, can assist you in finding a diet that is right for you.
  • It is vital that you get plenty of rest. Adhering to a routine schedule and getting enough sleep will help avoid stress and help you keep your blood sugar levels under control.
  • It is extremely important that you maintain your feet properly. You need to check your feet daily for any calluses, cracks, or sores. If you notice sores that do not heal in a timely manner, swelling that does not go down after you elevate your feet, redness, ulcers, or pus it is important to visit your physician immediately. Over half of all lower limb amputations are done on people who have diabetes but have neglected proper foot care.

The Importance of Diabetes Medications

  • It is important to your health that you take any prescribed medications on time and on the schedule that was prescribed by your physician.
  • You also need to understand your medications and recognize the side effects and how they work in conjunction with each other as well as how they work with any dietary supplements you may be taking. Prior to beginning any dietary supplement you need to check with your physician to see how it will interact with any medications you are currently taking as well as how it may affect your glucose levels.

Strategies for Controlling Your Blood Sugar Levels

  • As you should be aware, maintaining normal blood sugar levels is essential. You always want to try to keep your blood sugar levels in the range recommended by your health care provider at all times. Use your glucose meter as recommended by your doctor yet when you are ill you will want to use it more often. If your numbers stay elevated over an extended period of time or fall below recommended levels you should call your doctor immediately.
  • It is important to keep a log of your blood sugar levels, what you eat during the day, as well as any stress that you may be experiencing which may elevate your glucose levels. When you visit your physician you should take this log with you to determine any trends and take appropriate action.

Diabetes does not have to be a death sentence. If you use your own common sense and follow the strategies listed above you can control this disease and live a long and happy life. In some cases people have even managed to turn their condition around simply through diet and exercise.

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Mar 03, 2011 Posted Under: Diabetes

Natural Cure For Insulin Resistance

In conventional medicine, it is generally known among diabetes patients that there is no cure for Type 2 diabetes which is caused by a type body abnormality known as insulin resistance. The doctors often tell the patients that their diabetic condition is harmless as long as the blood sugar level is properly managed with the help of some medications.

The pathetic fact is that not only the diabetic condition cannot be controlled by those fancy drugs, it actually becomes worse and eventually develops to some diabetic complications such as renal failure, diabetic neuropathy, blindness, and finally death. This kind of distressing situations can be seen in almost every hospital around the world.

For those who can foresee where the chemical drugs will lead them to, they are more open for some alternative homeopathic treatments to treat their diabetes. They are constantly searching for the natural cure for insulin resistance which has no side effects and more effective in the long run. Is it possible to have an ultimate cure for insulin resistance?

Instead of blindly follow the folklore health advices and try some of the unknown herbs, you should begin by gaining a better understanding about insulin resistance and the root cause of it. According the Asian health researches, we have solid proofs that insulin resistance is rooted from the change of internal body environment which gradually decrease the sensitivity of the insulin receptors in the surface of the body cells. When the insulin receptors cannot effectively bond with insulin to open up the glucose channels, and glucose is returned to the blood stream and causes hyperglycemia.

The main cause of the change of the internal environment is a process known as acidosis which is the accumulation of acidic toxins in the body due to unhealthy eating habits and unbalanced more lifestyle. With that in mind, here are 4 types of proven effective natural cure for insulin resistance you can consider trying:

Ionized Alkaline Water

Since diabetes can cause serious dehydration, you should make sure you drink enough water during the day. Instead of drinking normal neutral water, you should drink ionized alkaline water to neutralize those toxic acids in your body.

Foot Reflexology Therapy

Liver, pancreas and kidneys are the organs that regulate the hormones that control the glucose level in the body. In order to return their capabilities and effectiveness in regulating your blood glucose level, you should frequently give them some good ‘massage’ to stimulate them. The only way you can massage the internal organs is through reflexology therapy.

Hand Acupressure Therapy

Since it is quite inconvenient to have foot reflexology everyday, hand acupressure therapy is a more convenient way to stimulate the related organs. You can perform it anywhere, anytime.

Calcium Ion Supplement

Calcium is the most important mineral element in human body. Beside being the main building material for our bones, calcium ion is also important as a buffer to neutralize the excessive acids in the body.

All the methods mentioned above are logically make sense and had been tried out by hundreds and thousands of people with insulin resistance, especially in the Asia region. The result is very encouraging, more than 90% of them show positive improvements. The other 10% did not experience any significant result because they did not have the discipline to follow through, these are the people who are looking for a magic pill that can cure insulin resistance immediately. God bless them.

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Jan 28, 2011 Posted Under: Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes and Stevia

Stevia is actually a naturally occurring sweetener which is derived from a plant growing in the South American continent. It contains steviol glycoside, a chemical that is 400 times sweeter than the table sugar you may be using every day for your coffee, juices and desserts. In fact, according to the Global Stevia Institute, natives of Paraguay have been using this natural sweetener as a food enhancer for hundreds of years. But there is one question that rings in the minds of people suffering from diabetes: “Is Stevia safe for my health condition?”

In December 2008, the Food and Drug Administration issued a “no objection” notification for the use of Stevia, stating this “new” food sweetener is safe for public use. Added to this, after several years of investigation by a global panel led by the World Health Organization, publications were released in 2008, 2009 and 2010, stating Stevia can be used as a safe alternative to table sugar.

In a study published in the June 2008 issue of the Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, a group of scientists in Paraguay investigated the effect of this food sweetener in people suffering with diabetes. In this study they recruited people with:

  • normal blood pressure
  • Type 1 diabetes, and
  • Type 2 diabetes

These volunteers were randomly assigned to treatment with either Stevia, or what is known as a placebo (a simulated medical intervention that can produce a perceived or actual improvement), for a period of three months. Their…

  • blood pressure readings
  • hemoglobin A1c, the average blood sugar concentration within the red blood cells,
  • were taken before, during and after the observational period.

The researchers documented that there is no significant difference in the baseline blood pressure reading and hemoglobin A1c before the treatment and after the observation period. Furthermore, they were also not able to note any adverse reaction related to the intake of this sweetener. They therefore have concluded Stevia is a safe and well-tolerated alternative sweetener with no adverse reactions in diabetic patients who use it.

As a result, Stevia is now a very popular alternative sweetener that can be found in numerous food products such as soft drinks, teas, juices, baked products, yogurts, soy milk and confections. It can also be used as a safe alternative to the usual old table sugar. Even diabetics can have the benefit of enjoying sweet products without the fear of having high blood sugar.

As well as Stevia being able to sweeten up your food and beverages, it actually has the ability to lower blood sugar by acting on the beta cells of your pancreas to help you release insulin.

You can find Stevia at any health food store. It is sold as a sweetener in liquid form and, as well, in packet form under various brand names.

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Nov 09, 2010 Posted Under: Diabetes

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Diabetic Complications

Lifestyle contributes a great deal to what course Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes will take, and healthcare workers frequently attempt lifestyle intervention to prevent diabetic complications. Researchers at the Department of Endocrinology, China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing looked at how lifestyle intervention would affect diabetics with impaired glucose tolerance over the course of 20 years. The results of their work were published in November 2010 in the journal Diabetologica.

The study looked at the possibility of preventing 3 serious complications of Type 2 diabetes.

1. Diabetic retinopathy is a disease caused by damage to blood vessels in the back of the eye, where light forms an image. As the blood vessels bleed the retina becomes damaged until sight is lost.

2. Diabetic nephropathy is due to damaged blood vessels in the kidneys, where excess sugar is removed from the blood and added to the urine. The kidneys gradually lose their ability to function and artificial kidney dialysis can become necessary.

3. Diabetic neuropathy is damage to the nerves, which can lead to numbness and pain in the limbs.

People with Type 2 diabetes have high blood sugar because they are unable to use insulin efficiently to help sugar to enter cells. Glucose tolerance is said to be impaired. Glucose tolerance can also be impaired before Type 2 diabetes is even diagnosed, in prediabetics.

Study: Five hundred seventy-seven adults with impaired glucose tolerance were enrolled in the study. They were assigned either to:

  • a control group
  • a diet intervention group
  • an exercise intervention group or
  • a diet and exercise intervention group
  • The interventions were implemented for 6 years. Twenty years after the start of the study a follow-up was performed. A significant difference was found in the prevalence of retinopathy between the intervention and control groups:

    there was 9.2 per cent retinopathy in the combined intervention groups, compared with 16.2 per cent in the control group
    the intervention groups had only slightly fewer cases of disease and neuropathy than did the control group

    Sometimes differences in groups are difficult to detect due to the size of the groups, and this could be why the differences in the number of cases of neuropathy and nephropathy between the groups was not significant. Even if that were not the case, avoiding blindness in itself should be enough incentive to make healthy lifestyle changes.

    Effective Lifestyle Changes: What can you do today to make healthy lifestyle changes to help lower blood sugar levels and prevent diabetic complications? One step might be to weigh yourself and decide upon a weight loss goal if being overweight or obesity is a problem. What can you do to increase your physical activity? Could you get up a half hour earlier every morning and go for a brisk walk? What about adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet?

    Every step will take you either towards or away from the vision of health you want for yourself.

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    Oct 21, 2010 Posted Under: Diabetes

    Diabetes 2

    You are the first line of defense when it comes to managing your Type 2 Diabetes. Regular consistent monitoring will help you keep an eye on things to prevent complications in the long run. Measuring glucose levels is the primary monitoring done at home for Diabetes. All diabetics need to have a glucose meter at home and know how to take reading properly. This information is vital to determining if a glucose spike or plummet happens. It also gives vital information on what foods and exercises affect those same levels. If you take insulin, these readings help determine the dosage required if you need an injection. You should record all of this information in a journal for you and your doctor’s future reference.

    In addition to monitoring your blood sugar levels, you need to monitor your weight carefully if you have type 2 diabetes. Carrying excess weight can lead to higher levels of insulin resistance. By reducing weight to close to the recommended range, individuals with Type Diabetes 2 can significantly improve their ability to manage their 2 Diabetes. As a result, by routinely taking a weekly weight measurement will give you a good idea of your progress, one way, or the other. Maintaining your current weight is far better than gaining more. However, if you are excessively overweight, you need to drop the weight in order to stave off long-term problems.

    It is also important to monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol levels if you have type 2 diabetes. The disease brings a higher risk of heart disease. Your doctor will regularly monitor these numbers. However, if you are dealing with elevated numbers, having tests done more often is not a bad idea. You need to get these numbers under control before you develop severe cardiovascular problems. It may involve dietary changes as well as revving up physical activity. If these changes do not make an impact, your doctor may put you on medication to get them into line.

    It is important to maintain a full journal with all applicable information related to your type 2 diabetes. This invaluable information is critical in monitoring a individual’s Diabetes Type 2. It will show long-term trends in glucose levels as well as give vital information on what foods and activities do to the readings. When you visit your doctor or another diabetes specialist, take your journal with you. Professionals often see trends that you might not. Monitoring at home is very important. Nevertheless, it does not replace the relationship you need to develop with your doctor for long-term success.

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    Sep 17, 2010 Posted Under: Diabetes

    Type 2 Diabetes

    Researchers at the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center led by Dr. James O. Hill, say that if you never want to gain another pound of fat, find a way to walk two thousand more steps a day. And if you want to lose weight, find a way to walk 8,000 to 10,000 more steps a day.

    Sedentary people in North America typically walk 2,000 to 3,000 steps a day, the equivalent of walking 1 to 1-1/2 miles throughout the day. Walking another mile a day protects against weight gain, and walking another four to five miles a day encourages weight loss.

    Walking after meals: Walking, especially after meals, will help control your blood sugar levels and help combat insulin resistance. Besides having the immediate effect of clearing your blood of sugar, walking has far reaching benefits for people with diabetes. For 90% of diabetics who have Type 2 diabetes, perhaps the most valuable benefit is likely the long term increase in insulin sensitivity. The way insulin sensitivity is improved is by promoting weight loss, which in some cases in and of itself normalizes blood sugar levels.

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