Nov 27, 2010 Posted Under: Health

Brain Aneurysm

Brain aneurysm is basically a bulge in one of the arteries in the brain. This ballooning can leak or rupture, resulting in bleeding taking place into the brain. This usually takes place between the brain and tissues surrounding it. This type of hemorrhagic stroke is known as subarachnoid hemorrhage.

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This condition can lead to a life-threatening situation, requiring immediate treatment. The person who is suffering from it may end up with brain damage, resulting to death. It is estimated that in every fifteen people in America, one is likely to develop brain aneurysm during the course of their lifetime.

Immediate treatment becomes essential in this case, as any delay would lead to irreversible damage. The goals of treatment regarding brain aneurysm include putting the bleeding to a stop and preventing permanent damage from occurring to the brain. In addition, the risk or reoccurrences are also reduced.

The risk factors that are responsible for the start of this disease include smoking, use of alcohol or oral contraceptives and hypertension. This may also take place if the individual has experienced a traumatic head injury. In case the disease is present in family history, the likelihood would increase greatly.

The most common symptom associated with this disease is severe headache. There are several other symptoms although not every individual would go through them. These include vomiting and nausea, stiff neck or pain in the neck, pain above or in the eye, blurred vision, light sensitivity, loss of sensation, seizures, loss of consciousness, and dilated pupils.

Before the occurrence of an aneurysm rupture, patients may go through no symptoms. However, around forty percent of people who would be experiencing unruptured aneurysms experience the following:

There might be sudden, evident changes in behavior patterns, complications of speech, thinking, processing and perceptual problems, loss of balance and coordination, difficulty in concentrating, and short-term memory loss. The person may also feel fatigue. Diagnostic neuroradiology is frequently used to diagnose these symptoms as being that of brain aneurysm, as these can also be easily related to other medical conditions.

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