Pathophysiology refers to the study of physiological processes that are connected with a particular disease or injury. Asthma pathophysiology therefore looks at everything from how asthma is caused, the parts of the body it affects, and the functions of those parts. Asthma or allergies always affects these parts. The airways are constricted by the asthmatic attack, meaning air is not able to pass through. The symptoms of asthma include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
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Allergy triggers are the start of an asthma attack. Whatever causes the airways to become inflamed and swelled, leading to a asthma attack, is the trigger. What asthma pathophysiology researchers do is determine how these conditions can be best managed. No clear cut cure exists for asthma.
Prevention is another element of asthma pathophysiology, as it searches for ways to prevent asthma attacks from occurring. Asthma pathophysiology attempts to understand the way in which an asthma attack happens.
What we know from all this is that each person has different triggers. An allergic attack can be caused by a trigger for one person, but not for another. The lungs are a part of asthma pathophysiology due to the airways being blocked. Air is not able to pass through at all due to the swelling.
Airway inflammation, bronchial spasm, excess mucus secretion, hypersensitivity and allergy are factors that play significant roles in the development of the disease.
When airways are hypersensitive, allergens cause a severe reaction from the bronchial tubes. Coughing and suffocation can result from this reaction. The hypersensitivity of the body to external sources is allergy. Many asthma patients have certain kinds of allergies that trigger inflammation.
Airways are flooded when excess mucus is secreted from the bronchial system. This happens when one is hyper-responsive to irritants. An excess of mucus prevents air from pass through the airways naturally.
What are the most prevalent asthma triggers? They include allergens, eczema, and family history. Babies are more prone to asthma if the mother smoked heavily while they were in the womb. The environment, temperature changes, obesity, and air pollution are other triggers.