Archive for the 'Asthma' Category

Dec 29, 2012 Posted Under: Asthma

Asthma Facts Everybody Ought To Know

Are you aware of the asthma facts that one must take into consideration? One important asthma fact is that it’s not only a disease found in children but it is also a respiratory condition in most adults. Some may neglect this asthma fact thinking that one is no longer susceptible to asthma as he gets older. Well, you thought wrong.

As people grow up, they become more open to harmful elements from the environment and the ones with asthma are no exception, they are even more prone to having asthma attacks. The environment is only one factor that people with asthma need to look out for, there are still many and one’s lifestyle is one of them. Most people differ on how they live their lives and as one ages, the body’s defense decreases which makes it easier for asthma to create more damage to the body. One’s lifestyle may be hard to change but if he is trying to get rid of asthma, he must choose a lifestyle that will help relieve his condition and not make it worse. If one does not know how to properly handle asthma, life may be difficult for him and worst, he might not survive at all.

Asthma is common in children, but others get a hold of it at a later stage due to exposure to allergens. Having asthma is not easy so it is essential that people will remember a main asthma fact and that is asthma can develop depending on one’s life conditions. Choosing to live life the healthy way may minimize occurrence of asthma attacks. In order to do that, one must be careful in choosing what he eats and drinks. Furthermore, one requires ample rest and sleep. If one refuses to have a healthy lifestyle, then asthma may progress and may cause more negative effects. Most people easily get tired of having to deal with asthma episodes especially when it keeps them from doing things they love to do.

One must also keep in mind that asthma doesn’t have a specific treatment. Even though it can be considered as a respiratory disease that one can manage, according to asthma facts, it can be controlled by having the right diet and by making exercise a habit. It will also be wise to have regular visits to the doctor so that the condition will be monitored. One must also take note of foods that may cause allergies. There are times that allergic reactions will further result to serious conditions for those people with asthma so it is necessary for one to be aware of things that he needs to avoid.

A healthy way of life is the perfect solution to asthma attacks. Even with the presence of allergens in the environment, things will be properly dealt with through a healthy lifestyle.

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Sep 08, 2011 Posted Under: Asthma

Staying One Step Ahead of Asthma Attacks Through Natural Asthma Relief Methods

Asthma is perhaps one of the most common ailments in the world. In the United States, more than 20 million individuals are affected with asthma. It accounts for one-quarter of all the visits to the emergency rooms all over the country.

Despite its prevalence, many people still have misconceptions regarding this respiratory illness. For many of them, asthma is just a simple ailment. The truth is asthma should not be treated lightly. Asthma is the leading cause of school absences for children 5 to 17 years old. Among adults, asthma is the fourth leading reason for work absenteeism.

That is why it is very essential for asthma patients to take good care of themselves. If not, chances are they are going to spend 3 days of hospitalization annually. Worse, they may even suffer from the fatal effects of asthma. Yes, this is no joke. Asthma and asthma attacks can kill. In fact, it is estimated that 11 Americans die from asthma complications each day.

It is not enough to regularly exercise, observe proper hygiene or install state-of-the-art ventilation systems in your house to prevent potential allergens from causing an asthma attack. The truth is you can never completely get rid of asthma trigger factors. So it is important for you to be ready. Being an asthma patient is like being a soldier. You need to be one step ahead of your enemy so that you can win a battle.

It is always best to keep an asthma remedy by your side just in case you will get asthma attacks. For many patients, they put their trust in inhalers. Asthma inhalers may be effective, but sucking on them may seem sort of discomforting for other people.


Fortunately, there are alternative asthma remedies that are very handy and very easy to apply. Among the trusted reliever for asthma attacks are homeopathic solutions. Most of these homeopathic solutions can be sprayed under the patient’s tongue and will not require vigorous sucking.

What is more, homeopathic asthma relievers are made up of 100 percent natural ingredients. You never have to worry about any side-effects rising from them. Before they go out of the market, manufacturers make sure that they go through numerous testing. And the great thing is that they do not only cure asthma symptoms, but they also help improve the patient’s overall respiratory health.

Don’t make the mistake of not bringing these homeopathic asthma relievers wherever you go. Asthma is treacherous. You never know when it is going to attack. So always think about safety and always arm yourself with homeopathic asthma relievers.

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Mar 26, 2011 Posted Under: Asthma

Asthma and Traveling


Having asthma may be difficult to live with, but it doesn’t have to keep you from living a full life. With proper planning and management, you should be able to do all the exciting things that other people do who don’t suffer from asthma.

Proper planning and management includes things like keeping your nose and mouth covered while performing activities in frigid weather, taking a dose of your rescue inhaler 5 minutes before intense exercise, and when going out to eat, choosing smoke-free restaurants.

But even the best laid plans still sometimes fall short.

Leaving Home Without It

Did you ever see the effective credit card commercial with the tag line, Don’t leave home without it? It was effective because it reminded people of all the bad things that could happen when you’re away from home and unprepared.

No matter how well prepared you are, though, mistakes sometimes happen.

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of an attack when you’re away from home and unable to find your rescue inhaler? If so, you know how frightening it can be.

As scary as it may sound, knowing the right things to do could mean the difference between life and death.

What To Do

If you ever find yourself in the unfortunate situation where you’re in the midst of an attack and you’re without your rescue inhaler, take these necessary and effective steps to help take control of the situation:

  • Don’t get anxious. Anxiety will cause your body stress, and stress makes you have to work harder to breathe.
  • Ask someone to take you to your inhaler if you know where it is. If you cannot get to it because of distance or because it’s lost, have someone take you to the emergency room.
  • While you’re waiting, sit down, close your eyes, lean forward and rest your head on your arms. This position will help relax you and expand your chest for more efficient breathing.
  • Pace your breathing. Exhale 2 to 3 times longer than you inhale. This will keep you from trapping air in your lungs making it hard to take deep breaths.
  • Purse your lips during exhalation. This will help keep your constricted airways from collapsing during exhalation and trapping air in your lungs.


Trapped air limits your ability to take deep breaths; using the techniques above will help keep this from happening.


The next best thing to using your inhaler during an asthma attack is to use the techniques of calming down, controlling your breathing, and exhaling through pursed lips. You’ll even recover a lot quicker if you use these techniques in conjunction with your inhaler.

Being prepared is essential to living a safe normal life when you have asthma. But no matter how well you plan, bad things sometimes happen.

If you ever find yourself in the midst of an attack without your rescue inhaler, knowing how to respond can potentially save your life.

Following the 5 steps outlined above will help you take control of a potentially bad situation. Remember, take control before IT controls YOU.

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Mar 25, 2011 Posted Under: Asthma

Should You Use a Spacer With Your Inhaler?

If you use an inhaler, you may want to consider using a spacer with it. A spacer consists of a plastic tube with a mouth piece on one end and a hole on the other to insert the mouthpiece of the inhaler into it. You use the inhaler the same way you normally would, except you place your mouth on the mouthpiece of the spacer when inhaling the medication.

Why should you invest in a spacer, or even take the trouble to use one?

There are three main reasons.

1) Using a spacer maximizes the availability of the medication from the inhaler that gets into your lungs. When you use an inhaler by itself, there are many things you can do wrong to prevent all of the medication from getting into your airways. Many people do not hold their breath after using the inhaler, or do not inhale slowly enough for all of the medication to reach the lungs. Even if you use it correctly, there are large particles which get caught in the back of your mouth and throat that when swallowed cause side effects.

This leads the the next reason,

2) Using a spacer decreases the amount of side effects you may have from using your inhaler by itself. The spacer blocks the large particles from leaving and only allows the small particles to enter your airways directly. Finally,

3) Using a spacer can reduce the risk of getting thrush-an oral fungal infection-from using a corticosteroid inhaler such as fluticasone (Flovent).

In addition to using a spacer to prevent thrush, make sure to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth right after using this type of medication.

Manufacturers recommend to change spacers every 6-12 months, but if taken care of (proper washing and hygiene), they can be used for years. Would I recommend a spacer to patients who use an inhaler? YES-they CAN be affordable and they really take away the uncertainty of proper use of the inhaler. There are a few different brands available, and if you try to buy them at a regular pharmacy you will usually find that they are very expensive (around $35-$50 dollars). In addition, many insurance plans do not cover spacers. However, you can get the same one you would buy at the pharmacy on the internet for much cheaper. For example, I have seen a few on Amazon for around $12.

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Feb 18, 2011 Posted Under: Asthma

Omron Nebulizers

Omron Nebulizers are among the best nebulizers to be used in hospitals and homes today. Omron is a brand to reckon with and utilizes advanced and the latest technologies to improve the management and treatment of asthma, COPD and other respiratory conditions. Omron Nebulizers are portable nebulizer systems which the patients can use on their own and effectively, to treat their asthma and other respiratory problems.

In this article, we will discuss about some models of Omron Nebulizers, which are readily available in the market.

  • CompAir Compressor Nebulizer, Model – NE-C25


  1. Compact sporty design for easy transport
  2. Patented pump design for powerful and quiet operation
  3. Includes carrying case with accessory compartment
  4. Breath-enhanced nebulizer design for shorter treatment times
  5. 5 year limited warranty
  6. UL and CSA listed
  7. Support

This is one of the most affordable Omron Nebulizer models and is a dependable alternative for patients suffering from asthma, COPD or other respiratory problems. The compact look of the CompAir Compressor Nebulizer makes it extremely easy to carry and use. Patients can carry the handy case whenever they are traveling from one place to the other. This unique design of the Omron Nebulizer delivers high quality performance in a shorter treatment time.

Price: $36.99

  • CompAir Elite Compact Compressor Nebulizer, Model – NE-C30


  1. Compact and easy to use
  2. High quality durable design and manufactured by Omron
  3. Air tube features easy to grip air plugs
  4. Includes carrying case with accessory compartment
  5. AC adapter and optional Rechargeable Battery make unit suitable for home or travel
  6. “Ready to go” system maximizes convenience
  7. 5 year limited warranty

This is one of the most well packaged Omron Nebulizers. The CompAir Elite Compact Compressor Nebulizer comes with a carrying case, a nebulizer kit, mouthpiece, air tube, extra filters, child mask, multi-lingual instruction manual, and training DVD in Spanish and English. The nebulizer unit, however, has a limited 5-year warranty. The best feature is that the optional rechargeable battery and battery charger gives you the convenience of carrying it anywhere. The thoughtful inclusion of a multi-lingual instruction manual and instructional DVD in English and Spanish, speaks volumes about Omron’s class.

Price: $69.99

  • MicroAir Portable Nebulizer with Vibrating Mesh Technology (V.M.T.), Model – NE-U22V


  1. Smallest size of any electronic nebulizer
  2. Convenient alternative to Metered Dose Inhalers (MDI)
  3. Lightweight, 6 ounces with 2 “AA” batteries
  4. Tubeless and cordless operation provides unmatched portability and ease of use
  5. Delivers medication to the last drop to maximize benefit of treatment
  6. Delivers undiluted medications to shorten treatment time
  7. Delivers most solution medications, including Albuterol, Alupent, Brokosol, Isuprel, Pulmicort Respules, Proventil, Ventolin, Xopenex, DuoNeb and Intal

As the name suggest, the MicroAir Portable Nebulizer is the world’s smallest electronic nebulizer. This Omron Nebulizer uses Vibrating Mesh Technology to safely administer liquid medicines for patients suffering from asthma, COPD or other respiratory disorders. The small size of the nebulizer makes it a favorite with the patients, as they can carry the case wherever they go. The performance of this small nebulizer is more powerful than other tabletop compressor nebulizers, hence, guarantees effective relief from the disease.

Price: $259.95

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Oct 23, 2010 Posted Under: Asthma

Asthma Treatments

Asthma medications come in 2 main types, preventers or Bronchodilators and relievers or Corticosteroids.

Many people are afraid to take preventers because they are in fact are steroid, but are people better off to avoid them?

If you or somebody you know with asthma is experiencing asthmatic symptoms more frequently than 3 times per week, it would be recommended to you by your GP to include a preventative type medication into your asthma management plan. This can often scare people because a preventative type medication falls in the a class of drugs known as steroids or Corticosteroids to be more precise.

Steroids have earned a bad reputation because of wide spread abuse by some people, particularly in the sporting world. When people abuse steroids or are administered a dosage higher than required, side effects likely to occur.

The Most Common Side Effects Include:

Irritation of the throat and mouth resulting in hoarseness and candida
Suppression of the body’s production of natural steroids (a dependency)
Reactivation of latent infections
Suppression of growth in some children
Excessive weight gain due to an increased appetite
Aggravation of stomach and adrenal ulcers
Excessive hairiness and a moon like face
Worsen diabetes, osteoporosis, glaucoma and cataracts
They may even cause schizophrenia

However steroids can be relatively safe when used in accordance with their intended use. It is much safer to use a low dose of Corticosteroids to prevent asthma daily, than have the need to rely on a rescue dose of a relieving drug every other day.

The doctors who developed Corticosteroids for asthma management won a Nobel Prize for Medicine in the 1950’s for their work. What they developed is a synthetic version of the natural human hormone cortisol and when used correctly can greatly benefit asthmatics. These class of drugs supplement your body’s natural ability to produce the natural hormone and work in conjunction with your body, unlike Bronchodilators which work against your body’s defences and are more likely to cause dependency and make it harder to break the cycle of drug dependency.

If you are looking for a natural alternative there are many options available to you. A life of drug dependency no matter what type of drug it is, should not be an ideal you are willing to accept. I can show you a simple way that allows your body to start producing enough cortisol to effectively control your asthma symptoms without the need for supplementation.

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Oct 14, 2010 Posted Under: Asthma

Asthma Treatment

Asthma treatment with bronchial mist is one of the ways to treat asthma with an over the counter medication for the person that does not have severe asthma. This is a medication that is known as Epinephrine and can be purchased without a prescription to treat asthma and other breathing conditions.

This is a medication that can fill in when needed along with prescription medications as long as the physician is aware of its use so there are no drug interactions. This is a mist that is able to open the breathing passages and help relieve heaviness and wheezing.

Even though this is an over the counter medication that does not need a prescription it still has side effects associated with it that can be severe in some cases. Some of the known side effects with bronchial mist are a dry mouth, dizziness, nervousness, sweating, upset stomach and nausea. More severe symptoms of the side effects of this medication can be shaking or tremors, vomiting and problems sleeping. If any of these side effects should occur the bronchial mist should be stopped unless otherwise advised by the physician.

Asthma Treatment with Dexamethasone Oral

Asthma treatment with Dexamethasone Oral is one of the types of oral medications that can help lessen the symptoms of asthma. This is a medication that is made to reduce the swelling in the bronchial tubes making it easier to breathe. This is one of the popular types of asthma medication to be prescribed as it can also help with other medical conditions like allergic reactions and other breathing conditions such as COPD.

This is has an active ingredient glucocorticoid, which is a corticosteroid hormone known for reducing swelling in the lungs and air passages. This is one of the asthma medications that can be taken long term to control asthma symptoms.

Dexamethasone Oral has some side effects associated with it that in most cases are mild, but in rare cases can be severe in nature. These side effects can include increased appetite, weight gain, dry mouth, sleeplessness, menstrual changes and headache. If any of the side effects are experienced it should be discussed with the prescribing physician and if they are sever the doctor should be alerted immediately.

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Sep 30, 2010 Posted Under: Asthma

Asthma Pathophysiology

Pathophysiology refers to the study of physiological processes that are connected with a particular disease or injury. Asthma pathophysiology therefore looks at everything from how asthma is caused, the parts of the body it affects, and the functions of those parts. Asthma or allergies always affects these parts. The airways are constricted by the asthmatic attack, meaning air is not able to pass through. The symptoms of asthma include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
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Allergy triggers are the start of an asthma attack. Whatever causes the airways to become inflamed and swelled, leading to a asthma attack, is the trigger. What asthma pathophysiology researchers do is determine how these conditions can be best managed. No clear cut cure exists for asthma.

Prevention is another element of asthma pathophysiology, as it searches for ways to prevent asthma attacks from occurring. Asthma pathophysiology attempts to understand the way in which an asthma attack happens.

What we know from all this is that each person has different triggers. An allergic attack can be caused by a trigger for one person, but not for another. The lungs are a part of asthma pathophysiology due to the airways being blocked. Air is not able to pass through at all due to the swelling.

Airway inflammation, bronchial spasm, excess mucus secretion, hypersensitivity and allergy are factors that play significant roles in the development of the disease.

When airways are hypersensitive, allergens cause a severe reaction from the bronchial tubes. Coughing and suffocation can result from this reaction. The hypersensitivity of the body to external sources is allergy. Many asthma patients have certain kinds of allergies that trigger inflammation.

Airways are flooded when excess mucus is secreted from the bronchial system. This happens when one is hyper-responsive to irritants. An excess of mucus prevents air from pass through the airways naturally.

What are the most prevalent asthma triggers? They include allergens, eczema, and family history. Babies are more prone to asthma if the mother smoked heavily while they were in the womb. The environment, temperature changes, obesity, and air pollution are other triggers.

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Sep 15, 2010 Posted Under: Asthma

Asthma Attack

There are effective ways to stop asthma attacks. These are extremely useful techniques to prevent your asthma attack before it happens at the same time during the attack.

Asthma is considered as a serious medical condition since its effects can be greatly disturbing. Although this illness is threatening, there are ways to stop it. Sometimes being relaxed can be useful to stop an asthma attack. Other times, it requires you to go to the hospital.

Ways to stop asthma attacks

  • The best key is not to panic. Most people do not know what to do next because they panic immediately. This will only cause you to forget the things you need to do to stop it. It can also lead your muscles to get tense and your bronchial tubes to spasm. The most threatening is that it will worsen your asthma thus experiencing from fast shallow breathing.
  • Learn deep breathing. Practice deep breathing every now and then. This will be useful to prevent shallow breathing during the attack.
  • Keep your inhalant with you all the time. Asthma can attack anytime so it is best that there is something you can use instantly.
  • Know the causes of asthma attacks. Having them in mind can be useful to get away from them. A lesser exposure to airborne pollutants means the smaller the chances of having asthma.
  • Use your asthma medications given by your doctor. Although it is a good idea to create your own way of treating your asthma, it is always best to follow the instructions ordered by your doctor. You should follow carefully your doctor’s medication, since they know better to treat your asthma.
  • Keep in mind that there are many ways to stop asthma attacks. Do not fear that you have asthma instead make it a challenge as your way to improving your health.

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