If you have ever wanted to know all about anxiety, this article will deal with anxiety, signs of anxiety and how to deal with anxiety. Many of us have felt stressed when we were asked to do something and we were not able to do it. This feeling gives rise to anxiety. It is a feeling of apprehension, worry, stress tension, uncertainty etc. It can also be defined in physical terms such as palpitations, sweating and feelings of stress. When a person goes though a major life changing event like accident, illness, divorce it ends up in increased anxiety.
The effects and symptoms of anxiety change from person to person. It is important to understand what is the triggering factor that causes it and then do what is appropriate. One of the best ways to deal with anxiety is to exercise regularly and also meditation. There are also many drugs available to treat anxiety. These drugs act by slowing down the central nervous system. The fact that these medicines help people relax and calm down has made them very popular. Such medications can also help with insomnia and muscle relaxants. Just like with any other medicines, these medications also have side effects.
The most common and effective drug in dealing with anxiety is Benzodiazepines. There are many kinds that are available and these drugs must be carefully selected, based on the patients profile. These medications act fast thereby bringing relief in less than one hour. Their speed makes them the right choice to take at the time of an anxiety attack. They immediately help calm down the central nervous system and provide relief to the patient. When you take Benzo diazepines, the brain activity reduces. This surely helps reduce anxiety, but it can have a negative effect on the constitution as a whole. Therefore choosing the right professional to help you is extremely critical in order to ensure the right treatment plan.
There are many side effects of these medications. depending upon individual tolerance level The common ones are drowsiness, slurred speech, feeling disoriented, depression, stomach problems, blurred vision, dizziness, impaired thinking, memory loss and reduced speed in reflexes. Some people are extremely sensitive to these medications and side effects even with low doses of anti anxiety medication. They may feel sleepy, foggy and find it hard to focus on work, school, driving etc. There may be some people who can feel the effects of the medicine even on the next day.
As with all options in life, it is very important to take the option that is least pervasive and most beneficial. There are many natural and healthy ways of dealing with anxiety. Keeping a positive outlook on life, avoiding stressful situations and having a stress free life are some great ways to help keep it away. A regular exercise routine, laughing more, spending time with friends and family etc will go a long way to keep anxiety away. Doing work for the needy and helping out with serving them is a great way to cope with anxiety. Having a good social life and an active program of exercise supplemented with good diet will go a long way in keeping anxiety away.