Archive for the 'Allergies' Category

Jan 26, 2013 Posted Under: Allergies

Get Your Immunity Checked By Immunologists

Immunity is very important if you want to stay healthy and fit in your body. There is an immunity system inside our body which helps us to fight against all the disease and ailment germ, virus and bacteria only if your immunity system is strong enough. After growing up you suddenly wants your immunity to get strong then it is a sorry full condition because it is not possible. Immunity is something on which you need to work a lot from the beginning then only you can get it to work properly for your body mechanism.

Some points which can reduce your immunity levels are bad health diet, smoking, drinking alcohol these maybe some of the serious problem which can make your immunity system weak. Many times parents are not able to provide their children, infant and adolescents with proper food and nutrition all of these results in weak immunity level. Malnutrition children when grow up have a very weak immunity level. Poor diet for long time can weaken our immunity system, when our body lacks nutrition then we will have a weak immune system; over dose of sugar is another most prominent cause for lack or say weak immunity system; excessive drinking harms the immunity system. A good sleep is essential for our body because it helps our body to rebuilt, without adequate sleep immune system becomes weak because it doesn’t get a chance to rebuild. Stress and dehydration are other foremost reason for weak immunity. Overuse of prescribed or non prescribed medicinal use can also reduce immunity. Chemical exposure, UV, and radiation exposure- all these damage the immune system.

A good hygiene care is very important to maintain a strong immune system. Too much exposure to germs may stress the body beyond what it could handle. Exercise is very important to keep a good immune system. Exercise helps to increase the blood flow which helps cleansing the body of certain toxins and waste products. Lack of exercise slows down this process and it results a weak immune system. Obesity is also one of the reasons for having lower level of immunity.

If any of the reason is making you weak by immunity, then you should visit a specialist to get your immunity cured. There are numbers of good immunologists in Delhi region itself, such as immunologists in janakpuri. The immunologists in paschim vihar and the immunologists in rajauri garden are expert in immunotherapy treatment and diagnose for patients lacking immunity or have a weak immunity system.

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Dec 20, 2012 Posted Under: Allergies

Take Care of Aspirin Allergy With Medical ID Jewelry

There are many millions affected by aspirin allergy and general Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug allergy. Remember, there is a way to deal with it. You need to take all of the necessary precautions and wear Medical ID Jewelry in order to ensure that you are not accidentally given a potentially deadly dose of the drug by emergency personnel.

Aspirin is a Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug first discovered from the bark of the willow tree. It has been proven to help reduce pain and inflammation in patients, and is now synthetically manufactured and distributed in generic form, prescription form, and over-the-counter form. The most well-known over-the-counter brand of aspirin is Bayer Aspirin.

Aspirin allergy affects approximately one percent of the general population, and is prevalent at a ten- percent rate among patients who have asthma. Thus, allergies to Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as Bayer Aspirin and other brands of this painkiller are relatively common. Make sure you avoid the drug. This does not mean you need to suffer. You can take acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) when in need of a painkiller or anti-inflammatory.

If you have an allergy to Aspirin, then it is very important that you wear a piece of Medical ID jewelry.

How Do I Know if I have an Aspirin Allergy?

The symptoms of aspirin allergy are quite simple to identify, so you shouldn’t need medical tests to determine if you are a sufferer. The most common symptoms are skin conditions, such as the formation of hives or a general swelling in an area of the skin.

Other more serious symptoms include respiratory symptoms, such as rhinitis and asthma symptoms, and, in rare cases, anaphylaxis. If you have taken Bayer aspirin or any other type of aspirin-related Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and experienced any of these symptoms, then you may have an allergy to Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and should avoid them completely.

Because aspirin allergy isn’t a traditional allergy, you cannot determine if you have the allergy through traditional allergy testing. In fact, an allergy to Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug is not an allergy at all, but rather intolerance to the substance. When someone with this condition consumes aspirin, the body actually has a small overdose due to the fact that it cannot metabolize even the smallest doses of the substance.

What Steps Should I Take to Stay Safe?

After one bad encounter with an aspirin allergy, you will probably become aware of your condition. Aspirin is easy to avoid as long as you are aware of which medications contain the drug, such as Bayer aspirin and other generic brands.

However, you may not be able to inform if you are rendered unconscious and become unable to inform medical personnel of your condition. Hence, it’s absolutely crucial that you keep some kind of medical ID jewelry on your person at all times. One of the easiest ways to do this is to purchase customized medical ID jewelry and wear it at all times. This way, you can guarantee that emergency medical personnel will not accidentally give you a potentially fatal dose of aspirin or any other Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Medical ID jewelry are reasonably priced, stylish, and completely customizable based on your various conditions and allergies.

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Sep 21, 2011 Posted Under: Allergies

How to Prevent Mold Allergy at Home

Common allergens like house dust and pet hair are often overlooked. But they can do more harm in long term than any other disease. House dust has a number of ingredients: tiny fibers from furniture, animal dander, microscopic bits of human skin, food remnants, detergent fragments, and more. house-dust mites, insects too small to be seen by the naked eye, ticks, spiders etc have been the point of research for a lot of allergists. They can live almost anywhere in the house and are found in greatest numbers in beds, furniture, and rugs. Another common allergen is mold spores, especially that of black mold.

Fragments of the mites themselves can be allergens, as can substances found in their droppings. A thorough housecleaning to reduce the amount of dust and the number of mites is essential for anyone with house-dust allergy. Doctors will suspect house-dust allergy if the patient suffers year round symptoms that flare up during spring cleaning or at other times when the amount of dust in the air is increased.

How to prevent mold allergies at home:

1. Regular cleaning for household items: Start with mattresses, box springs, and pillows, which should then be put in dust-proof covers. Mattress should be removed from the bedroom of the allergy sufferer. Floors (and the rest of the room) should be cleaned at least once a week.

2. Keeping the dampness controlled reduces black mold formation: Humidity should be kept low, because house mites grow only when the humidity is more than 20%. packed and ornate furniture should be kept out of the allergic person’s room because it traps so much dust. Pets, furs, stuffed animals, and other potential sources of allergens should also be banished from the person’s room.

3. Eradicate the Molds: Cleaning the house to get rid of molds requires other steps. Molds grow readily in the warm, damp atmosphere of bathrooms; these should be kept well ventilated and cleaned thoroughly, with a fungicide if necessary. Damp basements can also be breeding grounds for molds; a dehumidifier can reduce their growth.

4. Clean those bed and pillow covers: Pillows are another potential source, they develop molds with time and usage and hence should be replaced every year or two. You should consider switching to anti allergen pillow covers or bed covers. They provide good protection against molds and other micro allergens. You should also use anti allergen detergents to sanitize the upholstery at home.

5. Clean the AC filters: Air conditioners can have both good and bad effects on allergy patients. If air conditioner filters are not cleaned or replaced regularly, they can collect molds and pollens. But if air conditioners are kept in the recirculating mode so they do not draw in air from outside and if their filters are kept clean, they can reduce the amount of allergens in the air appreciably. If you have allergies to mold, you should make it a point to clean the air conditioner filters frequently.

6. Using Air filters: Electronic air-filtering machines are even more effective. These sophisticated services, based on space-program technology, can remove as much as 99% of airborne pollutants. The most effective are so-called HEPA, or high-energy particulate-arresting, filters. These tend to be expensive, costing about as much as an air conditioner. Some machines combine HEPA and charcoal filters for even greater efficiency.

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Jun 07, 2011 Posted Under: Allergies

Nocturnal Asthma – 4 Main Reasons It Can Occur

Not being able to get enough air is frightening any time of day, but when it happens in the middle of the night you are even more vulnerable. Here are 4 common threads that people who experience this condition have and some suggestions for managing the problem.

1. Decrease in FEV1 Ratio - This is basically a measuring of the amount of air a person is able to exhale and they have inhaled as deeply as possible. Normal adult volume is should be between 3 and 5 liters which translates to approximately 80% capacity. This decrease in lung capacity typically occurs during the night which makes symptoms more severe.

A time released bronchodilator prescribed by your physician will help air passages remain open through the night time hours. A peak flow meter will give an accurate reading of your lung capacity which is important in forming a management plan.

2. Lower Amounts of Epinephrine - This hormone helps relax lung muscles and also control the amount of histamines introduced into the body. Being able to control histamines is important because histamines control the amount of mucous that is produced and secreted.

The less mucous the less congestion to clog possibly restricted airways. Studies have shown that this hormone is at its lowest at 4 a.m. which can also account for asthma problems during the night.

Consulting with a physician to determine what your levels are during the night will enable him to prescribe a medication that will allow you to sleep despite the drop in this hormone.

3. Exposure to Allergens - Dust mites are one of the most potent allergens and unfortunately the population in the bedroom is usually highest. Because they are able to build propagate in your bed, bed linens, and pillows, going to sleep there can be a recipe for disaster.

Encasing your pillows and mattresses with allergy covers will greatly reduce your exposure. Wash your linens weekly with water that is 160 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer to kill the mites. Sunlight kills mites, so exposing your sheets to it each morning before you make the bed will help.

4. Late Phase Response - There is usually an initial response or flare up when the body first senses a trigger (dust, dust mites, mold and mildews spores, pet dander, smoke, chemical fumes). Later there is usually a second reaction within several hours. If the first exposure to the trigger is in the evening, the second response is usually longer and more severe.

Making sure your nighttime environment – especially your bedroom – is as free of triggers as possible creates a physical and emotional haven where you are more likely to be able to rest well. 24 hour filtration with a high efficiency particle arresting filter will keep allergen levels low and greatly reduce the amount of triggers in your air.

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May 12, 2011 Posted Under: Allergies

Kinesiology for Allergy Testing

Allergy testing

Allergies or insensitivities to foods and substances may cause impaired health, weight gain or symptoms which doctors find difficult to resolve. The starting point is to detect, what are the problem foods or substances for you? There are different methods which can be used, including blood tests. However, one method, kinesiology is less invasive and highly effective, and allows many different foods or substances to be tested.

What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology applies a light pressure to the muscle being tested, while a test vial is held against your body. When your muscle goes weak it indicates a sensitivity to the food, or the presence of a pathogen. Patients find it fascinating to feel the difference to their muscle strength as different allergens are held against their body. The results are tangible! Furthermore, results generally concur with other more conventional tests, e.g. blood tests.

Kinesiology was developed in 1964 by George Goodheart, a chiropractor, and has gained widespread use amongst chiropractors, naturopaths and a few medical doctors.

Allergy testing using Kinesiology

Allergy testing using kinesiology (muscle testing) can determine food and substance intolerances, nutritional deficiencies and the presence pathogens. This method gives very specific results, unique to you. This helps to reveal the source of your symptoms.

Allergy testing uses homeopathic quantities of foods, substances or pathogens in sealed glass tubes, these test vials are harmless.

What can be tested?

  • All common foods including wheat, yeast, dairy, fruits, meat and vegetables.
  • Deficiencies in any proteins, vitamins, amino acids or essential fatty acids.
  • The presence of pathogens: viruses, bacteria, parasites including candida.
  • The presence of chemicals, toxic metals and radiation (eg. from mobile phones).

Allergy testing for children

This treatment can be used to test food allergies in children


Initially, it will be suggested that the allergens (foods and substances detected) are removed from the diet. Although, through an understanding of the allergens, and potentially the pathogens, there may be a route to health, which might ultimately allow a normal diet and routine to be resumed.

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Allergies can develop due to stress or due to “poor living”. However, if a healthy lifestyle is adopted, and a method or habits adopted to reduce stress, symptoms will start to resolve. Kinesiology is a route to determine what is going on in the body, what is stressing it, and what might be the path to health.

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Apr 12, 2011 Posted Under: Allergies

Things to Look for Before Choosing an Allergy Doctor

If you are suffering from asthma, then visiting an asthma specialist is a necessity. However, choosing an asthma doctor should be done with care as it is important to find the right doctor for your condition. As a matter of fact, allergists have more experience than other specialists in treating asthma. It is noteworthy that most people suffering from asthma are also vulnerable to other allergens that can trigger an asthma attack.

Allergists are general practitioners, internists, pediatricians and pulmonologists who have received special training in the treatment of the immune system, and specialize in treating allergies and respiratory diseases. They have the ability to diagnose and treat asthma. Selecting a doctor who can identify these allergies is of utmost significance as it can lead to better control of both the allergy, as well as asthma.

Before you visit an allergy specialist you have to know where to find one and how to make the right choice among them. Your can ask for referrals from your regular doctor or from health insurance company, friends, family or health maintenance organization (HMO) who might have a list of allergy specialists.

Factors to Consider when Choosing an Asthma Doctor

Besides the above recommendations, some other things to consider while choosing a doctor include:

  • You need to ensure that the recommended doctor is board certified or accredited by the appropriate regulating authority.
  • Visit the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology website for a list of doctors in your area.
  • Confirm which healthcare insurance plans the doctor accepts.
  • See if the location and timing of the doctor is convenient for you.
  • Find out if the doctor comprehends your needs. See if he listens and answers your questions carefully and thoughtfully.
  • See if the office staff is courteous.

Besides the above considerations, you’ll also want to take into account how good the doctor is at interacting with patients. In fact, the doctor should be able to make you comfortable and feel at ease, and communicate in a way with which you can identify with and respond to.

Allergies are not just troublesome, but can also prove to be fatal in some cases, if not treated in time. For people suffering from allergies it is important for them to have a doctor who can thoroughly understand their condition. It is possible to do this by raising your awareness about your allergies, being educated about the underlying causes of your illness, and working with the right allergy doctor.

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Apr 09, 2011 Posted Under: Allergies

Children and Food Allergies

While many have heard that food allergies in children may be typical, the truth is that these types of allergies are fairly unusual. On average, only 2% of children have a food allergy although younger children may actually have a higher percentage of those affected somewhere around 5%-8% being affected. The good news is that many children affected with food allergies will outgrow them as they get older and their immune systems mature.

A food allergy is a condition of your bodies immune system. The immune system will create an antibody after the child eats a certain food. This antibody, immunoglobulin E (IgE) will bind to the food as well as allergy cells and the body will produce chemicals that will them cause allergic reactions. You see this in the form of hives,rashes, itching and even potentially lethal breathing problems.

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The most common of these allergies that are found in children are milk, eggs, peanut, tree nuts, soy (primarily in infants) and wheat. While most children will typically outgrow their allergy to milk, eggs, soy and wheat, often times they will not outgrow their allergy to peanuts.

Food allergy symptoms will show up quite rapidly after the child has eaten the food he or she is allergic to, usually within a few minutes to an hour of ingestion. Symptoms can vary from individual to individual child, but these symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, hives, swelling, eczema, itching or swelling of the lips, tongue or mouth, itching or tightness of the throat, difficulty in breathing, wheezing and lowered blood pressure. Milk or soy allergies may have additional symptoms such as colic (fussy baby), blood in stool and/or poor growth.

Symptoms may appear to be a typical illness, paying attention to any reactions that occur during or not long after your child eats can be a red flag that your child may be sensitive to foods or even allergic to them. You should consult your child’s physician for a diagnosis of food allergies.

According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases there is no cure for food type allergies, nor is there a treatment for these allergies. Once you identify foods that your child is allergic to, removing these foods from your child’s diet is the best strategy to avoid allergic reactions. You should also read all labels on prepared foods to make sure that there is nothing in the ingredients that your child may be allergic or sensitive to.

Keeping clean is probably one of the best and most effective strategies that you can employ. Teaching your children to consistently wash their hands with soap and water will help significantly and will remove most peanut allergens. Household cleaning products will also remove most allergens on tables and counter tops.

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Mar 30, 2011 Posted Under: Allergies, Canadian Pharmacy

CanadianPharmacyNORX: Air Pollution And Skin Allergies

A recent study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology discovered a link between itchy skin, irritated eyes, and headaches with certain types of pollution.

French researchers studied the air’s nitrogen dioxide, small particulate matter and ozone levels in urban areas surrounding Bordeaux. Bordeaux is an area in France where pollution levels are usually slightly higher than the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO). The research team collected medical case reports from SOS Medicins, a public health-care network that makes emergency house calls. They concentrated on the number of visits that are related to complaints of respiratory problems including tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, asthma, bronchitis, or cough, as well as conjunctivitis, skin rash, headaches and asthenia, a conditioned characterized by general feelings of weakness that are usually the result of allergies.

The researchers noted a 1.5 percent and 2.6 percent increase in the number of visits for upper and lower respiratory diseases respectively, a few days after particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide levels rose.

But what is most telling is the increase in doctor visits for other disease. On days when particulate matter was highest, visits for skin rash or conjunctivitis increased by 3.2 percent, while headaches and asthenia rose 3.5 percent.

When ozone levels rose, visits for skin rash or conjunctivitis increased by 3 percent, and 1.7 percent for headaches and asthenia.

Increased levels of nitrogen oxide caused a 2.8 percent increase in visits for headaches and weakness.

We know that air pollution affects the heart and lungs. But, these slight effects of air pollution on human health will likely affect more of us as it worsens.

“Once you start looking at the entire body, we start to realize this is not as benign as we think,” says Neil Kao, MD, an allergist at the Allergic Disease and Asthma Center in Greenville, SC, and a fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. “It’s not just bad for your heart-it’s bad for everything.”

Whereas allergy to pollen can trigger obvious reactions like sneezing, the subtle impact of pollution may not be evident immediately. Kao recommends staying indoors during sunny-but-polluted days. “As much as I promote a healthy, happy lifestyle with lots of exercise,” he says, “there are certain days just can’t reset your immune system.”

If polluted air is affecting your health, here are some things you can do to avoid it:

Check the air forecast -stay on top of high-hazard air pollution days.

Stay indoors – staying inside your home helps, but only if the air inside is less polluted than the air outside. Air washers, filters and the like, can help rid the air of particulate matters. However, they are useless against nitrogen oxide, ozone and other harmful gasses. So on days when pollution levels are particularly high, keep you windows shut; and on days when the air is clearer, let your home air out to decrease indoor toxins.

Wear a mask – breathing through masks with an N-95 rating can help cut help lower pollution-related headaches. Wearing protective clothing like long-sleeved shirts and sunglasses when outdoors will keep particulate matter off our skin and out of your eyes.

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Feb 08, 2011 Posted Under: Allergies

Chronic Sinus Infection

The chronic sinusitis is a common ailment that affects people indiscriminately all over the world. The onset of this chronic ailment is usually marked by a cold, which itself could be traced back to an upper respiratory tract infection. The sinusitis may persist for up to 12 weeks. Non-treatment of the infection may result in an aggravation of the symptoms. Chronic sinus infections weaken the body’s immune system, so it is all the more necessary to get medical attention as soon as possible.
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Causes of Chronic sinusitis

Research indicates towards the possibility of nasal mucous being the cause of chronic sinusitis, not sinus tissue. The diseased tissue of the nasal passageway is infected by broken down inflammatory cells that have become toxic. Recognisable chronic sinusitis symptoms would include blocked nose, postnasal drip, nasal discharge, aches in the face and head that may persist for more than 3 months and even loss of the sense of smell. Symptoms such as these greatly strain a person’s daily routine, whether social or personal.

Chronic sinusitis infection causes also may include miniscule airborne irritants and dust particles. These infect the air that accumulates in the sinuses, and since the nose is already a sensitive, infection-prone part of the body, it contracts the infection quite easily. Such an accumulation of irritants serves only to clog the nasal passage and hinder the normal mucosal drainage. The clogged passage only serves to help bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumonia and Herophilus influenza to breed in the sinus cavity.

Another known chronic sinusitis cause could also be a fungal infection. Even though the body is generally resistant to most forms of fungi that occur in the environment, its immune system can be weakened by breathing air infected with the spores of the black mold, which grows mostly in damp, moist areas. Another fungus that causes problems for people’s immune systems is called Aspergillus.

An interesting and lesser known cause of chronic sinus infections can also be the esophagus acid reflux. Too many occurences of the acid reflux may cause inflammation of the nasal lining and blocking of the sinuses when gastric acid irritates the sinuses through the esophagus.

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The best way to determine chronic sinus infection’s cause and then get treatment is to have it checked by a qualified physician. Treatment would generally be a round of antibiotics or with corticosteroid to treat the inflammation in the sinuses and nasal passage. Decongestants, antihistamines and expectorant also help to provide relief by easing the congestion.

The best way to prevent sinusitis is to stay fit and healthy. This means adopting a healthy diet, regular exercise, avoiding smoking, healthy fluid intake and distressing one’s life.

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Nov 13, 2010 Posted Under: Allergies

Sweet Remedy for Seasonal Allergies

For someone who suffers with allergies, the joy that should accompany the arrival of spring and summer can be missing. Rather than playing in the sunshine and reveling in the return of grass and leaves to trees, allergy sufferers may spend their warmer months retreating indoors to hide from an array of allergens that are mixed into every warm and balmy breeze. Watery itchy eyes, scratchy throat, runny nose and headaches are just a few of the seasonal allergy symptoms that may plague the chronic allergy sufferer.

The majority of people will wind up turning to a bottle of antihistamines to control their symptoms, but are drugs the best – or even the only – option? Before reaching for a bottle of Sudafed, how about revving up your immune system for an extra boost of protection? Eating plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains provides your body with vitamins and antioxidants, which help your body to fight off allergens and seasonal illnesses. Additionally, avoiding sugar can help to give your body a boost, as too much sugar can cause you to feel fatigued and lethargic, as well as interfere with some of those vitamins and much-needed nutrients your body needs in order to perform at its best. But does that mean you can’t have anything sweet when that sweet tooth strikes? Not at all. Actually, new studies suggest an extra sweet remedy to help build immunity to local allergens: honey.

Honey has touted immunity-boosting properties for years. Now local honey is being given new attention as a healthy way to build up a resistance to local allergens. Local honey, in theory, works like a vaccine; with vaccines, your body is exposed to low doses of a dead virus so that it will build a resistance to the disease, whereas with honey, the bits of pollen and plant particles from local plants can build a resistance to the allergens. Thanks to the bees that work hard harvesting nectar from all the plants that are blooming, their honey can provide a natural way to combat those pesky allergies while giving your taste buds a yummy treat!

Sadly, finding the right kind of honey is a little trickier than simply heading to your local grocery store and hitting the honey aisle. First, it must be unfiltered and unprocessed honey. In other words it should still be 100% all natural honey. Second, it must be local honey. While the honey on your supermarket shelf may have pollen and allergens in it, they are likely from other geographic regions and your body will be working to build a resistance to plants and trees that you may never see or smell.

For the best results in building your immune system against local allergens, look for local honey in your natural food stores – or even better, at a local farmers market. Ask questions about the honey, such as “where it is harvested” and “is it put through any processes?” Once you find a great local honey, you can go home with the sweet reward of a delicious and healthy way to combat allergies. Who knew fighting allergies could be so sweet?

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