Archive for August, 2011

Aug 25, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Digestive Enzymes

You probably don’t think about digestive enzymes on a daily basis. However, if they failed you would certainly devote some time to thinking about them.

Just what are they and why are they important? There are three classes of enzymes:

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  1. Metabolic enzymes – they run the body;
  2. Digestive enzymes – they digest our foods;
  3. Enzymes we get from raw food that start digestion.

The ones we will discuss here are digestive enzymes; which are proteins that change food into nutrients that the body needs. In total there are around 22 which are produced by the body and each of them has different purposes and deal with a specific type of food. It is not only our bodies that have enzymes; they can also be found in meat, plants, fruits and vegetables. It is said that the reason why people suffer different illnesses is because they lack specific enzymes due to a poor diet.

Good health depends on all these different classes of enzymes working properly and being plentiful. When we are born we are given an enzyme bank, but if we keep taking enzymes out and do not replace them we are soon bankrupt. The pancreas is eventually forced to produce more and more enzymes and therefore enlarges and silently causes stress to the entire system. It is not healthy to have any organ in our body enlarged and eventually these enlarged organs will deteriorate completely.

Unfortunately, the thing that destroys our natural enzymes is the food that we eat, especially if we eat mainly cooked foods laden with sugar, fat and additives. Lack of enzymes causes many different problems.

When you eat, the digestive enzymes break down the food into macromolecules. The body would then reap the nutrients taken from the food. The breaking down of food commences in the mouth as the teeth grinds it into smaller pieces and concludes as it reaches the small intestine. There are different types of digestive enzymes that break down food and turn them into fats, carbohydrates and proteins. It is thus vital to know the significance of proper nutrition and how the digestive body gets the nutrients from food.

  • One of the digetive enzymes that aids in the digestion process is lipase.Lipase helps break down lipids which are fats and oils from food. Lipids have three fatty acid chains which are in turn responsible in producing energy in the human cells. With lipase, the meat and oils in food are broken down into triglyceride molecules needed by the intestines.
  • Another important enzyme is protease which breaks down protein molecules found in food. Proteins have amino acids and each of these amino acids have a vital function in the body. When the body gets these amino acids, its functions will be performed rightfully thus achieving good health.
  • Amylase is another enzyme which is responsible for breaking down food into carbohydrates. Of all the molecules, it is the molecules of carbohydrates that are not easy to break down. Amylase comes out from both the saliva and the pancreas and it aids in breaking down sugar bonds into the glucose named maltose. When the small intestines take in these glucose molecules, they will be released to the blood. That is why too much carbohydrate is unhealthy for diabetics because carbohydrates become sugar.
  • Pepsin is another enzyme found in the stomach and it starts the proteins’ metabolism. The stomach also has acids which help break down food. The lower sphincter of the tummy is the one that dispenses food into the small intestine where they are broken down into waste and directed to the large intestine.
  • The liver creates a substance called bile which is responsible for breaking down fat. When the liver secretes bile, this goes to the gallbladder. When foods with fat are eaten, the gall bladder releases the bile so as to break down fatty food. It engulfs the fats and softens it for the lipases to cling to them. The lipases then break down the tiny molecules of fats to turn them into even tinier parts.

Remember cooking destroys all natural enzymes. When we waste so much of our natural enzymes by cooking so much of our food, we are making our bodies work even harder to produce even more enzymes. This in turn enlarges and harms our digestive organs, especially the pancreas.

Since cooking destroys our enzymes, many nutritional authorities recommend that the diet should be 50-70% raw food.

As you can see, all these enzymes must work in concert with one another in order for our bodies to perform all it’s natural functions properly. When you understand how our modern diet destroys these important molecules in our bodies you can see how we need to supplement them in our diets each and every day. Good digestion prolongs life and natural digestive enzyme supplements aid good digestion.

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Aug 23, 2011 Posted Under: Diabetes

1 In 10 Will Have Diabetes – Save Your Kids!

The statistics of type 2 diabetes all point to one thing – an epidemic. This is an important reason to understand more about this disease. It is strongly recommended you learn something that not many people are aware of.

Scientists have started to conduct trials seeking the roots and ways of diabetes as early as the 1980’s. There was an idea back in those days that has been confirmed over time and research. Diabetes is rooted in our diet, and could be avoided completely. Many things have changed since the early stages of research, and there are some clear facts we can now share with the world about the causes of diabetes.

The most commonly known risk-factor for diabetes is weight. It is known world-wide that obesity will almost definitely lead you to diabetes. Staying lean is important for your health, and that is the first thing you must strive to if you wish to avoid this disease. It does help to be in good shape, even if you carry some extra weight. The “Fat and Fit” generation which consists mostly of 25-45 year old professionals are statistically healthier than those who are simply overweight. unfortunately, it is not enough, as even those who keep exercising but do not lose weight are in danger of getting diabetes.

Another well-known fact is that eating sugar and processed products raises the chances for diabetes. An entire industry was based on that fact, as many new products came out to the market declaring to be as sweet as sugar, but sugar-free. In a way, it is a nice solution for those of us who must avoid sugar or lower their sugar consumption. But as with anything in this life, there is a price to pay. Even though the dangers of sugar are well-known, the dangers of products that replace sugar are not. Using synthetic sweeteners in your food might lower your chances for diabetes but puts you in danger for many other diseases.

The most important fact of them all might be the most unknown one. While sugar is an obvious risk-factor in diabetes, meat is never discussed. In more than one research conducted over many years, a direct connection between diabetes and the consumption of meat has been proven. Processed fish is the most dangerous type of animal protein out there, and processed meats are almost just as dangerous. This fact is unknown to the public, yet a quick online search will lead you to papers that were done on this subject.

Another result one of these studies has proven that while processed fish is so dangerous for our health, fresh fish, preferably cooked, will lower our chances to get diabetes.

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Aug 16, 2011 Posted Under: Pain Management

The Main Causes Of Abdominal Pain

Causes of Abdominal Pain

There are a variety of different conditions than can be the root cause of abdominal pain, all of which need to be ruled out before an accurate, clinical diagnosis can be made.

First of all it is important to ascertain whether the abdominal pain is above or below the navel. If the pain is above the navel, it could be due to any of the following condition:

  • Gastric ulcer (an ulcer in the stomach lining)
  • Peritonitis (an inflaming of the inner lining of the abdomen)
  • Gastro oesophageal reflux (heart burn)
  • Lower pleuritis (inflammation of the outer coverings of the lung)
  • Gall stones causing an inflammation of the gall bladder Duodenal ulcer (inflammation in the small intestine connected to the stomach)
  • Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)
  • Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas which can cause a severe pain in the back)
  • Musculoskeletal sprain

If you have very noticeable and uncomfortable abdominal pain above the navel, either one of these conditions could be the cause.

Abdominal pain below the navel is perhaps the most common. Like above the navel pain, there are a lot of conditions that could be causing pain below the navel – each of which need to be taken into account before an accurate diagnosis can be made.

Common causes of abdominal pain below the navel include:

  • Appendicitis (this begins with growing pain in the navel before becoming more acute and moving to the right side)
  • Ischemic colitis (a problem affecting the blood supply to the intestine)
  • Urethral stones (stones in the tubes connecting the kidneys and the urinary bladder)
  • Cystitis (inflammation of the urinary bladder)
  • Kidney stones
  • Uretheral stones (stones in the tube connecting the urinary bladder and penis)
  • Urethritis (inflammation of the tube connecting the urinary bladder and the penis)
  • Diverticulosis (the linings of the small intestine develop sac like out pouching due to weakening of the muscles covering the intestines)
  • Diverticulitis (inflammation of these sacs like out pouching)
  • Volvulus (twisting of the intestines which can cut off blood supply)
  • Kidney inflammation (Pylonephritis)
  • Salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes)
  • Ectopic pregnancy (where the baby develops in a site other than the uterus)

The above are the most common causes of abdominal pain both above and below the navel. The sheer number of possible causes means abdominal pain can sometimes be difficult to diagnose. Diagnosis is usually done with the help of blood tests, endoscopy, X rays and MRI and CT scans.

For further assistance and information regarding abdominal pain and any of the conditions noted above, visit The Online Doctor for a free online consultation.

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Aug 12, 2011 Posted Under: Obesity

Can Obesity Be Solved At Home With The Flex Belt?

We live in a world of increasing obesity and many people seem unwilling or unable to do that much about their weight. Most people are aware of the health benefits of a slimmer figure but for many the chances of getting one are as remote as flying to the moon. They cannot be bothered or after a hectic day at work, are just too tired. There is also the cost and time that has to be taken to account in any gym membership.

This is where equipment like the Flex Belt can prove useful. As part of an exercise regime it can help tone and shift the pounds and even used on its own, it has a place although the effects may not be as dramatic.

The Flex Belt can be worn around those parts of the body that would benefit from a workout. The waist is an obvious target on many people, but it can also be used on the bottom and thighs and even the arms.

The belt is quite simple to operate although the actual mechanics of use may take some time to get accustomed to. It is fitted around the appropriate area and the settings adjusted to the intensity of the desired workout. It is recommended that this starts slowly and increases as the user gets familiar with the effects.

The belt works by mimicking the effects of muscle contraction and relaxation, something like you would get by flexing the muscles and relaxing them, or of course by lifting a weight or performing a sit up.

One of the factors in weight gain is water retention. The feeling of being bloated and overweight is hardly conducive to wanting to do a work out and the circle repeats itself, no exercise, added fluid retention, more lethargy. The Flex Belt by manipulating and vibrating the areas of use can help to move some of that fluid around, making the idea of exercise somewhat more appealing.

There is no doubt that working out in an intensive way with cardio exercise and a healthy attitude to food is going to have a quicker effect on the waistline and those who use the Flex Belt as part of an overall regime rather than relying on it exclusively will see better more rapid results. Walking briskly for fifteen to thirty minutes a day at least three times a week and eating less fast food will accelerate the good work of the Flex Belt. Like all exercise and dieting regimes, there is no magic involved. The Flex Belt can work and work well and for those who have never done any exercise but want to make a start with something that can be used at home, there is little equal, but it will take time and patience to see the results. There are no overnight cures for a fat belly except perhaps surgery and that comes with its own not insignificant risk.

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