Archive for November, 2010

Nov 11, 2010 Posted Under: Alternative Medicine

How Does Acupuncture Help With IVF?

Recent studies have indicated that women undergoing IVF can benefit from acupuncture. This ancient Chinese practice has become fairly mainstream over the last few years and the question, “how does acupuncture help with IVF” certainly merits further consideration.

Practitioners believe that the procedure has a number of positive effects on both the male and female reproductive systems. It is thought that it can increase the chances of successful implantation and reduce miscarriage.

Looking at the specifics, how does acupuncture help with IVF?


One paper which was published in 2002 indicates that acupuncture can help relieve stress levels considerably and that the reduction in stress hormones can be directly attributed to increased success rates. In physical terms, stress diverts blood from the uterus towards the glands responsible for coping with stress. A reduction in stress can help restore healthy blood flow and thus enhance fertility.

Regulation Of Hormones

Acupuncture can help treat problems within the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. The needles stimulate the release of beta-endorphins which influence the production of reproductive hormones. This can regulate the menstrual cycle, restore and promote good ovarian function, helping to produce healthier eggs.

Reduction Of Side Effects From Fertility Drugs

IVF procedures include the use of fertility drugs to help induce multiple egg release. Clomid, one of the most popular drugs can actually cause thinning of the uterine lining which can make sustaining an embryo problematic. For those wondering how acupuncture does help with IVF, in this instance, the improvement in blood flow to the uterus can help produce a rich, thick lining. One study showed that women who received acupuncture 25 minutes before embryo transfer and 25 minutes afterwards had a marked increase in pregnancy rate compared to those who did not receive the treatment.

Lowering Of Miscarriage Rates

One paper presented for the American Society of Reproductive medicine indicated that acupuncture could help increase the live birth rate. The study followed 131 women, 48 of whom had acupuncture whilst the rest did not. Although implantation rates were very similar, the miscarriage rate in those having acupuncture was much lower.

You have seen above the answers to the question, “how does acupuncture help with IVF” but then the decision is whether or not to go ahead. Most doctors will have an opinion on the subject with many now advocating acupuncture and some recommending local practitioners.

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Nov 10, 2010 Posted Under: Exercises

Sciatic Nerve Leg Pain

Sciatic Nerve Leg Pain can be caused by many different injuries from Lifting Objects Incorrectly to car accidents, sport and gym activities, muscle strain or simple things like a sneeze or the way you sit at a computer and the pain can be just as severe in most cases.

In many most industries nowadays there are Health and Safety training programs to inform employees the correct way to lift objects, and prevent injuries like Sciatic nerve leg pain. These programs should be repeated on a regular basis as there many thousands of man hours lost every year due to back problems.

How many times do you see people lifting objects by bending over them and putting all the strain on the lower back, something has to give and many people have injured their backs in this way.

In all problems with your back prevention is far better than the pain especially, sciatic nerve leg pain if only in regards to lifting objects. Lifting objects in the correct manner is an excellent way in protecting your back from injuries, which can lead to other problems in years to come and can prevent you from doing many recreational activities.

To lift any object there is a correct way to go about it. First make sure the area around you and the path to where you want to move the object to be clear from any clutter. Come down near the object by bending your knees and keep your spine straight. Keep your feet as close as possible to your shoulder width. Grab the object with both hands. Bring the upper part of the body as close as possible to the item. Lift the object by straightening the legs, the muscle in the legs are much stronger than the back muscle and should be used to lift and prevent damage to the back. Try and not to twist your body by turning, but turn taking small steps at the time If at any time you feel under pressure when lifting, let go immediately as the item can be replaced, Your Back Cannot.

If you think you have sciatic nerve leg pain the first thing to do is to seek professional medical advice as some forms of treatment can add to the problem rather than curing it

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Nov 09, 2010 Posted Under: Diabetes

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Diabetic Complications

Lifestyle contributes a great deal to what course Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes will take, and healthcare workers frequently attempt lifestyle intervention to prevent diabetic complications. Researchers at the Department of Endocrinology, China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing looked at how lifestyle intervention would affect diabetics with impaired glucose tolerance over the course of 20 years. The results of their work were published in November 2010 in the journal Diabetologica.

The study looked at the possibility of preventing 3 serious complications of Type 2 diabetes.

1. Diabetic retinopathy is a disease caused by damage to blood vessels in the back of the eye, where light forms an image. As the blood vessels bleed the retina becomes damaged until sight is lost.

2. Diabetic nephropathy is due to damaged blood vessels in the kidneys, where excess sugar is removed from the blood and added to the urine. The kidneys gradually lose their ability to function and artificial kidney dialysis can become necessary.

3. Diabetic neuropathy is damage to the nerves, which can lead to numbness and pain in the limbs.

People with Type 2 diabetes have high blood sugar because they are unable to use insulin efficiently to help sugar to enter cells. Glucose tolerance is said to be impaired. Glucose tolerance can also be impaired before Type 2 diabetes is even diagnosed, in prediabetics.

Study: Five hundred seventy-seven adults with impaired glucose tolerance were enrolled in the study. They were assigned either to:

  • a control group
  • a diet intervention group
  • an exercise intervention group or
  • a diet and exercise intervention group
  • The interventions were implemented for 6 years. Twenty years after the start of the study a follow-up was performed. A significant difference was found in the prevalence of retinopathy between the intervention and control groups:

    there was 9.2 per cent retinopathy in the combined intervention groups, compared with 16.2 per cent in the control group
    the intervention groups had only slightly fewer cases of disease and neuropathy than did the control group

    Sometimes differences in groups are difficult to detect due to the size of the groups, and this could be why the differences in the number of cases of neuropathy and nephropathy between the groups was not significant. Even if that were not the case, avoiding blindness in itself should be enough incentive to make healthy lifestyle changes.

    Effective Lifestyle Changes: What can you do today to make healthy lifestyle changes to help lower blood sugar levels and prevent diabetic complications? One step might be to weigh yourself and decide upon a weight loss goal if being overweight or obesity is a problem. What can you do to increase your physical activity? Could you get up a half hour earlier every morning and go for a brisk walk? What about adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet?

    Every step will take you either towards or away from the vision of health you want for yourself.

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    Nov 06, 2010 Posted Under: Health

    Pain Relief For Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis is a matter of serious concern. So, what are the effective forms of rheumatoid arthritis drug therapy? What are their side effects and special precautions? Find out the expert answers to these important questions in this article.

    Rheumatoid arthritis causes a lot of pain and discomfort in the life of the person who is suffering from it. Pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis is really a serious issue as more than 2.5 million people suffer from this dreaded disease in the United States alone.

    Although prescription based rheumatoid arthritis drug therapy is effective for pain relief in the short term, it also suffers from the risk of various side effects — which can be fatal at times.

    As more and more research is being undertaken and the side effects of prescription based drug therapy are coming into light, people are now looking for safer, healthier and natural remedies to control inflammation and to achieve pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis.

    These are some of the common treatments used:

    1) Cox-2 inhibitors — they are a popular form of drug therapy that work by blocking an enzyme called Cox-2 in our body, which is responsible for inflammation. They are approved by the FDA, but have received a lot of bad press and media attention due to their adverse side effects.

    For example, Vioxx is a brand of Cox-2 inhibitor manufactured by Merck. It was removed from the market due to many reported cases of stroke and heart attack in patients. In fact, thousands of lawsuits are still pending against it.

    So, although they are effective in pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis, they also carry the risk of serious side effects on health.

    2) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) — they are quite popular among people as short-term treatment in pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis. Aspirin and ibuprofen come in this category. They reduce inflammation and provide pain relief. But, they can cause serious side effects such as stomach problems, gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers and heart problems, if they are taken for long periods of time in high doses.

    3) Corticosteroids — it is a form of drug therapy which helps to reduce inflammation. They suffer from side effects such as high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, thinning of the bones which leads to osteoporosis and much more. This is the reason why health experts recommend using them for short periods only.

    4) Natural remedies — the use of omega-3 fatty acids is one of the most effective means of pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis. They have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and are also very beneficial for a good health including the health of heart, brain, digestive system, skin, joints and hair.

    Research has shown that the use of omega-3 supplements helps to reduce tenderness in joints, reduce inflammation, decrease morning stiffness and reduces the need of using other drug therapy for pain relief.

    Purified Fish oil supplements are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA. They can provide an effective and long term pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis naturally. Omega-3 supplementation becomes increasingly important in the Western world, as their diet is highly deficient in the essential Omega 3s.

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    Nov 05, 2010 Posted Under: Massage

    Enjoy Your Massage Experience With Thai Massage Mats

    Thai massage is one of the most popular relaxation techniques used in most parlors. It owes its name to the country of origin and it has been practiced for millennia now, being approximately 2500 years old. It incorporates acupressure and reflexology techniques to provide tranquility and release all stress or tension for the receiver.

    It is said to yield as numerous benefits to the giver as to the recipient, but this is only achieved if the procedure is done correctly. Almost all other procedures of this kind are solely focused on pampering the receiver without any due consideration for the giver. He/she is only viewed as a means to an end and nothing else.

    The process involves application of pressure on the recipient by a sort of dance performed by the other party using her own body weight. She exerts pressure evenly and in a rhythm and this is what yields benefits to her. It can be likened to a sort of meditation technique that relieves tension for the therapist.

    The one feature that sets this kind of bodywork apart from all others in this line is the fact that it is done on the floor. This enables successful application of pressure while both parties are fully relaxed. This would not be possible if one had to perform a balancing act on a massage tabletop. High quality Thai massage mats make it a memorable experience owing to the comfort they provide throughout the session.

    The masseuse uses various body parts to compress particular tension points of the body. This also makes a big difference between the technique and other Western ones. The arms, forearms, knees, elbows and even feet all come into play, being expertly used to provide a very relaxing feel.

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    Nov 04, 2010 Posted Under: Health

    All About Gingivitis

    You may have heard your dentist or dental hygienist talk about Gingivitis, but what is it? What causes Gingivitis and how can it be treated? Whether you’ve been diagnosed with Gingivitis or are just curious, this guide will inform you on all the basic, including symptoms, causes, and treatments and preventative measures. After reading this article you’ll be able to tell if you are at risk for developing Gingivitis, you’ll also learn how to prevent Gingivitis or how it should be treated if you’ve already got it.
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    What is Gum disease?
    Gingivitis, quite simply, is a non-serious form of gum disease. It is mild, or non-serious in its early stages but can lead to more serious periodontal disease. Gingivitis has been known to cause swelling of the gums, but in many cases it is so mild that Gingivitis can be totally unperceived by you. Unfortunately, even if you don’t know that you have it, Gingivitis can be causing more serious damage. The resulting inflammation and infection can destroy tissues in your mouth that support your teeth. Even very slight cases of Gingivitis have the potential to turn into damaging periodontal disease if not treated properly.

    What Causes Oral Health?
    There are many possible causes for Gingivitis. By and large, the most common way to contract this type of periodontal disease is to not care for your teeth and gums properly. When you don’t brush and floss your teeth regularly, you are allowing plaque to build up. Plaque is the sticky stuff made up of food deposits, bacteria, mucus and more that can build up on the exposed parts of your teeth. The long-term effect of this plaque buildup is Tartar, which is a hard deposit that becomes trapped at the base of the tooth. When built up tartar and plaque cause irritation and inflammation to the gums, Gingivitis can be suspected.

    Other types of injury to the teeth and gums can also cause Gingivitis. Brushing your teeth too vigorously or roughly can cause Gingivitis. Also, using a toothbrush that is not soft enough can cause this problem. There are also some factors that can increase your chances of contracting Gingivitis. These include illness in general, poor dental hygiene (as aforementioned), the hormonal changes caused by pregnancy or menopause and uncontrolled diabetes.

    What are the Symptoms?
    Though it is common for Gingivitis to be relatively pain free, there are some symptoms that can signify this type of periodontal disease. Below is a partial list of the most common signs of early-stage Gingivitis:
    – Red or swollen gums
    – Pink toothbrush or gums bleeding during tooth brushing
    – Persistent bad taste in the mouth
    – Halitosis (bad breath)
    Once Gingivitis has set in and advanced to later stages, the following symptoms may be present:
    – Receding gums
    – Nerve root exposure and sensitivity
    – Teeth may become loose or fall out

    Presence of advanced-stage Gingivitis as indicated by the above-listed symptoms may lead to or indicate periodontis.
    Possible Treatments

    If you suspect or know that you have Gingivitis, it is important to get the proper dental care in order to stop it from progressing. The treatments that are available for Gingivitis are several different actions that will require effort on your part. Generally, your dentist will prescribe a treatment strategy involving the following:
    – Prescription of antibacterial mouthwash
    – Strict oral hygiene regimen
    – Proper brushing of teeth
    – Daily flossing
    – Regular professional dental cleanings

    Though it is not common, there are some cases where highly advanced Gingivitis requires oral surgery. But it is easy to avoid this by knowing what to look out for and how to avoid it.

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    Nov 03, 2010 Posted Under: Health

    Fibromyalgia Natural Remedies

    Fibromyalgia, sometimes called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, can be an extremely painful malady that can also wreak havoc on your body’s immune system, making you much more susceptible to diseases that could prevent you from living a full and healthy lifestyle. Fibromyalgia usually responds positively to natural remedies such as antioxidants and supplements that boost your natural defense system.

    If you’ve been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and want to explore natural remedies to control the pain, you should begin by finding out all you can about the disease. Online websites can help to educate you about Fibromyalgia natural remedies and point you in the direction of sites where you can purchase or read about the ones that are best for you.

    You’ll find that adopting a nutritional diet plan as well as a plan of detoxifying your body are absolute musts in controlling Fibromyalgia pain. These remedies will boost your body’s defense system so that you can safely move ahead with exercises and other methods to control the pain and chronic fatigue that are classic symptoms of the disease.

    You may have been suffering from Fibromyalgia for some time, causing your body to deteriorate along the way. People who suffer from Fibromyalgia usually begin a search for answers by complaining to their health care providers about various aches and pains, plus other side effects such as extreme fatigue. When test after test reveals nothing, doctors sometimes diagnose it as “psychosomatic.”

    A physician may then prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to control pain, a sleeping pill, muscle relaxant and/or anti-depressants to provide some relief to the patient’s symptoms. All these drugs and narcotics can only do further harm to your body – plus, you may become addicted to some of them. Patients suffering from Fibromyalgia often go misdiagnosed for years until a doctor who’s educated about the disease can properly diagnose it and start the patient on a healthy lifestyle regimen.

    Fibromyalgia natural remedies can make all the difference to a patient suffering with the disease. Detoxification, supplements, proper diet and exercise can help relieve total body pain, mental confusion, frequent fevers, swollen glands and infections that just don’t seem to improve.

    One thing is certain about Fibromyalgia – there is no quick fix or a simple pill that you can take to rid your body of this painful problem. And, you must be proactive in the treatment if it’s going to succeed. In other words, you must make a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, including diet, exercise and nutritional supplements. It may take months for your body to respond to Fibromyalgia natural remedies, but it’s your best chance to control the pain and live life your way.

    Fibromyalgia is a serious disease that can become debilitating. Research and explore what natural remedies can mean to you or someone you know who suffers from this disease.

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    Nov 02, 2010 Posted Under: Health

    Neuropathic Pain

    If you or your loved ones are experiencing seizures or postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) pain, you may ask your doctor about Gabapentin. This anticonvulsant treats seizures by reducing the brain’s abnormal excitement and relieving PHN pain by changing the way your body senses pain.

    Epileptics or people experiencing neuropathic pains can find relief with Gabapentin, marketed under the brand name Neurontin. In 1994, the U.S. Food and Drug Administrative approved Gabapentin to be used as an adjunctive drug to control partial seizures. This means that Gabapentin is effective when added or combined with other anti-seizure drugs. In 2002, the drug was also approved for relieving postherpectic neuralgia (PHN) and other nerve related pain.

    How to Use Gabapentin:

    You can take this drug as an oral solution, capsule or tablet three times a day. Prescription label directions include taking this medication at prescribed time, usually no more than 12 hours between doses, and with or without food. Usually, your doctor will start you on a low dose and gradually increase your dosage as needed. As with any other prescribed medications, do not stop taking Gabapentin without talking to your doctor first as you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as:

    · Difficulty falling or staying asleep

    · Anxiety

    · Pain

    · Nausea

    · Sweating

    Side Effects Worth Telling your Doctor:

    Gabapentin may cause some mild or serious side effects, including:

    · Tiredness or weakness

    · Drowsiness

    · Headache

    · Uncontrollable shaking in some parts of your body

    · Blurred or double vision

    · Anxiety

    · Unsteadiness

    · Dizziness

    · Red, swelling or itchy eyes

    · Runny nose, cough, sore throat, sneezing or other flu-like symptoms

    · Constipation

    · Weight gain

    · Diarrhea

    · Dry mouth

    · Vomiting

    · Unusual or strange thoughts

    · Unwanted eye movements

    · Difficulty breathing or swallowing

    Other Treatment Uses:

    Gabapentin is also used to treat opiate withdrawal symptoms. It has also been prescribed to menopausal women under anti-androgenic compound treatment to lessen or control hot flashes. There is a possibility that Gabapentin may help induce a deep sleep, thus reducing arousals. The drug is also prescribed for restless legs syndrome (RLS) as well as treatment of akathisia, an anti-psychotic side effect.

    Your doctor will advise you against abrupt discontinuation of Gabapentin after long term use. This is to prevent a withdrawal syndrome similar to benzodiazepine or alcohol withdrawal.

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